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Its Free period, me, Momo, May, Mione, Ron, and Harry are under a tree by the black lake. Momo was drawing and Mione was working on her homework. Typical Hermione

"I'm so pissed off by Snape right now" May says

I nod in agreement "Me too"

"I know that he's like.... Heartless, but" Harry starts "I didn't think he would yell at a 3 year old"

"I know right" Ron agrees

"Uhh.... Ember?"

I look up and saw Draco "What?"

"Can I ummm... Talk to you?

I nod "Sure" I stood up "I'll be back" I ruffle Momo's hair and walk away with Draco. We stopped when we were on the other side of the castle. Where I beat up Puggy... Ha "What did you want to talk about?"

He stood there nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. Merlin he's so cute when he does that "Umm... I just wanted to say, I'm sorry"

I gave him a weird look "What?"

"Look, I'm really sorry for what I did. For leaving you for uhh... Lexi. And for not listening to you. I guess I was just upset on how close you were to Weas-George. I should have listened to you or talk to you before I started to assume things. And I just wanted to say I'm so sorry. I... I love you Ember so much. And I was so stupid to think that you would cheat. If you don't feel the same way then I get it bu-"

I couldn't take it anymore. I pounced onto him and crashed my lips against his. He was shock at first but kissed back. I pull away "You're forgiven"

He smiles and pecks my lips "Be mine again?"

"As long as I'm the girlfriend and you have to trust me"

"Of course. No secrets between us?"

No secrets? "I Promise. After I tell you something"

"What is it?"

"Promise me you won't freak out, that you'll let me finish, and not to get mad"

He nods "I promise"

"When I was 12 I was... R-raped"

His eyes widen "What?!"

"By Jacob Dens..."

"I'm going to kill him"

I stopped him "Draco, you promised"

He sighs "Alright, continue"

"Harmony's my daughter. Dens doesn't know. And he will never know, because you're going to promise not to tell anyone. People thinks that Harmony is my long lost sister and it'll stay like that. Right?"

He chuckles "You make it sound like you killed someone" I gave him an unamused look "I promise, now can I go kill Dens?"

I shook my head "No. Only if he tries anything okay?"

He groans "Just one punch?" I narrowed my eyes at him "Fine"

I smile "Thank you, Draco"

He rolls his eyes "Yeah, whatever" he pins me against the wall "I missed you so much" he says, bloody hell that was hot

I wrap my arms around his neck "I missed you too" he presses his lips against mine and I happily kissed back. Merlin I miss him. His hugs. His touch. His kisses. I am head over heels for him "Draco?"

He pulls away and looks at me straight in the eyes "Yes love?"

"I love you too"

He smiles "Good. Because I love you so much it hurts"

I smiled like a man woman and peck his lips "Let's go?"

He pouts "Whyyyy?" aww he's so cute when he pouts!

"Come on Draco"

He groans but then smirks "After this"

"Wh-" he pins me against the wall and kisses me "Git..." I mumble

He chuckles "Love you..."

I pull away and peck his lips "Let's go"

"Okay" he sweep me off my feet and threw me over his shoulder



"Put me down!"


I groan "Your ass is in my face"

"You know you like it"

"Yeah, because I totally love your ass, especially when it's in my face"




"Put me down!"



"Put her down Malfoy!" I heard Harry say

Draco chuckles "You know Ember, you're so cute when you're mad"

Sometimes I just want to slap the living shit out of this guy "Then I'm about to get bloody adorable!!"

He puts me down "Happy?" I cross my arms and tried my best to look mad at him "Awww is wittle Embwr mad?"

I narrow my eyes at him "You're such a git"

He smirks "You know you love me"

I sigh and shake my head "You're bloody lucky I do"

He chuckles and pecks my lips "See"

May stared at us, the squealed like a.... Like a little girl getting a new pony "Finally!!!!"

Harmony stares at Draco weirdly "Who's dat? Is dat daddy?" 0.0

Mione smiles "It could be"

I glare at her "Shut up Mione. And he's my boyfriend"

"Oh... I tot you mad at him" Momo says

"Yeah I thought you were mad at him" Harry agrees

I shrug "Not anymore"

Draco wraps his arms are me "Good"

"Wuts his name?" Momo asks

"I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy"

"Dwaco" I laugh at Momo  she says it so funny!

"What's your name?" Draco asked


"Hi Hawmonee" Draco mimics

"Dwaco...... Ha" what? It's funny!

Draco squeezes me "Emwur"

"Don't squeeze me!" I tell him "I'll fart"


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