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"Ember, come on we have detention with Umbridge." Harry said.
I groaned. "I don't want to!"
"Come on Ember!" Harry sight.
Groaning, i rolled off the couch. "Finneeeeee." I sighed dramatically. Harry grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the common room.
"We don't want to be late."
"This is stupid, she can't give us detention for telling the truth."
Harry nodded in agreement. "I know, but she can if you call her monster. Which i agree."
I sighed. "She deserved it! Two weeks of detention, rubbish."
Harry gave me a look. "Just try not to talk alright?"
We walked into her classroom and up to Pinkie's office. Harry slowly knocked on the door. 'Come in.' Harry opened the door and when we walked in i almost threw up. Her office was pink, pink, pink, pink, pink! And plates with cats on them all over the walls. "Sit." There were two desks facing each other. I sat down on one and Harry took the other. "You will be writing line for me." Harry went to reach in his bag to get a quill but Pinkie stopped him. "No, you will be using one of my, special quills." She put down a quill on my desk and on Harry's. "I want you to write 'I must not tell lies.'"
"How many times?" Harry asked.
"Let's just say... Until the message sinks in." she made a girly giggle and walked over the her desk. Sinks in? What the hell was that suppose to mean? I started to write 'I must not tell lies' over and over again. I felt a little prick of pain in my left hand. I just ignored it and continued to write, but the more i wrote the pain grew. I looked over at my hand and saw 'I must not tell lies' carved into my left hand. I looked up at Harry and he was looking at his hand.
Pinkie walked over. "Anything wrong?"
"No." I replied dully.
She smiled an evil, girly, disturbing smile. "That's right, because deep down you both know you should be punished."
Harry and I continued to write. The more i wrote the pain got worst, then i realized this was a blood quill. That explained the red ink... IT'S MY BLOOD!!! holy shiz, is she even allowed to do this?! Should i tell Dumbledore? No, i won't. Stay strong, don't let her see you in pain, it'll just satisfy her. "You may go." I stood up and stomped out of her office and class room. On my way back to the common room, I stared at my left hand. I won't show anyone. I pulled my sleeves over both my hands. I looked at Harry. "Don't tell anyone about the detention."
He nodded. We sat down on the couch in front of the fireplace. Harry pulled out a book and started to read. I sighed and rest my head on his shoulder. Mione, May, Ron, Momo, Fred and George walked over. "Harry, what's wrong with your hand?" Mione asked, Damn it Harry! I grabbed Harmony and sat her down on my lap. "Nothing" Harry said showing her his right hand.
"Your other hand." Mione grabbed Harry's left hand. "What happened!?"
"It doesn't matter." Harry pulled his hand away.
George grabbed my left hand and saw the scar. "Ember, you need to tell Dumbledore"
I shook my head. "He has enough to deal with."

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