Harry Potter!

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Today Dumbledore is announcing the Triwizard Champions. We all went into the Great Hall, Everyone was talking about who they think the champions are going to be. Dumbledore, well the goblet, is picking the champions. And we can't wait

"Now, the moment you all been waiting for. The Champion selection!" The blue flames in the goblet turned redish pink and a peice of paper flew out, Dumbledore caught it and read it out loud "The Dumstrange champion is.... Victor Krum!"

"No surprise there" Ron whispered

A cupcake wrapper? flew out, okay then.,..

"The Beauxbatons.. Fleur Delecour"

"The Hogwarts Champion- Cedric Diggory!"

Cedric grinned as he walked up to Dumbledore

"GO CEDRIC!!! I LOVE YOU!!" i yelled out, Ced turned to me and smiled

"Excellent! We now have our three champions! But only one will go down in history, one will hoist the Tri-wizard cup-"

Dumbledore stopped and turned around to look at the Goblet. It turned a fiery red and shot out another piece if paper.

Dumbledore reads it "Harry Potter....." He wispered a couple of students close to him turned to our table.

"Harry Potter!"

I gasped and looked at Harry and he was as shocked as ever. That's when I knew he couldn't have done this. Ron was glaring at Harry... He can't possibly think he acrually put his name in!!

"HARRY POTTER!" Dumbledore yelled

Hermione got up and pushed Harry forwards. Harry slowly made his way to Dumbledore, he handed Harry a peice of paper that said his name

Nobody clapped, they all just stared at Harry

"Cheat!" people shouted

"He's not even 17 yet!"

Harry slowly went to the trophy room where the champions are suppose to go. Harry?! Why did Harry get chosen?!?!?!? Why is it ALWAYS him?

Dumbledore dismissed us and he, along with other people went to the trophy room. I went back to the common room with Mione, Ginny, Fred, George, and Ron. We sat down on the couches waiting for Harry. I layed my head on Fred's shoulder "Why do you think Harry got chosen?"

"And how did he do it?" George added

I sighed "Why is it always Harry?" The portrait door opened and Harry walked in "Well?"

He was pale.. "I have to compete"

"They can't make you! Your only 14 Harry" Mione exclaimed

"Crouch says i have to"

I got up and hugged him "You'll do Fine Harry" he blushed and nodded


"Hogmead trip today!!!!" Mione said excitingly

I fist pumped "Yes!!" but then i remembered "No!!"

Harry laughed at me "Why no?"

"Date with Malfoy...." i really don't wanna go in a date with him..

His face fell "Oh"

George put his arm around me "It'll be okay Em. If he trys anything we'll make his hair and skin pink with yellow poka dots for a month"

I smiled at the sight of that "That would be funny"

"Let's go, i'm hungryy" Ronald whined

Ginny rolled her eyes "When are you not?"

We all went to the Great Hall for breakfast. All you can hear are people buzzing about Hogsmead. I love going to Hogsmead. But, i'm going with Malfoy so no... I sat between Harry and Ron and started to eat cereal. I look up to see Fred and George glaring at someone "Who are you guys glaring at?" i turned around and saw Malfoy and Blaise "Oh..."

Malfoy smirked "Well, today is the first trip to Hogsmead. And our date"

I rolled my eyes "Can't i just like, never talk to you again and we can forget all about the 'date'"

He chuckled and shook his head "No, a deal is a deal"

"Come on Ember, it wouldn't be.... That bad" Blaise told me "Its just Draco"

"Huh, yeah its just Malfoy" you can hear every drop of sarcasm in my voice

"I'll meet you at the entrance of the castle" Malfoy walked away with Blaise

I sighed and turned back around "Someone kill me, please"

"It's just one date, then it'll be over. No more Malfoy" Ginny told me

"One date," i said "With Malfoy. Me and him. Alone. I may puke"

"Just go get ready and try not to kill him" Mione told me

"Well, if you do. Make sure you have no witnesses" Fred joked

I rolled my eyes "Oh i will"

"Hey uhh.... Ember?"

I turned around and saw Seamus "Yeah Seams?"

He scratched the back of his head "I was wondering if you umm.... Wanted to go to Hogsmead with me?"

I would take anyone over Malfoy, but i have to go with him...-_- "I would love to Seamus" his face brightened up "But, i'm already.... Sorta.. Going with someone. But maybe next trip?"

His face fell "Oh okay. Yeah, sure. Umm.... Yeah next trip"

"Sorry Seamus, i wish i could" i really do so i wouldn't have to go with Malfoy

"its fine, really. Have fun" he walked away

I turned back around "I feel bad"

"He'll get over it" Ron said

I glared at him "Still, i don't like hurting peoples feelings" Ginny snorted "Oh shut up Ginny. You know what i ment"

"Lets just go now"

We all got up and went back to the Common room. I went to my dorm and looked for something to wear... When i finally found one i went to the bathroom and got changed into some shorts, toms, a plaid top and a vest. i don't want to dress too..... What's the word? Too dressy or Malfoy might get the wrong idea. I walked out of the bathroom "It's not too dressy is it? I don't want Malfoy to think i actually want to try t look good for the..... Date"

"It's a bit revieling. Don't you think?" Mione eyed my shorts

I rolled my eyes "I always wear these though"

"But he could get all..... Hands-y.." Ginny said

"You know me. He gets anywhere near this" i guestured to my body "He will lose an arm" We went downatairs and Harry... He was staring at my legs, along with every other guy in the Common room "Take a picture, it'll last longer"

George looked at me "you shouldn't wear that"

I sighed "Its hot outside okay? And i will chop his arm off if he touches me, you know that"

"Let's just go" Mione said

We left the Common room and went outside. I saw Malfoy talking to Blaise. Here goes nothing... Malfoy spottes me and walked over "Finally, i was begining to think you wouldn't come"

I rolled my eyes "Let's just get this over with" I followed Malfoy to a carrige, bad part of it was, we have one to ourselves.... I sat down across from him "What are we going to do?"

He shrugged "Go to the Three Broonsticks, Honeydukes, the lake, anywhere i guess"

"Is that where you take all your...... Dates to?" i asked

He chuckled "No, i take them to Madem Poddifoot. But i know your not much of a..... Romantic, lovey dovey type"

I snorted "You got that right"

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