Chapter 14

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Irwin pov

My steps felt heavy as I left Abelia's side, my mind burdened with guilt and worry. The night had fallen, casting long shadows across the dimly lit streets as I set out to find Justin, the one person who might hold the key to unraveling the mystery behind Abelia's suffering. My heart ache to see her in this state. She has been unconscious for two days. The more i thought of Justin the more my anger bolted inside. With each step, I replayed the events leading to Abelia's current state in my mind. The incident that had befallen her two days ago was shrouded in darkness and unanswered questions. I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to the story than what met the eye. Determined to uncover the truth, I quickened my pace, my footsteps echoing through the empty alleys.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Romeo and I reached Justin's residence. His small, dimly lit apartment seemed a stark contrast to the darkness that had engulfed Abelia's life. I knocked on the door, my knuckles rapping against the wood with urgency. Moments later, Justin opened the door, his eyes widening in surprise as he saw my distressed expression.

"Justin, we need to talk," I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil within me.

Justin's face contorted with guilt and fear, realizing that his secrets might have caught up with him. He hesitated for a moment before inviting us inside. The room was cluttered with books, papers, and maps - a testament to his obsession with unraveling mysteries. I wasted no time in confronting him about Abelia's situation, my words laced with desperation.

"We need to know the truth, Justin. Abelia doesn't deserve this pain. Whatever you're hiding, it's time to come clean," I urged, my eyes searching his for any signs of remorse.

Justin sighed, his shoulders slumping under the weight of his lies. ''I have nothing to say to you, she came to your house and saw me there, It is utterly your mistake to hide this from her'' he responded with a grin

Determined to protect Abelia and put an end to her suffering, I pressed Justin for more information, urging him to share every detail he knew. Together, we delved deeper into the enigma that had enveloped Abelia, vowing to uncover the truth and bring justice to her shattered world. Little did we know that our quest for answers would lead us down a dangerous path, where the line between friend and foe blurred, and the stakes grew higher with each revelation.

As I stood there, face to face with Justin, the air was charged with tension. His smug, arrogant expression taunted me, and I couldn't hold back my anger any longer.

"All the lies that you told her, the way you betrayed her at the end, the way you messed up her mind wasn't enough for you?" I seethed, my voice trembling with fury. "You fucking bastard."

Justin's eyes bore into mine with defiance, his lips curling into a mocking smile. "Oh yeah? Motherfucker, you think I'm scared of you? Don't forget, you can end up in jail; it's a child's game for me."

My fists clenched, and I felt my blood boil as his words sliced through me. Romeo punched him on his nose, He had pushed it too far this time.

I took a deep breath, my chest heaving, and then I shot back with a venomous tone, "Repeat that again, asshole. You dared to threaten me, Irwin McFlurry. I swear I will make your life a fucking hell. It's enough now. Years ago, I gave you a chance to reform, but you didn't. Get ready to rot in jail now."

With that, I slammed the doors on his face, the sound echoing through the quiet street. As I walked away, I could feel the weight of the impending confrontation settling in the pit of my stomach. Justin's arrogance might have ignited the fuse, but my determination to bring him to justice burned even brighter. The air was thick with tension as I sat across the table from Gregory, Romeo and Azlert, the dim light casting long shadows on the walls. Gregory, my best friend and lawyer, looked at me with a mixture of concern and determination in his eyes. Azlert, the brilliant mind who helped us gather evidence against Justin, tapped his fingers on the table, his impatience palpable. Romeo drafted the best legal documents along with Gregory to sue Justin.

I clenched my fists, my anger simmering beneath the surface. Abelia, sweet and unsuspecting, had fallen for Justin's facade during her internship. She had no inkling of the darkness that lurked behind his charming smile. I couldn't shake off the guilt that gnawed at me; I should have warned her about Justin's true nature sooner.

The betrayal cut deep, knowing that Justin, my step-cousin, had deceived Abelia, preying on her trust and love to further his twisted vendetta. His lies had woven a web of deceit, all in the name of revenge against her. It was sickening to think that he never cared for her; he merely used her as a pawn in his vengeful game, a means to an end to get back to his ex-girlfriend. As the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, Gregory, Romeo, Azlert, and I had worked tirelessly, collecting damning evidence against Justin. The truth was our weapon, and we intended to wield it with all the force we could muster. The sheer audacity of Justin's actions fueled our determination; he had manipulated Abelia's emotions, shattered her trust, and left her heartbroken.

I thought of Justin's ex-girlfriend, the unwitting accomplice in his twisted scheme. She was yet another victim of his cunning, someone who deserved better than to be entangled in his web of lies. My pity for her only intensified my resolve to see justice served. In that moment, I wished for nothing more than to see Justin pay for his crimes. He had not only broken Abelia's heart but had also undermined the trust we placed in family. The rage that simmered within me demanded retribution; Justin was not just a heart-breaker but a fraudster who deserved to rot in jail, his reign of deceit brought to a decisive and final end.

''I am sorry Gregory, that bastard should have been in jail by now''

''We are together in this, in two hours he will get the shock of his lifetime, it took us 3 years to finally build up a concrete case. I will make sure he rots in jail'' Gregory spoke with determination.

Justin is an illegitimate grandchild of my grandparents. Despite the distant connection through blood, his demeanour had always been shrouded in darkness, casting a shadow over family gatherings. He wasn't just a distant cousin; he was, by all accounts, a total jerk. Over the years, whispers of his malevolence had woven through family anecdotes like an undercurrent of unease. His actions spoke louder than any blood relation, and the label of 'illegitimate' seemed almost fitting for someone who bore ill will and malice. It wasn't a hasty judgement; it took a painstaking three years to unravel the layers of deceit and to collect the scattered pieces of information that painted a clearer picture of his sinister intentions.

In the wake of Justin's lifelong imprisonment, a profound sense of relief washed over me, knowing that justice had finally been served. The weight of the harm he caused, the money he never returned to Abelia, and the mental harassment and trauma he inflicted on others had been acknowledged by the court. Despite the passage of time, the memory of Abelia's innocence lingers, a delicate fragrance that refuses to fade. The purity that once defined her spirit remains a cherished remnant, a testament to the untarnished beauty that she brought into the world. Her laughter, like a delicate symphony, has become a cherished refrain in the soundtrack of our shared experiences. Yet, beneath the surface of that infectious joy, there lies a silent suffering that tugs at the strings of my heart. Abelia, with her radiant smile and resilient demeanour, has borne the weight of hardships without seeking solace in the words of others. Her struggles, shrouded in a cloak of silence, paint a poignant picture of strength in adversity.

The depth of her pain, carefully concealed behind the veil of her stoicism, becomes a haunting melody in the silence between her laughter. It's a testament to her resilience, a quiet courage that propels her forward even in the face of unseen battles. The awareness of her unspoken suffering casts a bittersweet shadow over the memories of her cheerful innocence. Abelia emerges as a silent warrior, navigating the complexities of life with grace and fortitude. The contrast between the joy she exudes and the pain she conceals is a testament to the complexity of the human experience. It prompts a profound admiration for her strength and an empathetic yearning to alleviate the burdens she bears in solitude. As I prepared for my upcoming business seminar in Zanzibar, there was a mixture of emotions running through me - a blend of satisfaction, closure, and anticipation for the future. Unfortunately, my busy schedule prevented me from seeing Abelia before I left. I regretted not being able to see her.

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