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I felt something, or someone, jump onto me, "MUMMY, IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!" I heard Harmony's voice. "MUUMY WAKE UP!!!" I grabbed her and hugged her. "Arrghhh," I nibbled her ear. "Mummy!! Stooppppp!!!" She groaned, "Get up!!!"
"No!" I whined and laid down on her, not hurting her of course.
"Mummmyyyyy!!!" She whines, "You're squishing me!!!"
I laughed, "carry meeeee." I moaned.
"Mummy!" You're heavy!!"
I gasped and looked at her, "I am not!!"
She giggled, "To me you are! I'm small!"
I laughed and kissed her nose, causing her to giggle even more. "Happy Christmas, love."
"Happy Christmas mummy!" She smiled, "can we open presents now?"
This is our very fist Christmas together, I want it to be special for her. I got out of bed and picked her up, "after breakfast." I carried her down stairs and saw everyone in the kitchen. "Morning," I set Harmony down on a chair.
"Happy christmas." Everyone chorussed.
We all grabbed a drink, "to Mr. Harry Potter. Without him, I would not be here." Mr. Weasley raised his glass.
"To Harry." We all raised our glass and drank the punch. We all dug into our breakfast and talked. I'm glad Mr. Weasley is okay. He was like a father to me, as well as Remus and Sirius. Especially Dumbledore. He was the one who adopted me from the orphanage I grew up in. I looked over at Harmony, who was stuffing her mouth.
I laughed, "slow down, Harmony. The food isn't going anywhere."
She looked up at me, "I'm hungry."
"Or, she just wants to open presents." Remus laughed.
Once we were done eating, we went into the living room to open presents. I got a couple books from Remus and Mione. Ginny got me a scarf. Mrs. Weasley gave me a home made knitted sweater. Ron got me sweets. Harry gave me a broom cleaning kit. Fred and George gave me some WWW prototypes, which are amazing. Harmony drew me a picture of the both of us. Sirius gave me a necklace.
"Harmony," I turned to her, who was being spoiled rotten by everyone. "Here's my present." I held up a small box.
Her face brighten up, she took the box and opens it. I got her a necklace with a charm on it. "It's pretty!" She gasped.
I took it from her and locked it around her neck, "as long as you have, I promise no harm will come to you."
Harmony hugged me, "thank you, Mummy."
I kissed her head, "your welcome, love."

I followed Harry into a room that had the Black family tree. I looked at it, and laughed when I saw Draco's face on it. I walked over to Harry who was looking at Sirius' name, his face face burned off the wall. Soon, Sirius walked in. "My mother did that when i ran away when i was 16."
"Where did you go?" Harry asked.
"Your father's, i was always welcomed in Potter's house."
Harry looked at Sirius, "In the dream, i wasn't just watching Mr. Weasley getting attacked. I was doing it, i was the snake. Sirius, what if I'm going bad?"
"Everyone has darkness in them, you guys aren't bad people. You choose who you are." Sirius said wisely.
"But, i feel angry all the time. I've never felt like this all the time" Harry said.
Sirius set his hands on Harry's shoulders, "You two have nothing to worry about, you are good people."
Mione walked in. "Harry, Ember, time to go."
"Just you wait, after the war we are going to be a family, a proper family. I promise." Sirius hugged Harry. I stood there, watching them. Harry was lucky to have Sirius as his godfather. Like I said, Sirius is a father figure to me, but I'd like to have an actual father. Dumbledore is the closest to a father I have. Sirius pulled me into a hug, "I promise, Ember. You, Harry, Harmony. Together."
I smiled at him, "Thank you, Sirius." Harry and I walked out,
I gave Harmony a hug. "I love you, Harms."
"I'm gonna miss you, Mummy." Harmony said as tears escape her eyes.
i kissed her forehead, "I'll write to you, okay? take care of Remus and Sirius for me."
she giggle a bit. "I love you Mummy."
"I love you too," I hugged her one last time and went outside after Harry hugged Harmony.
"We are going to ride the Knight bus," Tonks said.
"Awesome, i've always wanted to ride the Knights bus," Ron smiled. We went on the bus, it had like three floors? We sat down on the chairs that were there. There's some beds here, one of them had an old man sleeping in it.... All of a sudden the bus moved forwards with a loud Bang! We were being thrown forwards, backwards, and sideways. It was pretty fun.
"YEAHH!!!!!!!" I laughed. The bus suddenly stopped and we all flung forwards. We struggled to get out. Everyone's face was green, that was pretty fun!!!
Ron bent over and groaned. "Never mind."
"That was fun!" I laughed.
Mione spoke up, "Let's go to the carriages now."
I hugged Remus and Tonks. "Bye bye!!"
"Stay out of trouble," Remus kissed my head.
I smiled sweetly at him. "And when have I ever listened to you?"
Remus sighed, "be good. Please."
"Come on let's go!" We went to the carriages and sat together,
"I can't wait until terms over!" Ron said.

"Draco," I ran over to him and hugged him. "I missed you."
"I missed you too," Draco tipped my head up and kissed me softly. "After dinner, meet me at the Black Lake?"
I smiled, "I'll see you there."
"I love you," he kissed me again.
"I love you too," I smiled at him and went into the Great hall. I walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat between Fred and George.
"I hope everyone had a marvelous break," Dumbledore said. "Enjoy your feast," he said as food appeared in front of us and we all dug in. I looked over at Umbridge, merlin I hate her. She had her usual smirk on her face. Everything she does annoys me!! I looked over at Draco, he caught me eyes and winked.
"That's sickening." May announced.
I looked over at her, "What?"
"You making googly eyes with Draco,"
I gave her a look, "Shut up, May."
"It's still sickening."
"Aw, don't be so hard on Ember." George hung his arm around my shoulders, "she just missed her Dwacy."
"Shove off, George." i laughed.
"Love sick, Ember." fred ruffled my hair.
I groaned, "staaahhhppp ittt."
"Aw wittle Embwer is mad," George laughed.
I glared at him, "you guys are prats."
"You know you love us," Fred pinched my cheek.
I slapped his hand away, "sometimes I hate you."

I stood by the Black lake and watched the moon light's reflection on the water. I loved how beautiful the lake looks at night. I felt arms wrap around me, "I almost forgot how beautiful it is out here tonight." Draco rest his chin on my shoulder. "But it's nothing compared to you."
I laughed and turned around so that I was facing him. "Flirt."
He chuckled softly and rest his forehead on mine, "you know you like it."
He leaned in and kissed me softly. "I have your christmas present."
He held up a locket. He opens it and inside was a picture of the both of us, with Harmony. I smiled, "it's beautiful." Draco locked it around my neck and I kissed him passionately. "Thank you."
He pulled me closer and smiled under the kiss, "I love you Ember. Nothing will ever change that."
I smiled at him and ran my hand throw his soft hair, "I love you too, Draco."

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