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May's Pov
Ember slammed her head onto the table. "Can I just go back in my dorm and sleep? and stay asleep like, forever?"
"Stop being dramatic Ems." I said as I rolled my eyes.
Ember looked up and glared at me. "I am freaking out here May! Harmony is constantly waking me up at night because Voldemort is making her have nightmares. I haven't had a nice dreamless night because I'm either woken up by Harmony or Voldemort is in my Dreams threatening to kill everyone If I don't join his side. My hand is throbbing from all the Detentions from Umbridge. And Angelina is pushing all of us at practice. I can feel anger bubbling up inside of me, why? Because Voldemort is constantly provoking me! I can't take it anymore."
"You think you have it hard?" Harry questioned harshly. "I constantly feel angry. I go off on everyone. I pretty much have detention everyday for the rest of term. You think you got it hard? You don't have a bunch of people pressuring you to do good all the time! Everyone thinks I'm a liar! Your friends didn't turn against you! MINE did!"
"I am fed up with you yelling at me, Harry!" Ember exclaimed, oh boy. Here it comes... "You constantly yell at me for something I didn't do! You always Take your anger out of me! I let you, I just sit there, letting you yell at me because I know you're under a lot of pressure. You're my best friend Harry, and I try to help you! But how do I get repaided!? By YOU screaming at me and you constantly chewing my head off. And I'm sick of it! So have fun with your detentions with Umbridge and the next time Angelina chews on your head. Because I am NOT covering you again." She stood up and stormed out of the Great Hall.
I gave Harry a look. "Good job-"
Out of nowhere, Fred and George appeared and sat by us. "what happened?" George asked.
"An angry looking Ember walked passed us." Fred said. "Ask Harry." Ron said.
Harry glared at Ron then stood up. "I need some air," then he walked out of the Hall.
Mione sighed. "They exploded on each other."
"I got an idea," George said.
"Oh merlin help us." I joked.
George glared at me. "Shut it," he got up and went to the Slytherin table.

George's Pov
I walked over to the Slytherin table to where Malfoy was sitting with Harmony next to him eating, she looked up and smiled brightly. "George!"
I smiled at her, "Hey Herms." I pat her head. "Hey, Malfoy. Umm.."
Malfoy looked at me. "What?"
"Will you go find Ember and calm her down?" I asked.
Malfoy's face filled with concern. "What happened?"
"She went off about how stress she was. Then Harry went off. Then Ember exploded. I saw on the way here, she looked pretty pissed off." I explained.
Malfoy nodded. "Okay," he kissed Harmony's head. "Watch Harmony for me," he said to me and stood up. "Thanks."
It was weird hearing him say thanks to me... "No problem." Malfoy nodded awkwardly, then walks away. I turned to Harmony. "Come on Harmony, you get to hang out with your favorite Weasley."
"Yay!" Harmony exclaimed and stood up. "What we go'na do?"
I picked her up and swung her onto my back, causing her to laugh. "How about prank some Hufflepuffs?" I asked.
"Yay!" Harmony giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck lightly.

