You win

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I went to the Room of Requirements and wandered around the cluttered room. There are so many things in here, I remember last year when we had our DA meetings here. I miss going to them, but stupid Umbridge ruined it. I walked back to the vanishing cabinet and saw Draco already there. He looked at me and frowned. "What?" I questioned.
"My mother told me what you did over the holiday." Draco said.
I gave him a look, "and that is?"
"You went to our manor and stood up to you know who." Draco explained, "then he tortured you. You can't do that, Ember! You could have lost your memory again."
I frowned, "how did you know I lost my memory?"
"I have my ways." Draco said, "Ember you have to be more careful."
"I know what I'm doing, Draco." I growled. "I don't need you looking after me."
"Obviously you do because all you do is get into trouble and I care about you!" Draco exclaimed.
I shook my head, "let's just try to fix this stupid cabinet."
"Ember I'm being serious." Draco grabbed my arm, "you have to be more careful!"
"And I'm being serious, Draco!" I exclaimed. "You don't have to look after me! I'm not your damn responsibility."
Draco let go of my arm. "Ember, no matter what you say or do. It won't make me stop caring about you."
I shook my head, "Draco. Don't. I'm tired of arguing. I'm tired of all of these mixed signals you're giving me. I'm tired of all these confusing feelings. So just stop!"
"I'll make it clear to you." Draco said.
"Good luck with that." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not going to listen to you anymore. I'm tired." I looked at the cabinet and tried to mend it.
Why does everything have to be so complicated? All I want is a normal life with a normal family. Why can't I have that instead of this one?
"Did you figure out what we're going to do for the Dumbledore problem?" Draco asked me.
"No." I frowned. "I don't want to kill him."
"We have to or else you know who will kill us." Draco said.
"I know that." I growled. "I just don't want to lose Dumbledore." I looked down at my feet. "I'm done for today. You can go on and snog Parkinson." I walked away before he could say anything.
I went to the common room and laid down in front of the fireplace. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth the fire gave me. "Ember. What are you doing?" I heard an irish voice.
I opened my eyes to see Seamus standing over me. "Laying down. What does it look like I'm doing?"
Seamus sat down next to me and played with my hair. "I can see that. Why?"
I shrugged and rest my head on his lap. "I wanted to lay down."
"You know, there are perfectly good couches you could lay on." Seamus chuckled.
"I know. But the fire place is so warm." I looked at the fire and watched the flames dance.
"You alright, Ember?" Seamus asked.
"I'm fine." I replied.
"Are you sure?" Seamus asked.
I closed my eyes, "I'm fine Seamus."
"Alright." Seamus sighed. I wished he tried harder to get me to talk. Draco would stop at nothing to make sure I'm okay. No. Ember, don't. Draco is not in your life anymore. You can't let him back in.
I sat up, "do you want to walk around the castle?"
Seamus nodded. "Yeah." We got up and left the common room. Seamus grabbed my waist and pulled me close. I rest my head on his shoulder and sighed. I feel like I'm always upset lately. I just want to be happy for once. Really happy. Not fake.
Seamus kissed my head, "you know you can tell me anything right?"
I nodded, "I know. I'm just tired and stressed. I want to enjoy being somewhere quiet for awhile." We went to the black lake and Seamus lead me to a tree. It was Draco and I's tree. I stopped walking.
Seamus looked at me in confusion. "What's wrong?"
I bit the inside of my cheek. "This is Draco and I's tree.... Can we go somewhere else?"
Seamus nodded and lead me the other way. "Sorry. I didn't know."
I shook my head. "It's fine." We sat down by a different tree and I leaned against Seamus. "Do you ever wonder what it would be like if there was no Voldemort?"
Seamus shrugged. "I actually never thought of that. But now that you've mentioned it, it would be a lot quieter around. No murders or disappearances."
"People die everyday." I looked out at the lake. "If there was no Voldemort at all or Tom Riddle. I wouldn't be here. Probably for the best."
Seamus looked at me. "Don't say that. You're an amazing person, Ember."
"All I do is mess things up." I said. "I can't do anything right."
"I know one thing you've done right." He said.
"What may that be?" I questioned.
"Harmony." He replied. "Harmony is an amazing little girl with an amazing mother who cares and loves her."
I sighed, "I guess you're right. Harmony is basically the only thing I haven't messed up yet and I want it to stay that way."
"Come on, it's time for lunch." Seamus stood up and held out his hand. I took it and stood up. We walked to the Great Hall hand in hand.
Before we got there, I had to go to the loo. "I'll catch up okay?" Seamus nodded and went to the Great Hall. I went to the girls' bathroom where Myrtle lives. I used the toilet and washed my hands.
"Ember!" Myrtle floated towards me. "You don't visit me that much anymore."
I sighed, "I know. I'm sorry, Myrtle. I promise when I have some free time I'll visit you okay?"
Myrtle nodded, "fine. I'll just go cry and think about death." She let out a whine and dived into her toilet. I shook my head and walked out of the loo.
I went to the Great hall. Right when I walked in, a huge bucket of smelly, slimy green goo fell on top of me. I gasped at the coldness and consistency of the goo. Everyone but a few Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and others who were afraid of me laughed loudly. I heard the loudest laugh, it belonged to Peeves. "Peeves!" I exclaimed.
Peeves floated over to me and laughed. "Aw, is ickle Ember mad?"
I wiped my face with my goo covered hands and glared at Peeves. "Why did you do that?!"
"Ickle Pansy and Draco asked me to!" Peeves laughed hysterically. "So funny!" He floated away laughing.
I stormed up to Pansy and Draco. "What the hell!?"
Parkinson waved her hand in front of her face and pinched her nose. "You need a shower, Riddle." A few people gasped and sucked in air when Parkinson said Riddle.
I clenched my fists. "What did you call me?"
"She called you Riddle." Draco spoke up. "That is your name isn't it?"
My eyes landed on Draco. What was his problem? One minute he's nice to me the next he's the annoying little prick I knew in our first three years at Hogwarts. "You know what. Do whatever you want. I don't care anymore. I'm tired of both of you!" I glared at Parkinson and Draco. "You win. Happy? I said it." I got up and personal with Parkinson. "You win. I'm done with putting up with you. You want Draco? We can have him. Draco and I have been over for a long time now. So stop trying!" I shoved Parkinson back. "So stay the hell away from me or I will not hesitate to make your life miserable."
Parkinson smirked. "I won. That's all I needed to hear."
"You're pathetic." I spat. "But, here's your prize for winning." I scooped off a handful of goo in my hand and shoved it in her face. I turned to Draco. "And Draco. I'm done with your crap." I wiped my goo covered hands on his hair and face. I stormed out of the Great Hall making sure I slammed the huge doors shut loudly.

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