Chapter 29

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My breath came in ragged gasps, matching the pounding rhythm of my heart. As I turned a corner, I stumbled upon a chilling scene that brought me to an abrupt halt. There stood Irwin, his face contorted with rage, towering over a figure huddled on the ground. My breath caught in my throat as I observed the brutality of the scene before me. The metallic tang of blood hung in the air, adding to the surreal atmosphere. Panic surged through me as I sprinted towards the commotion, weaving through the maze of market stalls. The once-crowded thoroughfare now seemed eerily empty, the bystanders having scattered at the first sign of trouble.

I finally caught sight of Irwin, his face contorted with rage, standing over someone on the ground. As I approached, my heart pounded in my chest, and a lump formed in my throat. I could see the blood on Irwin's clenched fists, and my stomach churned with a mixture of fear and dread. And then, I saw the figure beneath him, battered and bruised - my ex. My ex, his face contorted with a mixture of rage and desperation, glared at me with wild eyes. In that moment, I saw a darkness that I hadn't realized existed within him, and it sent a shiver down my spine. His hand gripped a knife, glinting ominously in the dim light of the market. The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning - he wasn't just seeking revenge; he intended to escalate the situation to a deadly level. Panic surged within me as I registered the imminent danger.

"Stop!" I screamed, my voice raw with desperation. The bustling market seemed to fall into a surreal hush as the gravity of the situation hung in the air.

The shock hit me like a freight train, memories of our tumultuous past flooding back. The emotions were overwhelming, a whirlwind of anger, betrayal, and heartache.

"You bastard, how dare you run away from jail?," Irwin spat, his voice dripping with venom. The intensity of his anger hung in the air like a storm ready to unleash its fury.

My instincts kicked in, and without thinking, I rushed forward. "You bastard, get the fuck away from him!" I screamed, my voice cutting through the tension. The rage in my words mirrored Irwin's, fueled by a protective instinct I never knew I had. Irwin looked up, his bloodshot eyes meeting mine. There was a brief pause, a silent understanding passing between us.

''Abby, go back! He's not in his senses!" Irwin's voice echoed, desperation dripping from every syllable. His eyes pleaded with me, attempting to convey the danger that lurked ahead.But my rage had consumed me, turning my vision crimson. The man before me, the alleged destroyer of my life. "I will kill him today, he destroyed my life!" My own words echoed back to me. The bitter taste of revenge lingered on my tongue, mixing with the salty tears streaming down my face. The sting in my eyes only fueled my determination to confront the source of my anguish.

"No, Abby, go back! The cops will be here soon!" Irwin's voice cracked with a sense of urgency, his attempt to reason with me growing more desperate. Yet, the bond between us, a shared history of pain and resilience, compelled me to stand my ground.

"I can't leave you here alone Irwin!" My voice quivered with a mix of fear and determination, each step forward resonating with the weight of my shattered life. I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks, it pains me to see Irwin like this. The laughter of the menacing figure echoed through the desolate alley, adding a sinister undertone to the already tense atmosphere. "What do we have here, lovers?" His voice oozed with malice, a cruel mockery that sent shivers down my spine. Irwin and I stood side by side, defiance etched on our faces, as we faced the impending threat.

"Say goodbye to your lover, bitch." The ominous words hung in the air like a dark cloud, the anticipation of violence thickening with each passing moment. The metal rod in his hand glinted malevolently, a weapon poised to strike and shatter the fragile peace we clung to. Refusing to be passive victims, adrenaline surged through me, and without a second thought, I launched a powerful kick at his waist. The element of surprise worked in my favor as he staggered backward, the impact breaking his sinister laughter. Irwin seized the opportunity, unleashing a flurry of strikes that sent the five men surrounding us into a writhing mass of pain. The alley echoed with grunts and groans as they crumpled, half-conscious, under the force of Irwin's retaliation.

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