Chapter 3

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Thanksgiving dinner was a successful one, specially my pistachio Cranberry Cookies made the best impressions out there. I gave the leftovers to Calantha knowing that Romeo will gobble them. Since his return, I've noticed that I've been thinking about him a little too much lately.

"Where are you lost?"

"It's just Romeo" I blurted out without realising it was Greg who spoke

"Woah, woah ain't he a good match of you?" He snorted

"Never, I agree he might be good looking but no, his eyes are deadly, he seems more dangerous than he actually is" I replied

"That's because he's been thorough hell and back" Grey randomly responded

I was about to ask for further explanation when I realised the reason why I called Gregory. Its supposed to be our Dad's retirement party this afternoon. We planned a surprised party for him, inviting all my investors, clients, family friends, his old colleagues and many more people. We discussed the little up and downs before heading back to the castle. Greg's friend wanted Dad to gave a memorable retirement party hence suggested the castle would be exquisite and we both agreed. Greg told me his friend was coming, as much as my heart wanted to see Romeo again, I was more curious of the guy who owns the castle.

Early morning we just disappeared, mum kept the secret for way longer than we had imagine and dad still clueless of what awaits him tonight. With excitement bubbling inside me, I couldn't wait to explore the magnificent castle. As I ventured through the halls, every corner seemed to hold a piece of history, and I was eager to uncover its secrets. Martin, the security agent, accompanied me on my tour. He was a tall, serious-looking man with a stern demeanor, but his eyes held a spark of kindness. "Miss Abby, I'll be accompanying you throughout your tour. If you have any questions or if there's anything you'd like to know, feel free to ask," he said, his voice steady and reassuring.

The air inside the castle carried a subtle hint of history, as if the very walls whispered tales of bygone eras. The stone floors beneath our feet echoed with each step, resonating with the weight of centuries. Gazing up, the towering walls showcased intricate stonework, their surfaces etched with stories of triumphs and tribulations. As we ventured further, the grandeur of the castle unfurled like a tapestry of its own. The corridor we strolled through was lined with towering suits of armour, each with an imposing presence. The flickering light from the torches mounted on the walls danced across the polished surfaces of the armour, creating an illusion of movement in the stillness of the castle.

The tapestries that adorned the walls were a masterpiece in their own right. Rich hues of crimson, gold, and royal blue depicted scenes from a forgotten era. Knights in shining armour, mythical creatures, and epic battles were woven into the fabric with meticulous detail. As we passed, it felt as though the characters within the tapestries were alive, frozen in time, their stories waiting to be discovered. The chandeliers overhead were a dazzling display of craftsmanship. Intricately designed, they hung like crystalline constellations, casting a warm and inviting glow that bathed the surroundings in a soft, golden light. The flickering flames within the chandeliers seemed to possess a life of their own, dancing and swaying as if guided by an unseen force.

The furniture, though aged, exuded an air of regal elegance. Antique tables and chairs, adorned with carvings and gilded accents, stood as silent witnesses to the passage of time. Each piece seemed to carry the weight of countless conversations, laughter, and perhaps even secrets shared within the castle's hallowed halls. As we continued our journey through this otherworldly fortress, the feeling of teleportation from another realm intensified. It was as if the castle existed outside the constraints of time, inviting us to step into a world where the past and present intertwined seamlessly. In every corner, the echoes of a distant era reverberated, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of our own fleeting moment within its enchanted walls.

Martin guided me to the castle's library, a room that seemed straight out of a fairy tale. The shelves were lined with books, some old and weathered, while others looked brand new. The room had a cozy atmosphere, perfect for getting lost in the pages of a captivating love story.

Venturing beyond the castle's towering walls, we stumbled upon its garden, which seemed to defy the confines of the fortress. The entrance was concealed by an archway of intertwined vines and climbing roses, creating a sense of anticipation as we stepped through. As we entered, the air transformed, carrying with it the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers.

The garden sprawled out before us in a riot of colours-a kaleidoscope of nature's wonders. Roses, lilies, and tulips stood proudly, each petal a vibrant stroke on the canvas of the earth. The scent was intoxicating-a symphony of floral perfumes that hung in the air and stirred the senses with every gentle breeze.

In the heart of the garden, a majestic fountain took centre stage. Crafted from marble, it stood as a testament to both artistry and functionality. Water cascaded from the intricate sculptures of mythical creatures, creating a soothing melody that echoed through the garden. Sunlight played upon the water's surface, turning it into a liquid dance of sparkling reflections. Stone pathways meandered through the flora, inviting exploration.

Overhead, trellises adorned with climbing vines created natural archways, casting dappled shadows on the ground below. As we strolled along the winding paths, the sun bathed the garden in a warm glow, illuminating the delicate veins of each leaf and the dewdrops that clung to the petals like nature's jewels.

I couldn't help but imagine the garden's transformation under the enchanting embrace of a moonlit evening. The flowers, now silhouetted against the deep indigo sky, would take on an ethereal quality. The fountain, illuminated by soft moonbeams, would cast dancing shadows across the pathways. It was easy to envision the garden as the backdrop for an enchanting evening party, where laughter and music would mingle with the fragrance of flowers, creating an atmosphere of magic and romance.

As we lingered, the garden revealed itself as a sanctuary of tranquilly, a secret haven behind the castle's grandeur. It was a place where time seemed to slow, allowing the beauty of nature to weave its own spell, and where the anticipation of evening festivities added an extra layer of allure to this already mesmerising escape.

The golden rays of the setting sun cast a warm glow over the ancient stones of the castle as I entered my lavishly appointed room. The air was filled with the scent of freshly cut flowers that adorned every corner, and the sound of distant laughter from the castle courtyard added to the enchanting atmosphere. The canopy bed, draped in rich fabrics and adorned with intricate patterns, stood as the centrepiece of the room.

Luxurious furnishings surrounded me, from polished mahogany dressers to ornate mirrors that reflected the opulence of the space. The room was a testament to the castle's commitment to providing an experience befitting the celebration of my dad's illustrious career.

I made my way to the balcony, drawn by the allure of the breathtaking view. The castle grounds sprawled out below, a picturesque landscape that seemed straight out of a storybook. The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, and the twinkling lights in the courtyard began to illuminate the surroundings. As I looked down, I could see the preparations for the night's festivities in full swing.

Servants bustled about, putting the finishing touches on the decorations and arranging tables laden with sumptuous dishes. The air was filled with the tantalising aroma of a feast fit for a king, a fitting tribute to my father's journey from a military career to a business magnate.

Returning to the room, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. The castle had opened its doors to us in a gesture of honour, recognising my dad's accomplishments. The unexpected luxury and attention to detail spoke volumes about the esteem in which he was held. As I got ready for the night, the surreal nature of the experience settled in. It was as if I had been transported to a fairy tale, where the ordinary boundaries of life were suspended for this special occasion. I carefully chose an outfit that matched the grandeur of the evening-a blend of elegance and sophistication that mirrored the atmosphere of the castle.

Descending the majestic staircase to join the celebration, I carried with me not only the excitement of the night ahead but also a profound appreciation for the twists and turns that life had taken. From military service to building a business empire alongside my mother, my dad's journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. The night promised to be a magical celebration, a fitting tribute to my father's years of hard work and dedication. Little did I know that the fairy tale ambiance would only intensify as the evening unfolded, creating memories that would be cherished for a lifetime.

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