Dumbledore's army

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"We need a teacher," Mione said. "A proper one, who can show us how to use the spells and correct us if we're going wrong."
"If you're talking about Lupin. . . . . " Harry said.
"No. I'm not talking about Lupin," Mione said. "He's busy with the Order anyway."
"Then who?" Harry asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" May asked, slightly annoyed.
"No it's not obvious," Harry mocked.
"They're talking about you Harry!" I exclaimed. "Merlin!"
"What about me? " Harry asked. I swear this boy was thicker then I am!
"I'm talking about You teaching us Defense against the dark arts" Mione said.
"That sounds like an idea." Ron said.
"What's an idea?" Harry questioned. You have got to be kidding me! !
"You, teaching us Defense." May said.
"But I'm not a teacher" Harry said. "I can't teach-"
Mione cut him off. "Harry, you're the best in the year at Defense against the dark arts."
"Me? No i'm not, you've beaten me in every test-"
"Actually I haven't" Mione said. Well there's a shock. "You beat me in our Third year. The only year we both sat the test and had a teacher who actually knew the subject. But I'm not talking about test results, Harry. Look what you've done!"
"What do you mean?" Harry asked.
I groaned loudly. "You know what? I don't want someone this stupid teaching me."
"Harry, " Ron said. "First year, you saved the stone from You-Know-Who."
"But that was luck. That wasn't skill-"
Ron cut him off. "Second year, you destroyed Riddle."
"Yeah, but Fawkes hasn't turned up I-"
"Third year, you faught off about a hundred dementors at once-"
"You know that was a fluke, if the Time Turner hadn't-"
May cut him off this time. "You faught You-Know-Who in the flesh-"
"Listen to me!" Harry exclaimed, "it sounds great when you say it like that, but all of that stuff was just luck. I just did what ever I could think of. And I nearly always had help- Will you stop Smirking!?" Harry yelled. "You don't kniw what it's like! You, none of you have ever had to face him. You think it's just memorizing a bunch of spells and throwing them at him, like you're in class or something? The whole time you're sure you know there's nothing between you and dyingexcept your own brian or guts or what ever. Like you can think straight when you know you're about seconds from being murdered, or tortured, or watching your friends die-"
"I know how that feels." I said, "Cedric was my best friend, and he died right in front of me."
May spoke up. "Don't you see Harry? This is exactly why we need you. We need to know what's it like to face him. To face Voldemort."
"At least think about it, okay?" Mione asked.

The seven of us, as in Harry, Ron, Mione, Ginny, Fred, George, and I, walked to Hogshead. We walked in and the place was filled with people. "A few?" Harry asked bewildered.
"This is more than a few" I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the front, along with Mione, May, and Ron.
"Can i have your attention?" Mione asked. Everyone ignored her and continued to talk. "Hello? Can i have your attention?"Nothing.
"OI!! Listen up!!" I yelled.
That shut them up Mione shot me a look, then turned to everyone. "Thank you, You all know why we're here. We need a teacher. A proper teacher. One who's had real experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts."
"Why?" asked some kid in the back.
"Why?" Ron mocked. "Because You-Know-Who's back, you tosspot."
"Where's the proof that you-know-who is back?" A Hufflepuff asked.
"Well, Dumbledore believes it-" Mione started.
"You mean, Dumbledore believes Him" the Puffle said.
"Who are you?" Ron snapped.
"Zacharias Smith. And I think we've all have the right to know exactly what makes him say you know who is back." the Puffle said.
"Perhaps you can tell us more how Diggory died." a person in the back said.
"We're not going to talk about Cedric's death. If that's why your here then you might as well clear out." Harry turned to Mione. "Come on, lets just go. They already think we're just some freaks."
Neville spoke up. "Harry killed a basilisk in the Chamber of secrets with the sword of Gryffindor."
Ron joined in. "And he fought off atleast 100 dementors at once."
"And last year, Harry really did fight him, in the flesh." May said.
"Yeah, and i nearly died too." Harry said. "I couldn't do any of that with out any help. But the point I'm trying to make is-"
"Are you trying to weasel out of showing us any bits of this stuff?" Asked Zacharias.
I had enough of this kid. "Here's an idea! Why don't you get your head out of your arse and shut up!"
Zacharias glared at me "Well, we've all turned to him for help. Now he's telling us he can't do any of it."
"That's not what he said" Fred snapped.
"Would you like us to clean out your ears for you?" George asked, holding up a long and lethal looking metal thing from their Zonko's bag.
"Or any part of your body, really, we're not fussy where we stick this" Fred said seriously. This is why I loved the twins
"I'm just saying. What can he teach us?" Zacharias asked.
Okay, I seriously want to hurt him. I stand up between Mione and Harry. "Can you do this?" I pulled my wand out and thought of my happiest memories. Me being with Draco, Harmony, Fred, George, Mione, Ron, May, Harry, Blaise, and finally Cedric. "Expecto Patronum!"A medium sized Phoenix comes out of my wand and everyone gasped. "Oh my merlin..." I didn't think that would work. My phoenix flew around in a circle, then disappeared.
"Your patronus is a Phoenix" Mione said in shock. "Only very powerful wizards have that kind of Patronus."
I bit my lip, "I didn't know I could concur a corporeal Patronus."
"Well you can," Harry smiled at me.
"Bloody hell, Ember" George said in shock.
"Well. Are we agreed we want to take lessons from Harry?" Mione asked.
"Wait" a Ravenclaw said.
I groan. "What!?"
"She's" he pointed at me, "November."
I gave him a look. "I am, so?"
"She's V- you know who's daughter. She could tell him about this" He said, "And she's with Malfoy. She could tell him. Then Malfoy could tell Umbridge. And, May is related to Malfoy. "
"Do you Really want to go there?" I growled. "I HATE Voldemort, I want him dead as much as you guys do. So why would I tell him?"
"She could be lying" a Hufflepuff said.
"Why you little-" May growled.
I stopped her "I'm not lying. Voldemort killed my mother, his own wife! I've never met her, but I WILL get my revenge on him." Everyone went silent "Now, are you guys going to question my loyalty to Harry?" They all said nothing. "Good"
"Harry, your agreeing right?" May asked, breaking the tension.
Harry nodded. "Only if Ember agrees too."
My eyes widen, "Y- why me!?"
"You're just as powerful as Harry is." Mione said.
"Says who?" I crossed my arms stubbornly.
"Says your patronum" Cho Chang spoke up, "Hermione's right. Only powerful wizards can concur a Phoenix."
"Like Dumbledore" George said.
I sighed "Alright. I'll do it"
Mione smiled. "Alright, everyone that wants to join will sign up on this piece of parchment."
"Shouldn't we have a name for this?" Fred asked.
"How about L.K.V.S.F.A.A.K.U.O.O.H." They gave me a weird look. "'Let's kick Voldemort's sorry fat ass and kick Umbridge out of Hogwarts.'"
Ginny spoke up, "or Dumbledore's Army, D.A. For short."
"Personally i like mine, but either one would work."
Mione rolled her eyes. "Then its settled, anyone who wants to join the Dumbleore Army sign up." She put a piece of paper on a table and everyone started to write their names.
I was the first to write my name November Bolton/Riddle
I hesitated to put my last name, but I did it
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Herione Granger
Dawn Lovegood
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Dean Thomas
Seamus Finnigan
Neville Longbottom
Cho Chang And a bunch of other people signed their name

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