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"Emberrrrr." Draco whined as we walked to our next class, Transfiguration. "Ember i'm sorry, i didn't mean it like that!"
I gave him a look "You basically said that you were embarrassed of me."
"I didn't mean it!" Draco exclaimed.
"Then what did you mean?" I questioned.
"That I don't want people making kissy faces at me because I had a dream of my girlfriend. That would be embarrassing-" he realized what he had just said. "No! I mean-"
I rolled my eyes. "We're going to be late for class." I continued to walk to Transfiguration. I heard Draco sigh in frustration as he followed me. I sat down next to May so he had to sit next to Blaise.
May whispers to me. "You okay?"
I nodded. "Yeah, why?"
"Because you-"
Minnie cut May off. "Ms. Malfoy, Ms. Bolton, is there anything you would like to share to the class?"
"Yes professor," I said before May could say anything "Umbridge is really mean, she made Harmony cry, she yelled at me and Harry for tell the truth, and she called Harmony a monster. Which i for one, think that Little miss Pink and Fluffy is, not my Harmony."
I could of sworn Minnie smiled. "Thank you, Ms. Bolton. 5 points From Gryffindor for calling a Professor a monster."
I shrugged. "Oh well." Minnie sighed and continued with class
May passed me a note:
What happened?
What did he do >:(
Nothing I guess, he just said that he would be embarrassed if he told the whole class he had a dream of me. I mean I understand that he didn't want to tell the whole class about the dream, but when he was explaining himself to me....
He is so stupid
You mad at him?
At him? A bit.. Of what he said, very
Want me to bitch slap him for you?
Ha, as funny as that would be... No, don't hurt him, alright?
Buzz kill! But fine
Thank you
Yeah, whatever
You miss Sammy?
Before I could reply, the note flew away from me and landed in Minnie's hand. Great. Minnie read through the note. "Ms. Bolton, Ms. Malfoy, will you both please pay attention. Or you will have to write 2 scrolls of paper about how Transfiguration is important"
"Sorry Professor," May and I mumbled. Minnie nodded and continued on the with the lesson. I sighed and just stared at the board, thinking of pranking ideas to use on Pinkie, "Ms. Bolton."
I snapped out my thoughts. "Huh?"
"Would you like to demonstrate on how to turn the chair." Minnie motioned to a small chair. "To a dog?" I waved my hand effortlessly and it turned into a puppy. "20 points to Gryffindor." Harry, who was in front of me, gave me a high five. The bell rang, finally! I'm starving!! I stood up to leave. "Ms. Bolton, please stay."
I groaned. "But i'm hungry!!!" She gave me a look, I sighed in defeat and sat down. "Fine. I'll just sit here and starve."
Minnie rolls her. "Don't be so dramatic." She said as she walked over to me. "You turned that chair into a dog."
I nodded. "Yeah, you told me to."
"Yes, but you didn't use your wand."
"And?" I asked.
"Hand magic, like what you have used to turn the chair into a dig, is very rare"
I shrugged. "Awesome, I have a rare talent."
"Your.... Father," she knew I hated him, who didn't? "Knew you would have great, powerful powers. He would want you to join his side."
"I already know he does. And believe me when i say this, there is no way in hell i will be joining his side. He is heartless, he even killed his own wife! I will never join him, i will KILL him."
"Just be very careful." Minnie said in concern.
I nodded. "Course."
She sighed. "You may go."
"Thank you!" I gathered my things and went to the Great Hall. I was STARVING!!!

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