Chapter 15

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Irwin's POV

Before my seminar, I stole away for a few precious moments with her. As I entered Abelia's hospital room, the stark sterility of the surroundings seemed to close in around us, a sharp contrast to her ethereal beauty lying in repose. The steady beep of the heart monitor provided a rhythmic backdrop, a constant reminder of her delicate condition. Watching her chest rise and fall with each breath, I couldn't help but marvel at the resilience of the human spirit. Despite the fragility of her state, there was a quiet strength emanating from her, a silent testament to her unwavering will to fight.

Sitting by her bedside, I reached out to gently brush a stray strand of hair away from her face, my fingers trembling with a mixture of fear and hope. In that moment, the weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air, yet there was also a glimmer of optimism, a belief that somehow, against all odds, she would prevail. As I sat with her in that hushed hospital room, time seemed to stand still. In the quiet stillness, I found solace in her presence, a reminder of the preciousness of life and the strength that lies within us all.

"Abelia," I whispered again, my voice barely audible above the hum of medical equipment. 

"You are strong, and I believe in you. You can overcome this. Wake up, please."

A deep sense of helplessness washed over me, but I refused to succumb to despair. With unwavering determination, I continued to hold her hand, as if my touch could somehow bridge the gap between her unconsciousness and the world of the living. Leaning in closer, I pressed another tender kiss on her forehead, hoping that my love could reach her even in the depths of her unconsciousness.

 "I miss you, Abelia," I murmured, my voice cracking with emotion. 

"Life is not the same without you. Please come back to me. I need you, and I promise I'll be right here waiting when you wake up."

With a heavy heart, I released her hand, knowing I had to leave for Zanzibar. The legal issues required my immediate attention, but my thoughts remained entangled with Abelia. Before I left, I placed a handwritten note on her bedside table, expressing my love and my unwavering belief in her strength.

As I walked out of the hospital room, I glanced back one last time, etching her peaceful yet unconscious form into my memory. Promising myself that I would return soon, I whispered,

 "Stay strong, Abelia. I'll be back"

With a final, lingering gaze, I turned away, determined to resolve the legal matters and come back to the woman I loved, praying fervently for her recovery with every step I took.

As the days continued to slip through my fingers, I couldn't help but pour my heart into letters addressed to Abelia. The doctor's words offered a glimmer of hope, promising that she might awaken at any moment. Yet, deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling that it was the trauma that had cast her into this silent slumber, holding her captive. And so, each day, I diligently penned missives, each one a heartfelt plea to the universe, trying to unravel the mystery that bound her.

Seven years ago, when our lives intersected for the first time, I found myself utterly entranced by her magnetic presence. Her spirit exuded an enchanting allure, her laughter reminiscent of sunlight dancing on water, and her eyes held within them entire galaxies of wonder and mystery. From the moment our paths crossed, I was captivated beyond measure. With each passing day, my affection for her only grew stronger. I found myself yearning to express the depth of my feelings, not merely through words, but through tangible tokens of love meticulously crafted with care and devotion. Each letter penned with trembling hands carried with it the weight of my emotions, each word a testament to the love that burned fiercely within me.

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