Chapter 33

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"Abelia, are you done?" Aunt Babei's voice interrupted my thoughts, bringing me back to the present. The Bubble Festival was just an hour away, and preparations were in full swing. Irwin and the others had left earlier for urgent business, leaving only Gregoire and Calantha behind.

As I stepped outside, the festive atmosphere buzzed with excitement. Decorations adorned the surroundings, and the air was filled with the anticipation of the upcoming event. Despite the energetic surroundings, I couldn't help but sense a subtle undercurrent of potential matchmaking orchestrated by Aunt Babei. I had overheard her conversations with Uncle Abai, and it seemed like she was playing the role of a cupid, intending to set up Gregoire and Calantha on a blind date. The idea held an appeal for me; Gregoire's gentlemanly demeanor and Calantha's vibrant energy seemed like a perfect match. Gregoire's gentlemanly demeanor added a layer of charm to the potential match. He was always cautious and gentle around women, qualities that had earned him the admiration of many. On the other hand, Calantha exuded an energy that was vibrant and contagious. The contrast between their personalities seemed like a harmonious blend, creating an intriguing dynamic.

As the festival drew near, I couldn't help but envision the possibility of Gregoire and Calantha discovering a connection that went beyond their professional interactions. The delicate dance of romance amidst the lively backdrop of the Bubble Festival added an element of anticipation and excitement to the unfolding events. Gregoire and Calantha's height difference added an endearing touch to the potential match. The contrast in their physical stature seemed to enhance the charm of their compatibility, creating a visual harmony that resonated with a subtle sweetness. Despite the opportunities they had to converse, I could discern a certain hesitation from Gregoire's side. Perhaps it was the uncertainty of crossing the boundary from friendship to something more, or maybe he harbored reservations that remained unspoken. The uncharted territory of romantic entanglements often carried with it a mix of excitement and trepidation.

On the other hand, Calantha's romantic history was a blank canvas. She had never been in a relationship before, dedicating her focus to career aspirations and the pursuit of independence. Inspired by her brothers, she had chosen a path that prioritized personal growth and professional success. Her dual major in Journalism and International Law showcased her commitment to diverse interests, and her role as a board member in my company demonstrated her dedication and capabilities beyond academia. Calantha's international exposure had provided valuable insights over the years, making her an integral part of the company's strategic vision. As I looked ahead to my future role as CEO, I envisioned collaborating closely with her to implement significant changes. The synergy between us held the promise of positive transformation, and the prospect of working alongside someone with Calantha's unique blend of skills and perspective was both inspiring and invigorating.

The unfolding dynamics between Gregoire and Calantha, both on a personal and professional level, added layers of complexity to the narrative. The subtle nuances of their interactions became threads woven into the fabric of a larger story, one that promised growth, connection, and the potential for romantic sparks to fly amidst the changes on the horizon.

"Let me help you, Abelia," Gregoire offered as I surveyed the final touches before the festival began. "No need, it's done," I replied with a smile, glancing around at the meticulous setup. "Maybe Calantha needs help," I added, pointing toward where she might be.

"Oh, okay," Gregoire nodded, accepting my response, and he wandered off to find Calantha. As I observed them together, a sense of contentment washed over me. The prospect of Aunt Babei's matchmaking efforts were creating a lovely atmosphere, promising an enchanting night.

The anticipation of the festival hung in the air, and the vibrant decorations reflected the care and attention that went into the preparations. Despite the joyous occasion, a subtle yearning tugged at my heart-I missed Irwin. The absence of his presence, especially during such moments, left a void that only his companionship could fill. Wanting to share the beauty of the decorations with Irwin, I took a picture and sent it to him along with a heartfelt message: "I wish you were here." The sentiment encapsulated the mix of emotions I felt-gratitude for the unfolding festivities, a touch of nostalgia, and the longing for the companionship of someone dear.

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