Chapter 1

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As Thanksgiving approached, the air in the office crackled with a palpable sense of anticipation. Desks were cluttered with decorations, and the hum of conversations about plans and preparations filled the room. However, amidst the festive atmosphere, my mind remained tethered to the events of the past few weeks. His audacious actions had left an indelible mark, a lingering disturbance that fueled a simmering anger within me. His reckless behaviour seemed to have set off a chain reaction of chaos, making it increasingly challenging to concentrate on my work. I found myself replaying the scenes in my mind-the heated exchanges, the sharp words, the palpable tension.

The more I dwelled on it, the more it felt like an impending storm threatening to disrupt the otherwise festive mood of the approaching holiday season. The challenge of focusing on my tasks became evident as I navigated through the sea of office commotion. Colleagues busily discussed their Thanksgiving plans, shared recipes, and coordinated holiday schedules. Meanwhile, I struggled to shake off the lingering frustration and focus on the tasks at hand. The chaos of the holiday season only added to the turmoil within.

Papers piled up on my desk, emails went unanswered, and the clock seemed to tick louder with each passing day. The office buzzed with excitement, but my internal storm raged on, making it increasingly difficult to find solace amid the festive preparations. As Thanksgiving loomed ever closer, the dichotomy of the festive exterior and my internal turmoil created a surreal atmosphere. The challenge now was not just to navigate through the chaos of the holiday season but to find a way to reconcile the lingering anger within so that I could truly embrace the spirit of gratitude and celebration that Thanksgiving was meant to bring.

Calantha, my friend and confidante, was a comforting presence in the midst of my turmoil. She seemed to understand my frustration and shared my disdain for her brother's behavior. We bonded over our shared exasperation and found solace in each other's company.

As I tried to immerse myself in my work, the tension that lingered in the office seemed to seep into every task I undertook. The once enticing and vibrant corporate world now felt like a suffocating labyrinth, its walls closing in on me with each passing day. The routine demands of my current position had become more than just challenging; they had become a daily struggle. The allure of the bustling corporate environment, with its promise of success and advancement, had lost its charm. The very aspects of the job that had once excited me-the deadlines, the high-pressure meetings, the constant juggling of responsibilities-now felt like chains, binding me to a life that left little room for personal satisfaction.

Amidst the fervour of the approaching holiday season, my yearning for change grew stronger. I found myself daydreaming about a job that offered flexibility and balance, one that would allow me to breathe outside the suffocating constraints of my current position. The monotonous hum of the office machinery seemed to drown out my aspirations, leaving me with a gnawing sense of unfulfillment.

I began to envision a workspace where creativity could flourish, where the rigid structure of corporate life would be replaced by an environment that valued individual growth and well-being. The idea of a job that allowed for a healthier work-life balance became a beacon of hope in the midst of the corporate storm.

The more I yearned for change, the more the walls of the office seemed to close in. I found myself browsing job listings, searching for opportunities that resonated with my desire for a more fulfilling professional life. The prospect of escaping the draining demands of my current position became a tantalising goal, and the hope for a brighter, more balanced future fueled my determination to make a change. Yet, I know I am going to inherit this business.

As Thanksgiving approached, my longing for transformation mingled with the festive air, creating a bittersweet cocktail of introspection and anticipation. The holiday season, traditionally a time for gratitude, now served as a backdrop for the contemplation of a future where my professional life aligned with my aspirations for a more balanced and fulfilling existence.

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