Chapter 12

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"I'm sorry I fell asleep here," I said sheepishly, my cheeks tinted with a blush as I realized I must have looked a little disheveled.

Romeo's response was understanding and kind, "No worries. I know you woke up early today, and thank you for making these little goodies." He gestured towards the bag he was holding, containing the treats Greg and I had prepared earlier.

"Hehe, thanks. Greg helped me too, actually," I replied, grateful for my brother's assistance.

As we prepared to leave, Romeo hinted at a surprise, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "I have a surprise for you. In fact, today is going to be quite a wonderful surprise."

My curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but ask, "Can I know where we are going?" My eyes widened, giving him the best puppy eyes I could manage. "You look cute like this," Romeo teased, his smile reaching his eyes. "And no, that's a surprise," he added, chuckling softly. The soft rustle of leaves under our feet provided a soothing melody as we continued our leisurely stroll through the woods. Shafts of golden sunlight filtered through the dense canopy above, casting a warm, dappled glow on the forest floor. Every step we took seemed to echo with the harmony of nature, making the experience feel like a dreamy, enchanted walk.

The air was scented with a delightful mix of blooming flowers and the earthy aroma of fallen leaves. Vibrant wildflowers adorned the edges of the path, their colors popping against the lush green backdrop. Birds chirped merrily in the distance, their melodic tunes adding to the tranquil ambiance. It was a symphony of the wilderness, and I felt completely immersed in its beauty. Romeo's presence beside me was comforting, and I could sense a shared appreciation for the natural world in the way he admired the surroundings. His eyes reflected the same awe and wonder that I felt, and there was an unspoken understanding between us, as if the woods had woven an invisible thread connecting our souls.

As we walked in companionable silence, I stole glances at Romeo, his profile framed by the soft, filtered sunlight. He looks like the perfect match for Jasmine. The lines on his face spoke of wisdom and kindness, adding to the allure of his presence. His smile, warm and genuine, made my heart flutter with affection. With every step, the forest seemed to embrace us, enveloping us in a sense of belonging and tranquility. My curiosity about the surprise Romeo had planned grew with each passing moment. The anticipation tingled in the air, heightening my senses and adding a layer of excitement to our journey. I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me, a delightful mystery wrapped in the beauty of the natural world.

"Thank you. It smells so nice here. That's my favorite fragrance-Lavender," I said, my voice filled with a hint of nostalgia as i tried to break the silence between us.

"How nice. It's my favorite too," He replied, feeling a sense of connection over our shared preference.

As we ventured deeper into the woods, the towering trees enveloped us in a canopy of lush greenery, their ancient branches forming a natural cathedral. The forest floor was covered in a soft carpet of fallen leaves, and the muffled sounds of our footsteps echoed in the serene stillness of the wilderness. Romeo, with his strong and steady presence, guided me further into this enchanting world. "Close your eyes, princess," he whispered, his voice carrying a hint of excitement that mirrored my own. I obeyed without hesitation, my heart quickening with anticipation, and rested my trust in his protective embrace.

His arm wrapped around my waist, and I nestled into his comforting hold, feeling his warm breath against my ear. The woods seemed to come alive with every step, as if nature itself was eager to be part of our secret adventure. I could sense the tantalizing aroma of the forest, the earthy scent of moss and the sweet fragrance of wildflowers, mingling in the air. The cool breeze brushed against my cheeks like a gentle caress, making me feel even more alive. Birdsong filled the air, a harmonious chorus that seemed to celebrate our presence in this pristine world. Their melodies formed a symphony of nature's delight, a serenade to our hidden path through the woods.

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