I'm sorry

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Nowadays I've been hanging out with Seamus, Dean, Neville and sometimes Ginny as long as she doesn't bring up Draco. I just wanted the Draco issue to blow over. I honestly don't know how I feel about him. I mean, I know I loved him more than anything in the world. But ever since I lost my memory for awhile, I get really confused when it comes to Draco. I really don't know what to do. So I'm going to avoid him at all costs.
Right now, I was in the common room working on homework with Seamus. I quickly wrote the last inch of my essay and smiled. "Finished."
Seamus looked at me, "wanna help me?"
"Hmmm." I tapped my chin with my quill. "Nope!" I grinned and tapped his nose with my quill.
He groaned, "this is too much work!"
I laughed, "I know. But you'll survive." I put all of my things away, "I'll be back. I'm going to put my things away." Seamus nodded. I ran up to my dorm and put my bag on my bed. I quickly changed out of my uniform and into something more comfortable. I went back down to the common room. I sat next to Seamus, "done yet?"
"One and half inches left." Seamus said.
"Well hurry up then." I nudged him.
"I'm trying, calm down." He laughed. Harry and Ron walked by, I saw Seamus glare at Harry for a second.
I frowned, "Seamus?"
"Hm?" He didn't look up from his essay.
"Why are you mad at Harry?" I asked.
"Why are you?" Seamus asked.
"You know why." I said, "he called me Voldemort's daughter. I know I am but he made it seem like I'm just like my father. I'm not!"
"I know. I know." Seamus rubbed my back. "I'm just upset about what he said to you."
"You don't have to worry about it. He didn't mean it." I said.
"If he didn't mean it then why were you so upset?" Seamus questioned.
I sighed, "I did get upset over what Harry said. But, Harry's my best friend. I can't stay mad at him. I'm just upset by his words."
"What about last year?" Seamus asked. "Harry gave you a rough time."
"Harry's like a brother to me, Seamus. I don't know how to explain it." I said. "Harry just means a lot to me, he's family you know? I don't have much of a family. Besides Dumbledore, Harry's one of the closest people I have to a family. As well as Hermiome and the Weasleys. But Harry was always first."
"Why is so important to you?" Seamus asked.
I gave him a look, "were you not listening? Harry's my best friend. We've been through a lot since first year. He's just a part of my life that I can't afford to loose."
"Even though he's acting like a prat?" Seamus asked.
I rolled my eyes, "yes, Seamus."
"Okay." He sighed. "I'm done with my essay."
"Good! Now we can go to the Lake because I miss it there." I grinned.
"You go there everyday since you got back." Seamus laughed as he put his things away.
"Yes and? I love it there." I said.
"Okay, let me go change." Seamus got up and went to his dorm.
"Hey, Ember?"
I looked up and saw Hermione. "Yeah?"
"Can I ask you something?" She asked nervously.
"If it's about Draco-"
She shook her head, "no. It's not."
I nodded, "okay. What is it?"
"It's about May and kinda Ginny." Hermione said.
"What about them?" I asked.
"Well..." Hermione trailed off. "I've notice Ginny and Dean argue a lot."
"They're a couple. Couples argue." I said.
"Yes but, I've caught her crying one time. I'm just really worried. I mean, it's Ginny. She's like a sister to me. And she's like a sister to you." Hermione said.
I frowned, "I'll see if Dean will tell me anything. What about May?"
"She's really mad at you for not listening to her."
I sighed, "I told her that I didn't want to hear it. Draco is over me. It's clear that he is."
"He's under a spell." Hermione said.
I gave her a look, "that's what May told me. I just don't know what to think of it. So I won't think about it at all."
"Ember, I've seen the way you look at him." Hermione said. "You're a bit confused because of everything that's happening."
"Stop trying to get Draco and I back together! I'm sick and tired of it. I know exactly what I am doing. Just because I lost my memory for a few months does not mean I'm stupid or confused. I remember everything now. I know exactly how I felt about Draco. I know I was completely in love with him. But I also remember the pain he put me through. I don't want to go through that again. I have too many things going on. I'm fighting with Harry because of Draco. Harry's my best friend and you know that. He's your's too. He's family to me. I can't afford to lose him just because of a guy I dated."
"Just think about it okay?" May and Ginny walked over.
I saw Seamus walking towards us. "I don't have to. I know what I am doing." I turned to Seamus. "Let's go?"
Seamus nodded, "sure." I looked at May, Ginny and Hermione then left the common room with Seamus. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine." I smiled. "I just want to go outside for a while."

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