Chapter 38

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"Wake up, love," a soft voice besides me whispered in my ears. I woke up startled, and in my sudden movement, I bumped my head against his. "Ouch, what are you now, a bull?" Irwin asked, rubbing his forehead.

"You did not just call me fat?" I shot back, my eyes narrowing as I searched for a pillow to throw at him. Spotting one at the end of the bed, I grabbed it and launched it in his direction. Irwin skillfully dodged it, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"Easy there, no need for a pillow fight in the morning," he chuckled, reaching out to pull me into a warm embrace. I couldn't stay mad for long, especially with his infectious laughter filling the room.

I playfully pouted, crossing my arms. "You're lucky I didn't aim for the bull's-eye."

Irwin raised an eyebrow, teasingly. "The what now?"

I rolled my eyes, giving him a playful shove. "Never mind. Just don't go comparing me to farm animals, and we'll be fine."

He leaned in, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. "You're not a bull, love. You're my morning sunshine, even if you do wake up with a bit of a temper."

I couldn't help but smile, the warmth of his words melting away any lingering annoyance. "Well, you're lucky I love you, even if you do have a knack for early-morning insults."

Irwin chuckled again, pulling me closer. "It's all in good fun, my love. Now, how about we start the day without any more headbutting incidents?"

I nodded, snuggling into his arms. "Agreed. Just no more farm animal comparisons, okay?"

He grinned, "Deal. Now, let's make this day a good one, minus the accidental head injuries."

The pillow fight continued with unabated enthusiasm, feathers floating in the air as we both unleashed our playful attacks. Amidst the laughter and chaos, I seized the opportunity to retaliate. Gripping a handful of Irwin's tousled hair, I gently pulled his handsome face close to mine.

"I will seek revenge," I whispered, a mischievous glint in my eyes as I stared into his.

"I will wait for it," he replied with the same tone, his gaze locked onto mine. Before I could make a strategic retreat, he seized the moment and pulled me towards him, launching into a surprise attack of tickles. Laughter erupted from both of us, the carefree sound filling the room.

We rolled around in a tangled mess of pillows and laughter, enjoying the simple joy of being together. It had been so long since I'd experienced such pure happiness, and the tears that came to my eyes were not from sorrow but from the sheer delight of the moment.

Between gasps for breath, I managed to say, "Okay, okay, truce!"

Irwin grinned, relenting in his tickling assault. "Truce it is. But remember, revenge is a dish best served ticklish."

We lay there for a moment, catching our breath and relishing the shared joy of the impromptu pillow fight. In that laughter-filled moment, everything else seemed to fade away, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple pleasures of love and laughter.

Irwin's presence had a way of making my heart flutter, creating a love story that unfolded unexpectedly. It was the kind of connection that seemed to transcend the ordinary, a tale of the man who had the uncanny ability to sweep his woman off her feet. Our story was a blend of an independent woman finding her match in a true gentleman. It's often said that such love stories exist only in movies and novels, a romantic ideal that seems too perfect for reality. And while it might be true that life doesn't always mirror the pages of a novel, it doesn't mean that genuine, enchanting love can't be found in the most unexpected places. Irwin was living proof that the combination of strength, independence, and genuine kindness could create a love story that felt like a masterpiece. His gestures, both grand and small, painted a picture of a man who not only respected and admired my independence but cherished it.

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