The Necklace

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I missed May. She was always with Blaise or with Hermione and Ginny. She was giving me the cold shoulder. I don't know what I did. The last time we talked, I told her to stop trying to get me with Draco. Every since, she has been ignoring me.
It started to snow. I loved winter, but fall was the best. Seamus and I has been spending more time together. Being with him takes my mind off things for a while. I owl Harmony and Moony every week.
Every now and then, I felt a sharp pain shoot through my left arm. It meant Voldemort was holding a meeting. He visited me in my dream a few nights back. He kept reminding me of what I have to do with Draco. I already hates the fact that he expects Draco and I to kill Dumbledore. I don't need him reminding me every other night. I can't believe he wants me to kill Dumbledore! Dumbledore is like a father to me, he adopted me, he raised me. I can't just kill him.
"Harry." I groaned and rest my head on his lap. He was reading the potions book again. "Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry."
He sighed, "what is it, Ember?"
"Harmony wants you to write her a letter. She misses you and the others." I said.
"I'll write a letter to her after lunch." Harry said.
I sighed, "well at least put that bloody book away."
"I'm reading. You've always complained that I don't read enough." Harry said.
"I said read, not obsess over a text book." I said. "Text book. Harry. You're reading a text book."
"I'm learning." He said.
I scoffed, "learning?"
He nodded, "yes learning. You should try it sometime." Ron joined us, he sat on my legs.
I groaned, "Ron."
"Yes?" He smiled.
"Get off." I whined. I pulled my legs away and set them on his lap. "Prat."
Ron laughed. "So, the first game is coming up soon. You ready?"
"Hell yeah I am." I smiled. "Are you Weasley?"
"Yeah." He smiled. "Harry, how many times have you read that bloody book?"
"Don't know." Harry muttered and continued to read.
"He's obsessed. Worst than Hermione." I said causing Ron to laugh. Harry lightly slapped my head. "Oi!" I saw Seamus walk in with Dean. "Seamus!" I rolled off Harry and Ron. "Harry's bullying me!" I pouted and hugged Seamus.
"I didn't do anything." Harry said.
Seamus hugged me, "it's okay Love. I'm here."
"Oh go find a room or something." May walked by with Ginny. "No one wants to see you two eat each other." The way May said that made me upset. She didn't sound like she was joking. She kind of sounded like a Slytherin. Not to be mean to Slytherins or anything.
Seamus kissed my cheek. "You alright?"
I nodded, "I'm fine." I pulled his hand, "I want to walk in the snow."
Seamus laughed, "okay. Go put on something warm."
I grinned, "yay!" I kissed his cheek and ran upstairs. I went to my dorm and put on a coat, scarf, a beanie and boots.
"Where are you going?" Hermione asked.
"Outside with Seamus." I replied as I straightened my scarf.
I noticed Ginny had red and puffy eyes. "Ginny? Are you okay?"
She nodded, "I'm fine. You have fun with Seamus."
I walked up to her and hugged her. "If it was Dean, I'll have a word with him."
Ginny smiled weakly, "don't be too harsh. I still like him."
I nodded and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry. I'll straighten him out. What happened?"
"Just got into a small argument."
I gave her look, "if it was a small argument you wouldn't be crying."
"He just has a bit of a temper." Ginny said.
I sighed, "it'll be okay. He seems to care a lot about you."
Ginny smiled weakly, "yeah."
"Go along then," May said. "Your boyfriend's waiting for you."
I frowned, "what's your problem May? You've been acting like a prick lately."
"Nothing's wrong." May said. "I'm just annoyed."
"How come?" I questioned.
"Because someone won't listen to their best friend anymore!" May growled.
"May." Hermione warned.
"Well sorry!" I exclaimed. "All you wanted to talk about was Draco! I told you that I didn't want to! But you kept insisting. It was bloody annoying. Besides, it doesn't matter anymore. I have a new boyfriend."
"Because you're too stubborn to accept your real feelings!" May said.
I glared at her, "I know what my real feelings are, May. Just accept the fact that Draco and I are over. We both moved on." I glared at her again and walked out of the dorm. I went to the common room and saw Dean talking to Seamus. I joined them.
"Ready, Love?" Seamus asked.
"One second." I turned to Dean. "What the hell, Dean."
"What?" He asked.
"What did you do to Ginny?" I questioned harshly.
"We got into an argument. It's fine. I'll make it up to her." Dean said.
I narrowed my eyes. "You better. If you don't, I swear I hurt you so hard your great grand kids will feel it." Dean nodded.
Seamus and I walked outside. It was really cold. I looked up at the sky and smiled at the snow falling. "I love the snow." I grinned.
Seamus laced his hand with mine. "I can see that. It's beautiful isn't it?"
I looked at him, "it is." There was about two inches of snow already.
We aimlessly walked the grounds. Seamus spun me around and pulled me into his arms. I laughed and leaned on him. "I'm so lucky to have you." He said quietly.
I smiled and kissed him softly. "Me too."
He grinned and kissed back. "You are amazing and beautiful, Ember."

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