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No one knows about me and Draco. Except Blaise. Why is it always Blaise? He knows everything! Draco and I has been sneaking around. We would sneak out at night to meet up somewhere. I haven't been caught yet. Well, once by Dumledore, but he acted like he didn't see me and left. Gotta love him. Between classes we would meet up somewhere and snog maybe or just talk

I'm with Fred and George, we're going to go to Filch's office to get the map, you know the Murauder's map. Yeah, he took it-_-

We stop at the corner of the hall that goes to Filch's office. Fred turns to me "You and George will stay here, I'll tell Filch you two are snogging so when he gets the-"

I cut him off "Whoa, stop right there. I'm not snogging George. No offense to George, i love you but i'm not snogging you"

"Why not?" George asks a bit upset

I'm with Draco that's why! "I'll just make a bunch of noise and he'll come after me, while you go get the map. Okay?"

"How bout me?" Fred asks hopefully

I shake my head "No. Give me a minute, okay?" i pull out a couple fire crackers "I'll enjoy this" i say with a smirk

I walk off, i put the fire crackers in a corner and set it off. Wow, that's loud! I ran off, guess what? I ran into someone "Damnit"

"Well hello to you too"

I look up and saw Draco and Blaise "Hey" Draco holds out his hand, i instantly take it and he helps me up

"Hello Love" Draco pecks my lips

Blaise smirks at me "Yeah, you don't like him Ember"

I roll my eyes "At the time i didn't alright?"

Draco chuckles "What was that loud bang?" i smile innocently "Of course it was you. Why?"

"Well, i make a distraction so Fred and George can sneek into Filch's office to take back the stuff he took" i explain, leaving out the part where i was suppose to snog George


I nod "Yeah"

"So, anyways. Wanna hang out?" Draco ask

Blaise smirks "In other words, he's asking if you want to have a snogging session"

Draco hits Blaise on the back of the head "Shut up Blaise"

"Don't hit me!" Blaise slaps Draco on the arm

I laugh at them "You two fight like an old merried couple" They both stare at each other With disgust "Well, that isn't a pretty face"

"DRACEY!!!" oh Merlin

Draco groans as Puggy(Pansy Parkinson) flung herself onto Draco. I ball my hands up into a fist "Get off Pasny"

She pulls away and pouts "Come on, let's go for a walk"

"No" Draco says, Puggy, you better leave him alone or i kill you

"Why not?" she asks

"Because i don't want to" Draco says

"Wouldn't you rather come hang out with me, then... that little slut" She stares at me in disgust

Oh no she didn't "What did you just call me?"

"A slut. Now go away, Draco wants to be with me. Not you"

I glare at her "He hates you"

"Why do you care anyways?" she asks "It's not like you guys are dating or anything"

"Actually we are" i grab Draco's hand and pull him closer to me "Now back off before i rip your head off"

She rolls her eyes "Yeah, i believe you"

Draco wraps his arms around my waist "We are dating, ever since Christmas. Now leave us alone"

She narrows her eyes at us "We'll see. If you guys are actually dating then i'll leave you alone. But if your lying Draco's mine" then she walks away

"Wow" Blaise said "I've never seen you that mad Em. Looks like you were about to shread her to peices"

I shrug "She was all over my boyfriend"

"I like the sound of that" Draco says "'My boyfriend'"

Blaise rolls his eyes as i laugh "My boyfriend"

Blaise groans "Don't get all locey dovey on me!"

Draco smiles "What? You mean like this?" he cups my face and presses his lips against mine

I giggle as Blaise says "Yes like that! Ugh you guys stop" I just flip him off and wrap my arms around Draco's neck "Fine. Have fun sucking on each other's fa-"

"EM- whoa.."

I pull away and saw Fred and George, shit... "Uh.. Hi"

George looks at me, then at Draco then back at me "Oh, that's why" he was refering to earlier

I bit my lip and nod "Yeah..."

Fred smirk "I knew it! I knew you fancied him"

"Shut up Fred"

"Busted" Blaise sang as he walks away, bastard

"Umm..." Draco rubs the back of his neck. Aw! He's so cute when he's nervous

"You guys a thing?" George asks

"Yeah we are" Draco says confidently, awww

"Well, don't let us interrupt you" Fred says

"We'll see you at lunch" George winks and walks away with Fred

"That was better than i expected" i turn to Draco

He smiles "Yeah" he gentally pushes me up against the wall "Where were we?"

I smile "A couple steps back"

He rolls his eyes "Smart ass"

"I am smart"

"Your such a pain in the ass you know that?" he asks "But your my pain in the ass"

I laugh "I'm a pain? In your ass?"

"You know what i ment" he place his hands on my waist

"Do i now?"

"Shut up" he says before kissing me

I smile in the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance. I smirk and kept kissing him. He growls and forcefully, but gentally kisses me. I felt his hand slide down to my butt, he squeezes it causing me to gasp, he slids his toung in my mouth. He lifts me up and i wrap my legs around his waist

I still can't believe half a year ago i hated him with a burning passion. And now we're snogging the life out of each other


Does anyone want to edit my stories? I have horrible grammar and spelling. Anyone want to proofread them? MAinly because I'm kinda lazy... You can kik me. valspandabear

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