Chapter 42

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With the papers now back in order and a slightly more composed demeanor, I made my way towards the exit of the conference room. However, as I stepped forward, my heel caught on the rug again, threatening to send me stumbling once more. My heart skipped a beat, but before embarrassment could wash over me again, the door swung open, and Romeo walked in.

"Abelia, I heard there was a meeting, and I thought I'd check in," Romeo announced, casting a glance around the room. His eyes quickly assessed the situation, noting the scattered papers and my precarious stance.

Without missing a beat, he swiftly moved to my side, offering a steadying hand. "Need a hand, Abelia?" he asked with a warm smile, effortlessly helping me regain my balance.

"Romeo, thank you," I said, relieved by his timely arrival. The room, filled with an air of tension and awkwardness just moments ago, now carried a different energy.

Irwin, who had been observing the scene with a hint of jealousy, couldn't conceal the subtle shift in his expression. From the look on his face I could tell he was ready to punch Romeo for even breathing the same air as me. He left with an expressionless face.

As we left the conference room together, Romeo continued to engage in small talk, effortlessly diffusing the lingering awkwardness. Irwin, caught off guard by the unexpected entrance and the easy rapport between Romeo and me, couldn't hide the subtle traces of jealousy that flickered across his face. The encounter, which had started with a series of mishaps, had taken an unexpected turn. The presence of Romeo had injected a new dynamic into the situation, leaving Irwin to grapple with emotions he had perhaps hoped to keep hidden. As we navigated the office corridors, the echoes of the unspoken tensions reverberated, leaving me to wonder how this unexpected twist would shape the unfolding narrative between Irwin, Romeo, and me.

Weeks after the awkward encounter in the office, an invitation arrived for a prestigious gala night, a high-profile event attended by individuals from the business elite. As I stepped into the grand ballroom, dressed in an elegant gown, I couldn't shake the anticipation of a chance meeting with Irwin. Little did I know that this evening would bring forth another unexpected twist. As I mingled with the crowd, my eyes landed on Irwin, who was engrossed in conversation with a captivating woman by his side. She had an air of sophistication, and her laughter echoed through the room, drawing attention. A pang of jealousy and frustration surged within me as I realized that Irwin had seemingly moved on.

Suppressing the unease, I approached them, determined to maintain composure. "Irwin," I greeted, forcing a smile. "It's been a while. How have you been?"

Irwin turned toward me, his expression nonchalant. "Abelia," he acknowledged, introducing the woman beside him. "This is Amelia, meet Abelia."

Amelia extended a hand, her smile radiating warmth. "Nice to meet you, ex girlfriend.''

I couldn't help but feel like an outsider in a moment that should have been familiar. It hurts, I wanted to slap both of them. As they continued their conversation, I struggled to conceal the unease building within me. Excusing myself, I navigated through the crowd, attempting to regain composure in a quiet corner.

Romeo, who had been watching from a distance, approached with a concerned look. "Abelia, are you okay?"

The emotions that had simmered beneath the surface erupted. "Irwin is here with someone new, flaunting her like a trophy. This is unbearable," I confessed, my frustration palpable.

Romeo's expression shifted from concern to understanding. "I'm sorry, Abelia. It must be tough. But don't let it ruin your night. You're strong, and you don't need to let Irwin's choices define your experience here."

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