Chapter 16

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The plane had just landed, and the passengers were disembarking one by one. As I made my way through the aisle, I couldn't shake off the disorienting sensation that lingered from my dream. The turbulence had felt so real, and Abelia's presence in front of me had been such a vivid illusion that I had believed it, if only for a moment. It was a stark reminder of the feelings I had buried deep inside, feelings I had for Abelia. My heart pounded as I reached Abelia's room. I needed to see her, to talk to her, and hopefully, to make amends. The door creaked open, revealing her sitting on the edge of the bed. Romeo suggested he would go inside first, I agreed as I knew these two were on good terms.

The moment my eyes met hers, I felt bitterness inside, her eyes held no warmth, only an unsettling emptiness that sent shivers down my spine.

Before I could even take a step closer, I lash out, my voice laced with anger and disappointment. "Mr. Romeo, stay right there. Do not approach me." The command was stern, and I froze in my tracks, my heart sinking. The attendants in the room, who had been attending to me, quickly made their exit, leaving us alone.

He stood there, as if unable to comprehend what he had done to deserve such a reaction. Desperation and confusion welled up within him as he stammered, "What's wrong, princess?" His voice was trembling. He could clearly see the tears glistening in my eyes, but the fire of anger in my gaze remained unyielding.

"You are a liar," she yelled, my words hitting him like a physical blow. "I thought I could trust a guy again, but you've proven me wrong. You knew Justin. I hate you, Romeo. Get out of my sight. I don't want to see your face." Each word was a dagger in my chest, and his vehemence shattered the hope I had carried in my heart.

Pain welled inside my heart. My heart ached with sorrow as I realized the enormity of the situation. The air hung heavy with unresolved tension as I made the difficult decision to walk away. The desire to calm the situation and explain myself to Abelia was palpable, but the atmosphere seemed unyielding, and her demeanour remained unwelcoming. Knowing that Romeo and she were close, I opted for a silent departure, hoping that distance would provide the necessary space for misunderstandings to dissipate. As I retreated, the weight of unspoken words lingered, a burden carried away with each step. The choice to leave the scene was not an act of surrender but a strategic retreat, recognising the need for emotions to settle before attempting to mend the fractured threads of connection.

In the distance, I observed Abelia and Romeo engaged in a conversation. The distance afforded me a vantage point to witness the dynamics unfold. It was a bittersweet sight-the woman I cared for and a friend, seemingly caught in the web of misunderstanding. The sight of Abelia, awake and seemingly safe, brought a wave of relief. In that moment, the turmoil within me found a temporary reprieve. Her well-being became the paramount concern, transcending personal tensions and the weight of unspoken words.

She was awake and, hopefully, in good health became the focal point of my emotions. The desire for her safety eclipsed the personal complexities that had momentarily strained our connection. In that moment, the distance I created became a silent act of protection, a choice to prioritise her peace of mind over the immediate resolution of misunderstandings. As I retreated into the shadows, the hope lingered that time and reflection would pave the way for reconciliation. The scene unfolded like a poignant tableau, emotions suspended in the air, awaiting the moment when clarity and understanding would bridge the gaps that had momentarily widened between us.

Abelia's pov

Amidst the backdrop of my memories, the pain surged through my body like a tidal wave of raw emotion. It was a strange, gut-wrenching feeling, the kind that made me question the fairness of the world. I had never fathomed that the man responsible for my grandfather's death was connected to Irwin, the person who had finally managed to find a place in my guarded heart. Romeo explained to me calmly about the situation and the case that they built. My heart felt contented because finally Justin was rotting in jail.

Six years ago, my trust in men had been shattered by Justin, a man I had met at work. Initially, he had seemed charming and friendly, with a twinkle in his redshot eyes and a smattering of freckles across his face. I had been optimistic about the budding relationship, hoping for love and companionship. Little did I know that those six months would transform into a nightmare, a period where Justin revealed his true, monstrous nature.

He used me, not just emotionally, but financially too. He manipulated me, extracting every penny he could and leaving me in a state of utter helplessness. Worse, he played a role in the murder of my beloved grandfather, an act so heinous it haunted my nightmares. Justin's facade of love and care shattered, revealing a man capable of constant verbal abuse and terrifying threats. During those dark times, I felt utterly alone, with no one to turn to. The trauma I endured isolated me from the world, making me afraid to trust anyone. Justin's cruelty knew no bounds, and I couldn't comprehend how someone could be so heartless.

When I finally managed to escape his clutches, I believed I had left him behind for good. But fate had other plans. Years later, I found myself face to face with him, and all the anger and fear I thought I had buried came rushing back, more potent than ever before. The workplace was where it all began, the place where Justin and I crossed paths for the first time. I still remember the day he walked through those glass double doors with an air of confidence that I initially found charming. He had a magnetic personality that drew me in like a moth to a flame. From the start, it seemed like he was genuinely interested in me, asking about my day, my interests, and even singing me lullabies when I couldn't sleep. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

He had a remarkable voice, capable of transforming even the most mundane moments into something magical. He'd call me at the drop of a hat, just to check on me and make sure I was doing okay. I felt special, cherished, and believed that I had found someone who truly cared for me. But little did I know, he was weaving the same enchanting web of affection and attention for every girl he encountered. It wasn't just me; it was a part of his deceptive repertoire. Justin's two-faced nature was a shock to my system. Behind my back, he was talking trash about me, painting me in an unflattering light to others. He spread lies and rumors about my work and my character, all while maintaining a facade of a loving, caring partner although we were never in a relationship.

Over time, my love for him slowly morphed into resentment, not just for him but for the entire workplace. My own company, which had once been my pride and joy, became a place tainted by Justin's deceit. It was as if the very walls of my business had absorbed his toxic energy. What infuriated me the most was his unapologetic arrogance. He had a way of convincing himself that he was always right, even when his actions were clearly selfish and cruel. He treated people with contempt and seemed to revel in causing harm to those who trusted him. But the storm didn't end there. Justin's connection with Irwin, the billionaire ruthless playboy as portrayed by the media, added another layer of betrayal. I was well aware of Romeo's notorious image in the media, but I never thought he would stoop to the same level as Justin. He had, for a time, seemed like a caring and gentle soul, masking his true intentions with sweet gestures and acts of kindness. He fooled me into believing I could rely on him for a second. I was wrong to think bad of the McFlurry brothers.

It was only later that I realized it was all an act, a cover for a sinister nature that mirrored Justin's. The mask Irwin wore so convincingly for so long had finally fallen off, revealing the true depths of his deception. The trust I had placed in him shattered, leaving me with a profound sense of betrayal and a deep well of anger toward both of them. People like Justin, who hide behind charming facades while secretly causing harm, are a special breed of malevolence. Justin was a demon and no matter how hard I try, I just cannot bring myself to forgive him. Those six months spent with him became six years of trauma.

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