Chapter 37

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As everyone emerged simultaneously, a collective presence filled the room. Amidst the crowd, my eyes couldn't help but fixate on Irwin. He stood there, radiating an undeniable charm, and my thoughts couldn't help but take a sudden turn. "He looks so damn hot," I thought, the realization hitting me with an unexpected intensity. A mischievous grin played on my lips as I entertained a playful fantasy, imagining an impulsive desire to just jump on him right there. Suppressing a laugh, I couldn't deny the flutter of excitement that accompanied the thought. The contrast between the shared company and my private musings added an amusing layer to the moment, and I found myself caught between the reality of the situation and the playful fantasies dancing in my mind.

It was a fleeting moment of lightheartedness, a secret indulgence in the midst of the crowd. As the laughter and chatter continued around us, I couldn't help but appreciate the unexpected joy that a simple glance could bring, adding a touch of playfulness to the shared space. Irwin's perceptive eyes caught my laughter, and he responded with a playful wink. The warmth of his gesture ignited a flutter in my heart. "He is such an angel," I thought, feeling a surge of gratitude for having him by my side. The simple act of his wink was a reminder of the joy he brought into my life. As we gathered outside, the air carried a festive energy. Everything looked enchanting under the night sky, and I couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of the moment. Finding a seat next to Gregoire, I felt a sense of excitement bubbling within me. It seemed everyone shared the anticipation, sensing that Grandma had something special planned for the evening.

The call from Grandma to gather in the patio prompted us to take our respective seats. As we settled down, the atmosphere buzzed with curiosity and excitement. Dad, breaking the suspense, asked, "So Mom, what's the plan for this night?" His inquiry hung in the air, and we all turned our attention towards Grandma, eagerly awaiting her announcement. As I sat in the midst of the anticipated gathering, my mind wandered back to the day when I had shared the news about Irwin with my family. The memory brought a smile to my face as I recalled the mixed reactions. While my mom had reservations that time would hopefully mend, my grandma had been delighted. She had known Irwin since his middle school days, and her fondness for him made her extend a special invitation for a BBQ party that evening.

Gregoire, who often stayed at Grandma's place, also shared in her excitement. The bond he shared with Irwin had deepened over the years, creating a sense of familiarity and camaraderie. It was heartwarming to witness the connections that had flourished over time. Tonight's BBQ party held a promise of simple joys and familiar flavors. I eagerly looked forward to devouring grilled corn, sweet potatoes, and lotus stems - a delightful spread that never failed to bring comfort and joy. The small gathering was made even more special as I had extended an invitation to Jasmine, knowing that Romeo, who had become an integral part of her life, would be joining us. The thought of Jasmine and Romeo's budding relationship brought a warm feeling to my heart. Observing their adorableness together added an extra layer of happiness to the evening. As the night unfolded with the promise of good food, laughter, and cherished company, I couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of these simple yet meaningful moments that life had to offer.

As Grandma shared her wisdom, the enchanting atmosphere of the mansion unfolded before us. "You know, kids, this mansion is something different from the others. At night, especially on this day, you will see the Milky Way, and if you are lucky enough, you can see shooting stars," Grandma revealed, her words carrying a magical promise.

The prospect of witnessing the Milky Way for the first time filled me with anticipation. "Oh, wow-ww! I've never seen the Milky Way. I'm sure I'll love it," I exclaimed, my excitement evident in my response.

As the evening plans unfolded, Grandma described a delightful night ahead. A grilled barbecue party in the patio, surrounded by the warmth of a crackling fire, and an array of games to be played, fulfilling Grandma's desires for a joyous gathering. The prospect of spending the night in such a magical setting seemed like the perfect recipe for a wonderful time. Currently, the preparation was in full swing. The ladies were busy cutting veggies while the men worked on preparing the mixture. Mr. Gonzalwest took charge of putting coal in the oven, ensuring everything was set for the barbecue. The collaborative effort reflected in the shared joy and laughter, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie. As I observed everyone bustling with energy and enthusiasm, I couldn't help but feel the infectious happiness in the air. Grandma, radiating the most profound joy, looked like the happiest soul in the room. The anticipation of the night ahead, filled with laughter, delicious food, and the prospect of stargazing, created a sense of togetherness and contentment that made the moment truly magical.

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