Chapter 22

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The revelation that Mum had orchestrated a similar scheme for Gregory left me in a state of disbelief. 

"So you're telling me Mum blackmailed you too?" Gregory's question hung in the air, his tone tinged with a mixture of shock and resentment.

I couldn't help but join in, my curiosity piqued by the unexpected twist in the family saga. 

"What do you mean by 'you too'? She did that to you too?" I asked, my voice incredulous as I took a sip of my bubble tea, the sweetness of the drink providing a brief respite from the weight of the conversation.

Gregory nodded solemnly, his expression clouded with memories of past betrayals.

 "Yeah, she did," he admitted, his voice heavy with emotion. 

"It seems Mum has a talent for manipulation when it comes to securing her legacy."

The realization sent a chill down my spine, the implications of Mum's actions casting a shadow over our family dynamic. As we exchanged wary glances, I couldn't help but wonder how deep the deception ran and what other secrets lay buried beneath the surface. But for now, all we could do was confront the truth head-on and navigate the complexities of our family ties with a newfound sense of clarity and determination. As I took another sip of my bubble tea, I braced myself for the revelations that lay ahead, knowing that the road to uncovering the truth would be fraught with challenges and uncertainties.

"Oh, yeah," Romeo chimed in, his voice carrying a weight of resignation that mirrored my own suspicions about Mum's manipulative tactics.

Gregory, ever the strategist, stepped in with a practical solution. 

"I guess you need to figure out a plan before you visit Aunt Babei. If she's convinced you're happy, she won't bother you with the blind date," he suggested, his tone thoughtful as he considered the best course of action.

I nodded in agreement, grateful for Gregory's level-headed approach to the situation. 

"You're right," I acknowledged, feeling a sense of determination welling up within me

"I need to show Mum that I'm in control of my own life, no matter what she tries to throw at me."

Romeo offered a supportive nod, his expression reflecting a silent solidarity in the face of our shared struggle. 

"We've got your back, Abby. Whatever you decide, we're here for you," he reassured me, his words a comforting reminder of the strength that lay within our friendship.

With Gregory's guidance and Romeo's unwavering support, I felt a newfound sense of confidence begin to take root. Armed with a plan and the unwavering support of my friends, I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that together, we could overcome any obstacle that stood in our way.

"But we don't know if it's a blind date this time," Romeo added, injecting a note of uncertainty into the conversation.

"It makes more sense, but I can't risk it," I admitted, feeling the weight of the decision pressing down on me. I turned to look at the three of them, seeking guidance in their supportive gazes.

Irwin, although silent up until now, suddenly spoke up, his voice carrying a quiet intensity that demanded attention. 

"Take someone with you to Cabo Verde," he suggested, his words cutting through the uncertainty like a knife.

I blinked in surprise, genuinely taken aback by Irwin's suggestion. 

"Wow, and?" I responded, my mind racing to process his unexpected idea.

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