Eli the Lizard

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Me and Draco go outside and just walk around the castle. Talking, holding hands, laughing, glaring, blushing. It was great

"Okay you're turn" Draco says "Ask me a question"

"Okay umm...." what should i ask? "Favorite color?"


I laugh "You're obsessed with that color"

He playfully glares at me "Am not"

"You're turn"

"Umm.. Favorite thing about me?" he asks with a small smirk

"That you're a huge softy"

"Am not!!" he protests

I smile "You so are"

"Only around you" 

I smile "Awwww i'm making the Big Bad Boy Draco Malfoy soft" i pinch his cheek 

He rolls his eyes "My rep is going down because of you" he attempts to sound and look mad, he looks so funny!

"Well that isn't a pretty face" i say

"Don't make me laugh. I'm trying to be mad at you" I intertwine our finger together and look right into his eyes. I gave him THE eyes "Don't do that! You know i can't stay mad at you when you do that"

I smile "Exactly why i do it, Hun"

He pecks my lips "The things you make me do... Or feel..."

I raise my eyebrow "Like?"

"Like, you make my stomach flip every time you touch me or say my name"

"Like.... Dracooo" i sang

He seem to melt "Y-yeah..."

I laugh "That's so sw-"

"Dracey pooo!!!!!" Puggy flung herself on Draco. MY Draco! "I missed you so much!!" 

Draco pushes her away "I didn't" I clench my fists and glare at Puggy

She looks at me "Why are you still you tramp"

"Why are you still here you slut" i spat

"Because i'm here to see my Dracey. Now leave" she glares at me

"Your Dracey?" i laugh, note its fake "Goyle has a better chance of getting to Draco than you" Draco's eyes widen when i said Goyle

"Why do you even try? Draco's mine. You were just one of his toys you little whore" 

I was about to punch her but Draco stops me "Stop. She isn't worth it"

Puggy smirks "See, Draco cares about me and you. You're just a stupid little slut that will NEVER be loved"

"THAT'S IT!!" i pounce on her and punch her as hard as i could. You can hear her jaw crack

"You little shit!" she rolls us over and punches my face 

I kick her off me and pin her against the wall of the castle "Punch me again and i WILL kill you" i punch her in the nose. Probably breaking it. I let go And she falls to the ground "Fuck off"

Draco grabs my hand "Lets go" We walk away from Puggy. Draco stops and looks at me "You have a bruised cheek" he lightly ran his finger on my right cheek

I winced "Ouch"

"Sorry, Love"

I take my wand out and point it at my cheek "Episkey" 

"It's smaller but still there" he kisses my cheek lightly "You're a violent little thing aren't you"

I pout "I am not little" i am... I'm up to his shoulders. But i will NOT admit it

"Yes you are"

"Am not"

"Are too" 

"Am not"

~Draco's P.o.v~

"Are too" 

"Am not!"

"Okay you're not" i say

She smiles widely "I win!" i love seeing her smile like that "My turn. What's your favorite thing about me?"

"What's not to like about you?" honestly... I love everything about her

"There has to be something that stands out" 

"Your smile, your eyes, your laugh, the way you blush, the way you bite you lip when you're nervous, the way you push your glasses up your nose, the way you talk, the way you say my name, the w-" i was cut off by soft, warm lips against mine

But before i could kiss back she pulls away "Told you, you were a softy"

I wrap my arms around her waist "Only around you Love"

She smiles at me, making me melt inside "Do you really like all those things about me?"

"Of course. I love everything about you" She blushes like mad and attempts to hide her face. I lift her chin up "Don't hide that beautiful face of yours" that caused her to blush even more. I chuckle at her "You look like a tomato"

She rolls her eyes "Yeah. Thanks Drake"

I smile at her "Your welcome"

~Ember's P.o.v~

I give Draco a look "You're annoying you that?"

"You're just as bad you know that?" he mock 

"Hey Draco?" i ask

"Yes Love?"

"My cheek. I can't feel it. And my hands. And my feet. I'm really cold...." i complain

He scoops me off my feet "Well then My Love. We shall go inside!"

I giggle "You're such a dork"

He peck mu lips "You're such a cutie"

I roll my eyes at him "Mhmm...."

"Hmm... My little angle"

I felt a blush come up on my face but i pout "I'm not little"

"Yes you are my wittle..... Lizard!"

I raise an eye brow at him "Lizard?"

"Your middle name Elizabella. Liza. Lizard. And i thought you were the smart one" he jokes

I roll my eyes "So i'm a lizard now?"

He nods "My little Lizard"

"What happened to Eli?"

"Your... Umm... Eli the Lizard!" 

I laugh at him "Okay then"

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