Chapter 39

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''Have a seat, Professor. I was eagerly waiting for your presence,'' I say, gesturing towards him to take a seat.

''Ms. McWayne, I have heard a lot about you from Ms. Jasmine. It is a wonderful idea for your company to extend a helping hand to ECU,'' he says.

''It is my pleasure, respected professor,'' I respond as I hand him the contract for his review.

I asked Jasmine to take charge of this project as well, and I've also asked Romeo to lend her a helping hand, well aware that I am playing cupid in their story.

I remember well the day I met Romeo at the retirement party of my father. That night, not only did we become friends, but it was also the time Irwin wrapped his coat around me—the coat that I have not returned to him yet. It's been so long. As the professor reviews the contract, I can't help but reflect on the interconnected stories and relationships that have woven themselves into the fabric of my life. The nostalgia of past events mingles with the anticipation of the future, creating a moment of reflection in the midst of business dealings.

Thankfully, the Director of ECU was well acquainted with the McWaynes, hence the collaboration became easier, yet it is still a challenging path to follow. The meeting was brief, as Jasmine had already done the necessary. She headed back with the professor while Calantha and I went to the boardroom.

''Hello everyone, first of all, this is our first meeting as your CEO. I have some important news to announce and made several changes in our company employment's welfare,'' I said as I clapped to switch off the lights and turned on the projector.

The room dimmed, and the projector illuminated the screen with charts and graphs outlining the changes and updates. As the new CEO, I took charge of the moment, addressing the team with a mix of authority and warmth. The air in the boardroom held a sense of anticipation, and the employees leaned forward to catch every word. The collaborative efforts with ECU marked the beginning of a new chapter, and the changes announced hinted at a shift in the company's approach and priorities.

''Firstly, two additional days will be added to your Christmas holidays. Secondly, our company decided to collaborate with ECU for the new laboratory and internship of their students. And lastly, I am inviting you to the charity gala that will be held next Sunday. Any questions?'' I asked. 

They nodded in approval; thankfully, this was done smoothly. In about ten minutes, I have a meeting with the shareholders and investors in the conference room. I feel hungry; I barely ate in the morning. As the announcement settles in, the employees exchange glances and murmur among themselves, processing the information shared.

The addition of Christmas holidays, the collaboration with ECU, and the invitation to the charity gala mark significant developments within the company. The mix of professional updates and a personal invitation creates a dynamic atmosphere in the boardroom, and as I prepare to head to the next meeting, the buzz of conversation lingers in the air.

''Good luck for the meeting, fighting,'' said the message from Irwin. I smiled at the message. The once cold-faced Greek god is wishing me luck for our board meeting.

''Stop blushing and drink this smoothie, as your strategic finance advisor, friend, and shareholder of your company, it is my duty to ensure your safety,'' Calantha said in an authoritative tone.

''Hitler,'' I murmured, and we laughed. Indeed, it is challenging at such a young age to become CEO. Gregory is managing the other industry well, finance, media, and investment, while I got into social, finance, and education. I should ensure the smooth going of the company. The McWayne legacy must live on.

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