Ember's Pov
I went to the Astronomy tower and stood by the railing. Wind blew my hair back and I just stood there. Why dis Harry have to be like that? I mean, I know he's under a lot of stress, but why does he always have to take it out on me?
"November," I heard a friendly voice.
I turned around and saw Dumbledore. "Hi."
Dumbledore walked over and stared out into the distance. "It's such a lovely day today."
I turned back to the railing. "It is, i guess."
"Something troubling you. You know you can come to me when ever you need anything. You are a daughter to me."
I smiled. "You're a dad to me. And I'm just really stressed out. With all this school work, then I have Harmony. Then, i keep having nightmares about Voldemort, same with Harmony. Then there's Harry, he's always going off on me. I let him, because you know, he's under a lot of pressure and all that. But I can't take it anymore. He's always chewing at my head."
Dumbledore nodded. "Harry is under a lot of pressure and stress. Same with you. Now, these Nightmares? You have not told me of this."
I sighed. "I know... Its just that.. Voldemort wants me to join him when I turn 16 and then the dreams... Can I just replay them in my head?"
Dumbledore nodded. "If you wish to." He pulled his wand out and used the Occumency charm. After I showed him the dream, I was in tears. Dumbledore saw and hugged me in a fatherly way. "I will not let him hurt you nor Harmony."
I pulled away and wiped my tears away. "Thank you."
"Ember?" I heard Draco's voice. Draco appeared from the stairs and walked over. "Are you okay!?" Then he noticed Dumbledore. "Headmaster, Sir."
Dumbledore smiled. "Mr. Malfoy, I was about to leave. But, Miss Ember needs some time to relax. So, I will excuse the two of you from classes tomorrow. Take care of her Mr. Malfoy, she is like my Daughter. And I know you will treat her well." he smiled at me, "I love you."
I smiled back. "I love you too." Dumbledore nodded at Draco then walked off. "Huh, He approves of you, good job."
"That was so awkward..." Draco shook his head. "Are you okay?"
I nodded. "Yeah."
Draco placed his hands on my hips. "Els, tell me what's wrong. One of the Weasley twins told me you and Pott- Harry exploded on each other."
I sighed. "I'm just really stressed out. Harmony is always waking me up in the middle of the night because Voldemort is giving her nightmares. I haven't had a full night's sleep because I'm either woken up by Harmony or Voldemort is in my Dreams threatening to kill everyone If I don't join his side. And Angelina is pushing all of us at practice. I can feel anger bubbling up inside of me, why? Because Voldemort is constantly provoking me! I can't take it anymore."
Draco pulled me into his strong arms, i loved being in his arms. "Tomorrow I will make it the best day of your life. No distractions, no worries, nothing. Just you and me."
I smiled at him. "I like the sound of that."
"And don't let him bother you. He can't touch you when Dumbledore's here. I won't let him."
I pecked his lips. "Thank you."
i rest my head against his chest. "Do you think I should send Harmony to the Weasleys? I mean, I don't want Umbridge anywhere near her, and one less worry right? They would take care of her"
"Yes, I guess. I'd miss her. But i think it is a good idea" Draco said.
"Come with me to talk to Dumbledore?" I asked hopefully.
"Of course." he kissed my forehead and took my hand.
"Let's go." I laced our fingers together and we went to Dumbledore's office. I knock on the door.
"Come in."
We walked in and I saw Dumbledore talking to McGonagall and... "Remus!" I let go of Draco's hand, ran to Remus and give him a bear hug.
Remus laughed. "Hello to you too Ember."
I pulled away and looked between the three adults. "We can come back la-"
Dumbledore shook his head. "Nonsense. What is it you want to talk about Ember?"
I bit my lip. "Can Harmony go to the Weasleys? I think its best because of everything going on. She had a break down after Harry went off. And I want her away from Umbridge. And since Remus is here... He can take her with him!" I gave Remus a pleading look.
Remus smiled. "Fine by me. I miss her anyways so does Molly."
I look at Dumbledore, he nodded. "I do not see why not."
I smiled. "I'll get her!" I grabbed Draco's hand and dragged him out.
"Bloody hell, I forgot how strong you are." Draco said.
I smirked. "No, you're just skinny and weak."
"Am not!"
"What ever flies your broom."
"I know something else that flies my broom." I could feel his smirk. I stopped and wack his arm. "Ow! I was joking!"
I rolled my eyes. "Come on." we went up to the Fat Lady. "Genisolaris." The Fat Lady eyes Draco, but let's us in. When we walked in, I find Harmony on the ground laughing and the twins were glaring at her covered in Dung.
"Harmony!!" Fred yelled.
"Oi!" I yelled, "What ever you did Harms, I'm proud of you."
"Ember" Mione scolded.
" What? She's living up to her middle name, Ember." i winked. "AND Harmony, Remus' here."
Harmony shot up. "Remmy's here!?"
I nodded. "And you're going with him to his house."
Harmony tilted her head. "I am?"
I tilted my head in a mocking way. "You are. We'll see you ever Holidays and summer"
"W-what?" Harmony frowned a little.
"What????" George asked.
I nodded. " I think its best because of everything going on. She had a break down after Harry went off. And I want Harmony away from Umbridge. And since Remus is here, He can take her with him."
Harmony pouted. "But-but I want to stay with you!" She ran over and hugged my legs.
I sighed. "Harms, please. There's a lot of things going on and you might get hurt. I don't want that." i knelt down and whispered in her ear. "You'll be with Moony, Padfoot, Molly, Arthur, Tonks, and the others."
"Paddy?" She asked with a smile.
I nodded. "Yeah."
"Come on, let's pack your things." I grabbed her hand and Draco's. We went up stairs. I could hear Harry, Ron, Mione, Fred, George, and May following us Grab Harmony's bag and opened it. "Put your clothes in there." I told Harmony.
Draco sat on my bed and I sat next to him, resting my head on his shoulder. "Aren't you going to help her?" May asks.
"You can." i smiled at her.
She rolls her eyes and starts to help Harmony, "Some mom."
I stuck my tongue out. "Better than you would be."
Draco wrapped his arms around me. "Stay in my dorm tonight?" He whispers in my ear
"Okay" i smiled.
"Why does Harmony have to leaveeee." George whined.
"Dude, you sound like she's your girlfriend and she's leaving you." Fred said.
"Ha ha" George said unamused.

"Moony!!" Harmony exclaimed and ran into Remus' arms.
"Hello Harmony" Remus smiled.
"Ready?" Harmony shook her head and ran to George and hugs his legs. "Bye George!"
George knelt down and hugged her. "Bye Harms."
Harmony pulled away and hugged everyone. Then she hugged Draco. "Bye Daddy!"
My jaw dropped, she just called him daddy... Draco laughed. "Bye Harmony."
Harmony kisses his cheek and ran to me. "Bye Mummy..." I knelt down and hugged her. "I'm ga'na miss you."
I kissed her head. "I'll miss you too. I love you."
"I love you too mummy." she said and pulled away. She walked over to Remus. "I ready now!"
I walked over and hugged Remus. "Take care of her. And tell Pads to be careful. Please."
Remus laughed. "I will. Bye." They went into the Fire place and use Floo Powder to leave.
"Don't worry mate, you'll see your girlfriend again over break." Fred laughed. "Ow! Headmaster! did you see that!? He hit me!"
Dumbledore looked at Fred. "I do not know what you're talking about Mr Weasley. Now, Will you excuse me, i have some paper work to tend."
Everyone walked out, but Draco and I. I smiled at Dumbledore. "Thanks again. Love you."
He smiled back. "I love you too Sweetheart."
I grabbed Draco's hand and lead him out. "I still find it weird," Draco says, referring to Dumbledore.
I laughed. "You get use to it."

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