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I groaned and collapsed onto the couch. George laughed at me "How was your day Ember?"

I sat up "It was... Urggghhh! Malfoy would not leave me alone!! And Blaise was no help at all. This is going to be the longest week ever!"

"Why was he following you?" Fred asked

"Because he made this stupid bet and i agreed. I wish i didn't!" i rubbed my forehead with the palm of my hand

"What's the bet?"

"He has to be nice to me for a week, if he doesn't then he has to leave me alone for the rest of term" i sighed

"And if he does?" Ron asked

I bit my lip "I rather not say"

"Let's just work on our homework" Mione said.

We all groaned "We don't have any"

"In Defense we do" She said

We spent an hour working on our Defense homework. Its 1 roll of parchment on the unforgivable spells, ughhhh!! I hate this! All i have so far is

'There are three different Unforgivable curses. The first on is the Imperious curse, it makes a person do things. They have no choice but to do what they have been told. But if you are strong enough you can fight against it. Another is the torture curse, Cruciatus. It tortures a person with an unbarable pain. The last is the killing curse, use it and it kills a person right away. Using one will put you in Azkaban, it's unforgivable because well.... You can't forgive someone if they use it on you. For them to work, you have to mean it' I finally finished and did my little victory dance "I'm done!"

"Nice dance Ember" Harry said through laughs

I bowed "Thank you" i gathered all my things and went to my dorm to put them away. I peice of paper fell out of ob my bag. I picked it up

'I'm going to win. And you will be mine


"Okay....." i put the peice of paper in my pocket. I'll be his? He's got to be joking. He's probably just doing this is annoy me. I'll go talk to Blaise... Oh i still have Malfoy's jacket. I grabbed the jacket and went downstairs

"Where you going?"

I turned to Mione "A walk" i head to the Dungens to the Slytherin's common room "Is Blaise Zabini in there?"

Salzar look at me in disgust "Yes, password?"

Hmmm..... "Pureblood" it opened. Wow, stupid password. I walked in and saw Blaise talking to Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. I went up to Malfoy "Here's you jacket"

He smirked "Keep it"

"Why would i want to do that?" i asked

"I have a lot other jackets. So keep it" he said

I rolled my eyes and turned to Blaise "I need to talk to you"

"You are" smart ass...


He sighed and got up. We walk out of the common room and into the empty hall "What's up?"

I pulled out the note from Malfoy and handed it to him. He opened it and read it. A smirk appeared on his face "What's that all about?"

"Can't tell you" he handed the note back

"Why not? Is he just doing this to bug me?"

"Kinda" he said as he shrugged

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