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Today was Dumbledore's funeral. It was going to be held on Hogwarts grounds, they were going to bury Dumbledore on a small island in the middle of the Black Lake. I felt like this was an appropriate place to bury Dumbledore because he had spent almost all of his life there.
After the funeral, we were going to stay at the Burrow, so we had to pack all of our things and move them to the Burrow. It was going to be really cramped there, but no one complained. Ron wasn't very fond of the idea of having me stay in the same house as him, but Molly, along with the rest of the Order, stood up for me. I felt so horrible for not telling the Trio that I was a Death Eater. Fred didn't let it bother him. Ginny and Hermione seemed okay, but I know they were upset that I didn't tell them. 

I changed into a pair of black jeans, black top and shoes. I helped Harmony put on a black dress, she understood what had happened. It broke my heart when I had to tell her Dumbledore died, she loved him. I still haven't told her about Sirius, I couldn't hurt her like that.
Harmony and I went downstairs where everyone else was. Remus told us to apparate to Hogsmeade and we will ride a carriage to Hogwarts. On our way to Hogwarts, air was so thick and uncomfortable. the sky was clouded by dark clouds. It felt like it was going to rain soon. Hundreds of people attended the funeral. Many talked about how much Dumbledore meant to them. McGonagall had asked me to speak because Dumbledore was a father to me. He adopted me when I was little. He raised me, took care of me, and treated me like I was his daughter.

I walked up to the small podium and looked at the large crowd. Many were crying and others tried not to cry. I took a deep breath. "Um.. For those who don't know... I'm November. A few of you may know that Dumbledore adopted me when I about two years old. He took me in when no one else wanted to. He took care of me as if I was his daughter. He is one of the most caring and open minded person I have ever met. Umm... I'm not sure of what I'm supposed to say. Dumbledore is the kind of person who would go out of their way and make sure someone was okay. He would do whatever it took to protect those he cared about. He's such a huge part of my life and I don't know where I'd be without him." 


Voldemort left me alone, I don't know what he was playing at, but he stopped calling me to meetings. Snape said that Voldemort was planning something, but he didn't know what. I was a bit scared, but I was also relieved. I hated attending meetings because Voldemort would interrogate me and it usually ended with him using the torture curse.
Moody grunted. "Now, as we have discussed, Granger if Potter doesn't agree-"
Mione cut him off. "I take his hair."

Moody nodded. "Now, Fred, George, Fleur, Hermione, Ron, November, and Mundungus will use the potion to become Harry."
"I still don't agree with Ember's going," Ron said.
I glared at him. "I am going because I want to protect Harry! Why can't you just accept that Ron?! I'm one of your bloody best friends! The Order trusts me, Dumbledore trusts me, why can't you? You'v known me since we were eleven! You know I care about Harry more than I care for myself!"
"You're a bloody Death Eater, Ember!" Ron exclaimed.
"Ron! I did it because Dumbledore asked me to!" I yelled at him. "How many times do I have to tell you?"
"That's enough." Hermione spoke up. "We all trust you Ember. We've known you long enough to know that you are loyal."
"Thank you." I cried out in annoyance.
Moody grunted. "Each of you will have a protector. Harry will be with Hagrid. Ron, your with Tonks. Hermione with Kingsley. Fred with Arthur. George with Remus. Fleur your with Bill. November, stay close. And Mundugus will be with me. Got it?" We all nodded.
George pulled me into a side hug. "You okay?"

I nodded, "yeah. I'm fine. One of my best friends hate me, but whatever."
"He'll come around." George reassured me. 

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, sure."

-Skipping to when they get Harry-

We flew by broom and Thestrals, and Hagrid was on Sirius's bike. Hagrid knocked on the door and Harry opened it. "Hagrid!" Harry hugged him.
"Hello." Ron and Mione hugged him.
"Your looking fit" Hagrid said with a smile.
Moody walked through the door. "Yeah, he's bloody gorgeous. Now lets get under cover before someone murders them." Someone's moody.. Ha! Get it? He's Moody and he's acting all Moody! We all went into the living the living room, well it was empty... The whole house was. Arthur looked around a bit admiring things here and there. Harry's eyes locked with mine, I wasn't sure how Harry felt about me. I just hope he didn't hate me.
Harry looked at Kingsley. "I thought you were looking after the prime minister."
Kingsley nodded. "You are more important."
Bill walked up to Harry. "Hello Harry, Bill Weasley."

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