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Three days after the first task i have lost my voice-_- it was horrible, i could talk but barely in a wisper. Mione naggs me everytime i talk, ugh. Anywhooooo... I gots my voice back!! Hehe

I skip down stairs and saw that no one waited for me-_- "Love you guys too...."


I jump and saw a girl my age standing there, she had blonde hair and blue eyes "Bloody hell"

She smiles "Did i scare you?"

I roll my eyes "No, i just feel jumpy today"

She laughs "I'm May Malfoy"


She sighs "The annoying prat is my cousin"

I smirk "He is annoying, but he's still a friend. Anywhooo.... I'm November Bolton, you can call me Ember if you want"

"Ohhhhh, your November" she says

I gave her a weird look "That's me?"

"Draco told me a bit about you. I think he fancies you"

I scrunch my nose "Okay then.... Awyways, i have a boyfriend"

"Really?" her face fell "Who?"

"Ty Zabini"

"Better watch out. He's a player, like Blaise"

I shrug "He's really sweet"

"That's what he wants you to think. Want to go to breakfast?"

I nod "Yup, my tummy is emp-tay" She laughs and we skip all the way to the great hall. I walk over to my awesome-_- best friends "Sit with me" i ask May

She nods and sits next to me with Harry on the other side of me "Hi, i'm May Malfoy"

Ron gave me a look "What's with you and having friends with Malfoys and Zabini?"

I shrug "Donno, but May's nice"

May smirks "That's what i want you to think"

I just roll my eyes "If your an annoying git then bye. If not, your my new friend"

"Don't worry, i'm only mean to the people i don't like" May says

George smiles "Hey, we have two months now. November and May"

"We need a June or April. The rest would be weird names" i say

Mione was reading the Daily Prophet, but then she gasps "Look at this! She've done it again!" she starts reading Skeeter's article, this can't be good "'Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seem to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest pray, sources report, is none other than the Bulgarian bon-bon Viktor Krum. No words yet on how Harry Potter's taking this latest emotional blow'"

I choke on my food "Bulgarian Bon-Bon. That's hilarious"

Mione glares at me "Not funny Ember"

"November, i need to talk to you"

I turn around to see a slightly pissed off Ty "Mkay"

I get up and follow him out of the Great Hall to an empty hall way "What's up Ty?"

"'What's up' this is what's up" he shoves a copy of the Daily Prophet in my hands "Explain that"

I look at the article, Skeeter wrote about me... "November Bolton, age 14. She has no family and has it hard for her fellow classmates. Her latest pray, sources report, is none other than our handsome and charming Cedric Diggory. Romur has it, she was using Mr. Ty Zabini to get Mr. Diggory, along with Mr. Potter jealous. No words yet on how they are taking this emotional blow" there was also a picture of me and Cedric at the first task, hugging. Wow.... From this angle it looks like i kissed him... Oh shit

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