Chapter 28

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The morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, blending with the sweet scent of breakfast that Aunt Babei was preparing in the kitchen. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of comfort and happiness. As I adjusted to the surroundings, I became aware of Aunt Babei standing there with a mischievous grin and a hint of playful curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

"You are finally awake, darling. Where's your man?" Aunt Babei asked, her tone teasing and filled with a knowing smirk. I couldn't help but chuckle at her playful demeanour.

"Oh yeah," I replied nonchalantly, stretching a bit as I sat up in bed. "He's still sleeping."

Just as the words left my lips, a deep, husky voice sounded from behind me, sending a delightful shiver down my spine. "Who says I'm still sleeping?"

I turned around to find Irwin, his tousled bedhead and sleep-filled eyes giving him an irresistibly dishevelled charm. Without any hesitation, he reached out and pulled me into an embrace, his strong arms enveloping me in a comforting warmth. Irwin pressed a tender kiss to my forehead, his lips lingering for a moment before he looked down at me with a playful glint in his eyes. Aunt Babei chuckled at the scene before her. "Well, well, it seems I've interrupted a cosy morning moment. I'll leave you two to enjoy your wake-up call. Breakfast is waiting downstairs whenever you decide to join the land of the living."

As Aunt Babei exited the room with a knowing smile, Irwin and I shared a laugh. The playful banter continued as Irwin grinned mischievously, the morning sunlight highlighting the crinkles around his eyes. "Good morning, my potatopie," he said with a playful smirk, using the endearing term he had coined for me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Stop it. Who the heck is your potato pie?"I whispered, feigning annoyance as I pinched his arm lightly. Before he could muster a protest, I leaned in, planting a sweet peck on his lips, catching him by surprise. His cheeks flushed a charming shade of red, and a soft, surprised gasp escaped him.

"Now look who's blushing," I teased, my laughter echoing in the room. I playfully stuck my tongue out at him, revelling in the morning warmth that filled the space between us. The lighthearted exchange added a touch of affectionate intimacy to our morning routine, creating a cocoon of shared laughter and love that set the perfect tone for the day ahead. Irwin's gaze softened as he looked at me, his eyes reflecting the warmth and fondness we shared. It was moments like these that made ordinary mornings extraordinary, turning simple gestures into expressions of love that lingered long after the laughter had faded.

As we continued our playful charade as a couple, there was an unspoken understanding between Irwin and me, a connection that transcended the pretense. Despite the teasing and banter, I could see genuine concern and tenderness in his gorgeous eyes, a depth that hinted at sincerity beneath the surface. Irwin, with his seemingly cold exterior, was revealing himself to be a cute little bundle of joy.

Amid the casual conversation, Irwin leaned in, his eyes softening with a warmth that went beyond our pretend relationship. "So, what's the plan for today?" he asked. I paused for a moment, contemplating the day ahead, then shrugged. "I don't really know either," I replied, my words muffled by a mouthful of pineapple. Irwin looked at me and burst into a genuine, hearty laugh-a sound I hadn't heard from him before. It was a cute, natural laugh that echoed through the room, highlighting the dimples on his cheeks.

Caught off guard by the unexpected display of joy, I couldn't help but ask, "What's so funny?" irritation lacing my tone.

He wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye, still chuckling. "Nothing. You're just looking cute." Irwin's compliment hit me unexpectedly, causing a blush to creep across my neck and cheeks.

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