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The first place I went to was the Black Lake, it was Harmony's favorite place. I saw her under her a tree, crying. Did you hear that? That was my heart snapping in half, I hated seeing her cry like that.
I ran over to her. "Harmony, honey you alright?"
She looked up at me with watery eyes. "A-am i a-"
"Harmony don't you dare say what you were going to say!" I pulled her onto my lap. "Don't listen to her okay? She's the monster."
She sniffed and buried her face in my chest. "I d-don't like her."
I rubbed her back. "Neither do I. Just stay away from her then she can't hurt you."
"C-can you prank h-her?"
I really was rubbing off on her... "Of course. Any suggestions?"
"Dye all of her stuff black a-and put dungbombs in her classroom."
I felt a small smirk form on my face. "I like the way you think little one."
She looked up and glared at me, "I am not little!!"
"You're 4 years old Harms, you're little." I laughed.
"Am not!"
"You're my little angel." I kissed her forehead.
She smiled at me. "I love you Mummy."
I embraced her in my arms. "I love you too, my darlin. Come on, I gotta go to class."
"Can I go to Dobby and Doodle?" Harmony asked.
Harmony loved playing with Dobby and Doodle and they loved her. "Alright, but stay with them untill i get you or when classes are done."
She nodded. "Okay."
"Come on." We stood up and I walked her to the kitchen.
We walked in after I tickled the pear and Doodle appeared. "Hello! What can Doodle do for Ms. Ember and Ms. Harmony?"
I smiled at the little elf. "Hey Doodle, can Harmony stay here untill classes are over?"
Doodly nodded and smiled happily. "Of course!"
"Yay!!" Harmony squealed excitingly. "Where's Dobby??"
There was a 'POP' and Dobby appeared. "Hello Ms. Harmony! Ms. Ember!"
"Okay, so," I said. "Dobby, Doodle, please watch over Harmony and make sure she doesn't get into trouble or make a mess or brake anything."
They both nodded. "Anything for Ms. Ember."
"Thank you." I turned to Harmony. "Be good okay?"
She nodded. "Okay Mummy."
I kissed her forehead. "Love ya."
"Love you too Mummy." Harmony grinned and ran off with Dobby and Doodle.
I walked out of the kitchen and went to my next class, which was Divination, yay.... I went to Trawleny's class and saw that I was late. Awesome.. "Mrs. Bolton, you're late." Trawleny said.
I nodded. "I know, it won't happen again Professor." I walked over and sat down next to Draco and Blaise who were saving me a spot. "Hi."
"Where was i?" Trawleny asked herself. "Oh, right. As I was saying, dreams are very important to Divination. I would like each of you to write down your most recent dream and we will find thr true meaning of it."
I groaned, like everyone else. Write about a dream I had? I don't even remember what I ate for dinner!! I'll just make up some story...
"Ms. Bolton, would you please read your dream?" Trawleny asked me after a couple of minutes.
I groaned. "Do i have to?"
She nodded. "Yes."
I sighed and read what I wrote down. "'A dream I recently had was about me, my boyfriend Draco and one of my best friends, Blaise Zabini.'" Draco and Blaise perked up a bit to listen better. "'We were in the Great Hall for breakfast. I made a little waffle house and cut out waffle people. I decided to use magic to make the cut out waffle people eat their house. Each time they took a bite they got fatter and fatter. I thought it would be funny to make them eat each other. So, they started to wreastle and try to each other. Which was hilarious, watching two cut out waffle people try to eat each other. One of them bit off the other's butt off. Then i bit off one of their heads off and it started to run around my plate like a headless chicken. I ate the waflle and me, Draco and Blaise yelled out, 'It ate its butt!'' the end."
Draco and Blaise were laughing quietly, while everyone else stared at us weirdly. Trawleny nodded. "Yes, now, what do you think it means?"
"That it happened last year. It was really funny. I like hanging out with Draco and Blaise," easy enough.
"Good, Mr. Malfoy?" Trawleny asked. "Please read yours."
Draco stared at Trawleny like she was insane- no wait, like she had 50 heads. To be honest, she was a bit mad. "Umm... No thanks."
"Mr. Malfoy, please read what you have written down." She said sternly.
I smirked at Draco. "Yeah Draco, read it."
May laughed. "Its probably about Ember, and him, together, mmmmmmmm."
My eyes widen, as everyone burst out laughing. I looked over at Draco to see him glaring at May, but also has a small blush on his face. "Is not!!" He exclaimed.
"Mr. Malfoy, your dream." Trawleny repeated.
Draco sighed. "It's about me, with a Lizard. I like Lizards."
I smirked at him. "The Lizard likes you too." Lizard, Eli the Lizard, Eli, Me, duhhhh.
Trawleny gave him a weird look. "Lizards, interesting. What did it look like. what did you feel?" Oh, THIS should be good!
Draco went wide eyed. "Umm... It looked like a... Lizard.. " Blaise and I looked at eachother and laughed at Draco's stupid answer.
"Yes, but, what were you feeling during that dream?" Trawleny asked. Oh my god. This may be the best Divination class ever! May, Harry, Ron, and Mione were laughing quietly. So were Blaise and I. Everyone else were confused or laughing as well.
Draco scratched the back of his head. "Uhh... I felt... Okay?" I gave him a look, 'okay'? Really? "I like the lizard so... Yehh..."
Trawleny nodded. "Very well," she walked away to talk to other people.
I stared at Draco. He looked up, "What?" I sighed and shook my head. "Ember."
I rolled my eyes. "'Okay'?"
"You know what I meant." Draco said.
I scoffed. "Sure I did."
"People were around."
"And? I can't just say 'oh, i had a dream about my girlfriend and how much i love her' that would be embarrassing."
Okay, tht hurt. I was just messing with him. But he just basically said he's embarrassed of me. "What?" I questioned.
"Oh shit. Bad choice of words man." Blaise said. "You're screwed now Mate."
Draco's eyes widen "No, Ember, I didn't mean it like that!" I sighed and shook my head. I pulled out a book and start to read it. What the heck? I don't read! But I was a bit upset that Draco said that.

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