Ministry of Magic

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"My daughter," Voldemort stood over me. "I see you have regained all of your memory."
I glared at him as hard as I could, "you murdered my mother and best friend!"
He let of a cold laugh, "as I said before, they were in the way. Now, I have come to remind you of your fate once you reach age 16."
I crossed my arms over my chest, "if I do this. Promise me you will not lay one finger on my daughter."
Voldemort chuckled, "do I look like a fool to you, November?"
"Well, since you asked." I said, "you kinda do."
He glared at me and restrained from drawing his wand. "I will not promise such a thing. She is my granddaughter and will follow me."
I frowned, "she will not follow you. You can have me. Just leave Harmony out of all of this."
Voldemort smirked, "very well. But the moment you step out of line, I will kill your precious little daughter."
Before I could say anything, my surrounding changed. I saw Voldemort circling Sirius. They were in a dark room in the Ministry of Magic. It was just like the dream I had about Mr. Weasley and a snake. "I need that prophecy." Voldemort said.
"You'll have to kill me." Sirius said calmly. What is he doing? What's happening?
"Oh, I will. But first," Voldemort smirked. "You will fetch it for me. Crucio!"
"Sirius!" I screamed as Sirius dropped to the floor in pain. "Stop it!" I cried. Sirius groaned and yelled in pain. Voldemort stood over him laughing coldly. "Sirius!" I tried to run to him, but I stuck where I stood. I fell onto my knees and cried. "Sirius."

I shot up like a bullet and ran down to the kitchen where the order was. "Sirius!" I exclaimed and hugged him. I cried in relief. Thank merlin he's okay.
Sirius hugged me a bit confused. "What's wrong?"
"I- I saw you get tortured by Voldemort in the Ministry, but like Mr. Weasley." I said as I wiped my tears away. "I thought I was real. It seemed so real!"
Sirius rubbed my back and kissed my head. "I'll alright, Ember. Nothing bad will happen to me. Okay?"
I nodded, "promise me you won't leave me." I looked at him straight in the eyes. "Promise me you'll do what you said before. That we'd be a proper family. Harry, Harmony, you and I."
"Of course," Sirius embraced me in his arms. "I promise. Once this is all over and done. We'll be a proper family."
I smiled at him, "thank you."

Remus walked in, "Harry is going to the Ministry." He announced. "He saw Sirius get tortured by Voldemort and plans on saving him."
My eyes widen, "did you tell him it was just Voldemort provoking him?"
"It's too late. They are on their way now." Remus said.
"We need to go, now." Sirius said.
"I'm going with you." I stood up.
"No you're not," Sirius said. "You might get hurt."
I gave him a look, "I'm going whether you like it or now. Mrs. Weasley will watch Harmony. Won't you?" Mrs. Weasley nodded.
Sirius sighed, "okay. I swear, if you get hurt. I will kill you."
"Same goes for you." I winked. I kissed Harmony'm forehead. "I'll see you soon." She nodded slowly not quite understanding what was happening. I grabbed Remus's arm and we all apperated to the ministry.

"Get away from my godson." Sirius punched Mr. Malfoy in the face. I laughed a little. But stopped when a death eater shot a spell at me.
"Is that the way to treat your lord's daughter?" I smirked and shot a spell at him. Spells flew everywhere.
I ran over to Hermione and shot a spell at a death eater. "Missed me?" I smiled at her. Hermione smiled back at me. "Be careful." I told her and the others. She nodded.
The fight continued. I flew back and hit the arch. I groaned and stood up.
"Nice one, James!" Sirius exclaimed to Harry. Aw. He disarmed Mr. Malfoy and knocked him away.
"Avada Kedavra." I heard Bellatrix yell. I saw a bright red light fly through the air, hitting Sirius.
I screamed, "no!" Harry and I's screams and cries filled the large dark room. I let out a loud cry as I watch Sirius fall into the arch, disappearing forever.
"I killed Sirius Black!" I heard Bellatrix laugh wickedly. I saw her leave the room. I went to run after her but I was back by Remus. I saw Harry run out of the room.
"Let go!" I scream at Remus. I struggled to get out of Remus' grip but I wasn't strong enough. I felt as if all of my energy was drained away. "Let me go, Remus!" I cried. Remus pulled me closer and cradled me in his arm. I stopped struggling and sobbed. I bury my face into his chest and cried. "He can't be gone." I cried in pain. "Remus, he can't be. He's just playing a prank on us!" Remus didn't say anything. He just held me close.

I sat in Sirius's room alone. I held one of his robs and hugged it. I in hailed his scent. Smoke, ash, and wet dog. "You promised," I whispered. "You promised you wouldn't leave." I cried. "You said we'd make a proper family! You promised!" I screamed and threw the robe across the room. I sat there, alone, crying, wishing Sirius was still here. Hoping he'd pop up out of nowhere wearing a goofy smile saying he's okay.
The door opened, I half hoped it was Sirius. But it was George. He walked over and sat next to me. He pulled me into his arms. I rest my head on his shoulder. "He can't be gone, George. He promised." I said quietly. "It isn't fair."
George sighed, "I know." He rubbed my arm. "Everything happens for a reason."
"But, we were supposed to live together, George. He's like a dad to me. Just like Dumbledore and Remus."
"He wouldn't want you to cry over him." George said, "he would want you to run around making sure his name doesn't die out."
I sighed, "What am I going to tell Harmony? She loves Sirius. It would kill her to know what happened to him."
"Maybe tell her what happened when she's older. That way she'll understand that Sirius died saving Harry and everyone else."
"I miss him so much, George."
"I know you do. We all do." George kissed my forehead. "Look on the bright side, Dumbledore is back. Unbridge is gone. You get to go back to Hogwarts. You better prank everyone there for Fred and I."
I nodded, "of course.

"Happy Birthday mummy!" Harmony hugs me.
I smiled at her, "thank you, Sweetheart."
She pouted, "don't call me Sweetheart."
"She's just like you." Remus laughed and hugged me. "Happy Birthday, Ember."
"Thanks Remus." I smiled.
Tonks bounced over, "present time."
I laughed and thankfully accepted the gift. I opened it and see a picture frame. Inside was a picture of Tonks, Remus, Sirius, Harmony and I. We look so happy. Bright smiles, eyes full of light and happiness. "Thank you!" I hugged Tonks.
Remus passed me a small box full of chocolate. "You're welcome." He winked.
"Thank you," I grinned.
Harmony climbed onto my lap holding a book. "Siri and me were making this for you." A flash of sadness run through my face. I didn't tell Harmony Sirius died. I just told her he had to go away to fight Death Eaters. She calls him a superhero and wants to be like him. I'll tell her when she's older.
"Why thank you, Love." I kissed her head causing her to giggle. I place the book on the table and opened it. I flipped through the pages. They were full of pictures. Pictures I didn't know about. There were pictures from Hogwarts. Pictures of me. Pictures of Harmony, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, the trio, twins, and many other people. I smiled, "I love it. Thank you."
"You're welcome, mummy!" She hugged me.
Then, it hit me. I'm now 16 years old. Which means Voldemort is going to turn me into a death eater.

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