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So, i'm in the great hall eating, well suppose to be eating breakfast. I'm between Fred and George. I haven't been eating much lately.... Fred nudges my side "Ember, what was that song you sang? On that day i made you sing in front of all of us?"

I look up at him "Want you back"

Ginny smirks "Sing it to Malfoy"

May's eye widen "Hey, i love you Ember, but i'm taken"

Mione rolls her eyes "She meant your cousin"

"Remember all the things you and i did first" i sang "And now you're doing them with her. Remember all the things that you and I did first?  You got me, got me like this: Ugh!  And now you're taking her to every restaurant, And everywhere we went, come on! And now you're taking her to every restaurant. You got me, got me like this: Ugh!  Boy you can say anything you wanna. I don't give a shh, no one else can have ya. I want u back, I want you back. Wa-want you, want you back"

"Do you still... You know... Like Malfoy?" Harry asks

"Love...." i say

May smiles "Aw! I wuv you too!" I roll my eyes at her

"Umm... Excuse me, Miss Bolton?" 

I turn around and saw the cutest first year ever! "What can i do for you Cutie?"

She blushes "Professor Dumbledore needs you in his office and Mr. George Weasley, Mr. Cedric Diggory, and Miss Luna Lovegood"

I nod "Okay, thank you darlin'" she smiles and runs off "I'll see you guys later. Come on George" i stood up "CEDRIC DIGGORY!! LUNA LOVEGOOD!! YOU TWO NEEDS TO COME WITH ME TO DUMBLEDORE'S OFFICE!!" 

"20 points from Gryffindor"

I saw Snape at the staff table "20 points from Snape for being so boring!!" i walk out with George, Cedric, and Luna following me

"Why does Headmaster Dumbledore need us?" Luna asks

I hung my arm around her shoulders "Donno" we got to the gargoyle in front of Dumbledore's office "Uh.... Ced?"

"Acid pops" Ced says to the Gargoyle

The gargoyle jumps out of the way and we walk up the stairs. I knock on the door "Come in"

I open the door "You wanted us, sir?" we all walk in and i saw the cutest little girl ever! "Who's this little cutie?"

"Mummy!!" she runs over and hugs my legs

My eyes widen "Harmony?"

She smiles at me "I muwissed you mummy"

I smile at her and hug my little girl "I missed you too Hun"

Dumbledore smiles at us "Family reunions are always nice. Now, Harmony is, as you know Ember's daughter. But you must address her as Ember's long lost sister. And Harmony, you must call your mom, Ember or anything she wants you to call her"

I thought for a second, hmm... What do i want my baby to call me? "Call me Eli"

Harmony smiles "Eli!"

George chuckles "You're so cute"

Harmony looks at George and hugs my legs, i laughed at her nervousness, i pick her up "No need to be afraid of the giant red head. He's George, my best friend. And that's Luna" i point to Luna "And Cedric" I point to Ced

Ced smiles "She's like a mini Ember!"

Harmony smiles "Cwed, Luna, awd Gorge!"

I snickered "Gorge"

Dumbledore whispers to me "Do not let Mr. Dens know about Harmony"

I nod "Course"

"You may go. Good bye Harmony"

Momo(Harmony) giggles "Bye bye Dombwildow" 

"Bye sir" i walk out carrying my baby "So, Harms, are you mad at me?"

"Why?" she asks

"Because i wasn't there to take care of you" i say sadly with tears falling from my eyes

"Down't cwy Eli!" she hugs my neck

Luna smiles "She's adorable, Little Harmony..." she says dreamily

Ced laughs "Okay Harmony, welcome to Hogwarts. If your... Sissy gives you a hard time" i shot him a glare "You can always come to me"

"Shut up Cedric" i glare at him

"Oi!" George hits my arm "No cussing around the baby!"

"I'm nowt a baby!" Momo huffs

"Stubborn, just like you Ems" Ced chuckles "I gotta go. Bye guys" he kisses my forehead then Momo's head "Bye Mo" he walks away from us

"I need to go too. Good Bye November, Harmony, George" she skips away, down the hall

George smiles at me, this should be good "What?"

"Can i carry her?" he asks hopefully

"No" i say and start to walk towards the Gryffindor Common room "I'll show you where you'll be staying Momo"

"Otay Eli" she beams

"Hello Ember, George. This must be little Harmony" The Fat Lady says

Momo's eyes widen "It tawk!"

George laughs "They all do. This is The Fat Lady, she is the door to our common room"

"Butterbeer" The portrait opens and we walk inside. I chuckle at Momo's expression "Like it?" She nods her head violently

"Who's this little cutie?" Mione asks as we sat with them 

"I'm Hawmonee" Momo says 

"Hi Hawmonee" Fred mocks

"Ders two of you!" Mo points at George then Fred

"They're twins Momo" i tell her "The one on the left is Fred and the one on the right is George" May looks at me with a knowing look "Let's go to my dorm..." we all went to my dorm and Mione put a silencing charm around it

"Is she?" Ginny nods at Mo

I sat down on my bed and set Mo of my lap "This is Harmony, my baby girl"

Momo giggles "I wot i was you sissy?"

I smile at her "You guys can't tell anyone she's my daughter. Dumbledore said to say that she's my 'long lost sister'  So yeah.... Sof, this is May, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Harry, Fred and George" i motion to them as i name them

Mo stares at each of them "Gorge, Frewd, Ron, Ginnee, May, Hawie, and Hermy!" she points to each of them

Fred and George gawked at her "Hod did you know which was which?!"

Mo points at George "He is sowter"

Fred smirks at George "Told you!"

George rolls his eyes "Shut up Fred"

"Oi! No cussing around the baby!" i mimic George

He glares at me "Oh shush up"

I smile and pull Mo closer to me "I love you Mo"

She smiles "I wove you too mummy!"

Ginny smiles "First time in a long time i've seen Ember smile"

I rest my head on Mo's head "Yeah, i'm just glad i have my baby back"

Momo looks at me "Can i sweep with you towite?"

I nod "Of course you can Love"

May makes a heart with her hands "The happy family"

"You're just missing Malfoy" Ron points out

"Mowlfoi?" Mo asks

"no one" i kiss her head

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