The Bet

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a/n the only reason why this story was marked as mature is because of the language.. Wattpad will not let me change it

I stayed with the Weasley's over summer, it was so much fun! We went to the Quidditch world cup and it was amazing. Except for the part when Death Eaters came and ruined it.... Oh! I met Viktor Krum!!! Awesome right?!

I was on The Hogwarts express looking for Harry, Ron and Hermione. I felt someone cover my eyes with their hands. "Guess who?"

I recognized that voice, it was Cedric. "Hmmm..... Is it Superman?"

He chuckled. "What's with you and Superman?"

"He's awesome." I grinned.

"What about me?"

I smirked. "Depends on who you are."

He took his hands off and hugged me from behind. "It's me."

I laughed and turned around. "Hello Me, I'm you."

He smirked. "Why Hello Cedric, how are you?

I laughed a bit. "I'm good. How about you Ember?"

"I'm good. Well, i'll see you later Ced. Bye."

I pecked his cheek. "Bye Ember." I skipped off and went into the compartment Harry, Ron, and Harry are in. "Hey."

I sat down next Harry, but with my back against the wall and legs on his lap. "Yes Ember, you can put your legs on my lap."

"I'm not Ember, I'm Cedric," they all gave me a weird look. "Never mind."

When we finally arrived at Hogsmeade, we got off the train and onto the carriages that took us to the castle. To my home. Down part was that there were no more carriages. So we ended up sitting with Malfoy, Blaise, and Pugface...

We all sat away from each other. Guess what, I was stuck next to Malfoy.... The trio sent me sorry looks. Yeah you better be sorry.

"Good summer Ember?" Blaise asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, you?"

"Yeah," it got all awkward. Ughh i hate awkward moments!!

"How was your summer Dracey Poo?" Pug asked Malfoy.
I snorted, nice nickname.... Malfoy glared at me, but gave Blaise and I a 'help me' look. 

"Hey Parkinson? Can i ask you something?" I asked. Everyone gave me a weird look but I ignored it.

"What is it?" she asked in annoyance.

"Well, i was just wondering where you got that ugly mask your wearing. I want one so i scare little kids with that ugly mask," I said with a smirk.

Everyone but her held back a laugh. She glared at me. "It's not a mask!"

I fake a gasp. "It's not a mask?! So your naturally that ugly?!"

"You did not just say that!" she exclaimed.

I smirked. "I did too just say that."

She got up and pushed me out of the carriage, but i grabbed onto something as a reflex. "Ember!"

I fell to the ground and something, or someone fell on me. "What fell on me?"


I look up and saw that it was Malfoy, great... "Well, can you get off?"

He smirked. "Why would i want to do that?"

I groaned "Get off!!" i pushed him off and stood up "Great, now we have to walk..." we started to walk towards the castle.

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