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I was in a compartment with Harry, Ron, Mione, May, George, Fred, and Harmony. Harmony was on George's lap eating every flavor beans. George was Harmony's favorite much to Fred's disappointment. (a/n: I have no idea why I had Harmony go to Hogwarts as well. I wrote this a long, long, long time ago.)
Nobody really cared that my birth father was Voldemort. Although, some people were a bit scared of me now... I stood up. "I'm going to go find Draco," I walked out of the compartment and went to the Slytherin compartments place. I found Draco sitting with Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, and.... Puggy. She was all over him!! Why can't she take a hint?!? I cleared my throat. "What is she doing here?" I glared at Puggy.
Her eyes widen a bit. I could tell she was scared. "Because I can be."
"Get off of my boyfriend." I clenched my fists.
"You ca-can't tell-"
I rolled my eyes, "I know you're afraid Puggy. So, why don't you just leave. Now." She got up and ran out of the compartment. I smiled in victory and sat on Draco's lap. "Hi."
Draco wrapped his arms around me. "Thanks."
"No problem," I pecked his lips. "How's are you? You know with.... My...... Father....."
Draco shrugged. "He was really mad and used truth syrum on me. But I didn't know where you went so you don't have to worry about that."
I nodded. "Thanks."
"Are you okay? Because you are his daughter" Blaise asked.
I shrugged. "I hate it but you know... Nobody gets in my way anymore."
"Because they're afraid you'll get your daddy to kill them." Blaise said with a smirk.
I glared at him. "Oh shut up Blaise. I wouldn't do that! I refuse to talk to him."
"Still, you scare a lot of people now." Blaise told me.
"Do not."
"Do too."
"Do not."
"Do too."
"Shut up!" Draco groaned in annoyance.
Blaise smirked. "Come on Crabbe, Goyle. Let's give these two love birds some privacy." They nodded and followed Blaise out.
I roll my eyes and rest my head on Draco's shoulder "Soo...."
"I missed you, so much it hurts." He kissed my cheek.
I smiled. "I missed you too, Dray."
He lift my head with his finger. "I love you," he pressed his lips against mine. As usual, I melted into the kiss, my tummy did a back flip. Every kiss felt like the first. Nothing can ruin this moment.

We're all in the Great Hall, I was sitting between Fred and Harmony. Its the same each year, Going over some rules and blah blah blah. But then, I heard an annoying girly cough. I looked up and saw a pink fluffy toad like girl? "Who is she?" I whispered to Fred.
Fred rolled his eyes, he obviously knew I wasn't paying attention. "Umbridge, She's our new Defense teacher."
Umbridge went up to Dumbledore. "Thank you headmaster for those kind words of welcome...and how lovely to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me, I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends - "
"Thats likely." The Twins and I said at the same time.
"The ministry of magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be a vital importance. All though each headmaster has brought something new to this...historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, let us perfect what can be perfected, and prove practices that out to be... prohibited." She smiled a really annoying, girly, fake smile. Then, she walked back to her seat. I knew from that moment on we aren't going to get along.
Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Lastly, we have a new student transfering from Durmstrang as a 6th year. Mr. Nathan Carter"
My eyes widen as I saw a tall black haired guy with green eyes walk up to Dumledore. Holy merlin's shaggy nipples! I know him!!! Its Nate!!! My best friend from the orphanage!! Dumbledore put the hat on Jay. Nate looked around and his eyes met mine. He smiled widely and waved like an idiot. I laughed and waved back. "RAVENCLAW!!" The hat yelled. Both mine and Nate's face fell. He's in Ravenclaw.....
Nate got up and sat down at the Ravenclaw table, 'Damn you hat!' he mouthed out so only I saw.
I laughed and mouthed out 'Miss you!' He winks and starts to eat. I started to eat as well.
"You know him?" George asked.
I nodded. "Yeah, he use to be at the same orphanage as me. We were best friends since for ever."
"Hey! I thought we were your best friends!" Fred pouted.
I rolled my eyes. "You guys are my best friends. But I've known Nathan since we were in diapers. We grew up together."
"He's a bit fit, don't you think?" May said.
I rolled my eyes. "You have a boyfriend May." I look over at Nate. Some girls were trying to flirt with him but he obviously wasn't paying any attention. He looks up at me and gave me a 'Help me' look. I laugh and shake my head. "A bit i guess" i turn back around. "But Draco's better."
May gagged, "I still think its gross when you talk like that about MY COUSIN!"
I rolled my eyes at her, "I still think its gross when you talk like that about MY FRIEND!"
"Oh shut up," May said.
"Umbridge works for Fudge," Harry commented.
"Ministry?" Ron asked stupidly.
I nodded, "It means that the Ministry is trying to interfere."

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