Chapter 30

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Jasmine's laughter echoed through the phone, a playful melody that seemed to dance between the words. "So Irwin was the one who saved you years ago?" she exclaimed, her excitement practically leaping through the receiver. I could almost picture the mischievous grin on her face as she teased me relentlessly about my perpetual single status. "So, I'm going to become an aunt soon?" she added, the amusement evident in her voice.

I rolled my eyes, attempting to conceal the sudden blush that crept up my cheeks. "Oh, shut up," I retorted, my embarrassment betrayed by the slight stammer in my voice. Her laughter only intensified, ringing in my ears like a friendly taunt. As the conversation continued, the poor network connection decided to play its part in our comedic exchange. The phone call was abruptly cut off, leaving behind a trail of unfinished sentences and laughter hanging in the air. I sighed, wondering if technology had a sense of comedic timing, or if it was just fate conspiring to interrupt our banter.

"Why are your ears red, Abby?" Irwin's voice, unexpected and close, sent a shiver down my spine. I jumped in fear, the sudden intrusion catching me off guard. "Oh man, you scared me," I exclaimed, placing a shaky hand on my racing heart.

"Don't be, I will never hurt you," Irwin reassured, his voice a soothing balm to my startled nerves. As he approached, a gentle kiss on my forehead followed, leaving a lingering warmth that spread to my cheeks, now flushed with embarrassment. The unexpected tenderness only intensified the fluttering in my chest.

"Abelia, you're blushing," Irwin pointed out, amusement evident in his laughter. My feeble attempt at denial only seemed to entertain him more. "I'm not," I insisted, though the rosy hue on my cheeks betrayed me. In a mix of embarrassment and playfulness, I decided to escape the situation, darting out of the room in search of Aunt Babei. As I hurried down the hallway, the echo of Irwin's laughter lingered in the air. The playful teasing and the unexpected tenderness created a swirl of emotions, leaving me with a mixture of embarrassment, amusement, and a hint of something else-an undeniable warmth that lingered from that gentle forehead kiss.

Aunt Babei's concerned gaze met mine as she inquired, "What happened, darling? Why are you red?" I tried to play it cool, conjuring up a quick excuse. "Oh, nothing, I'm just feeling hot," I fibbed, my hand instinctively moving to wave in front of my face as if to create a makeshift breeze.

Her keen eyes studied me for a moment, and I could almost sense her skepticism. However, before she could press further, Aunt Babei's face lit up with a mischievous grin. "Why don't you and Irwin go and wander across Cabo Verde? There's a charming familial coffee shop nearby. I'm sure Irwin will like it. Go quickly," she suggested, a twinkle in her eye.

It became apparent that Aunt Babei had more than just a passing interest in my potential romantic escapades. Her matchmaking instincts were at play, subtly pushing Irwin and me together. Despite her attempt to mask it as a casual suggestion, there was an undeniable twinkle in her eye that hinted at a bit of mischief. As I processed her words, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. It seemed Aunt Babei had no intention of being subtle about her matchmaking efforts. The prospect of exploring Cabo Verde with Irwin, especially to a quaint coffee shop, sparked a sense of excitement within me. Perhaps, amid the laughter, teasing, and shared moments, I was in for a few unexpected surprises during my stay.

Irwin and I strolled towards the coffee shop, a cozy haven nestled across the seaside. The inviting aroma of freshly baked pastries wafted through the air, tempting my senses and reigniting my appetite. The picturesque setting, combined with the delightful scent, created a moment that felt like it belonged in a storybook.

"Irwin, let's sit there," I suggested eagerly, I grabbed his arm before he could respond. The warmth of his presence was comforting, and I found myself appreciating the simple joy of sharing this moment with him.

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