Chapter 7

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As I entered the building, the aroma of freshly baked cookies wafted from the box in my hands, making my stomach growl in hunger. Greg led me upstairs, chatting about his plans for the day and how excited he was for his dad's retirement party tomorrow. His enthusiasm was contagious, and I found myself smiling in response.

The moment I stepped into the building, a wave of warmth greeted me, not just from the climate-controlled air but also from the delightful aroma that enveloped the lobby. Nestled securely in my hands was a box of freshly baked cookies, their sweet fragrance teasing my senses and prompting my stomach to emit an involuntary growl of hunger. The prospect of sharing these treats added an extra layer of anticipation to the day ahead.

Greg, my spirited guide, led the way upstairs, his voice filled with animated chatter about the day's plans. His enthusiasm was infectious, and I found myself absorbed in his lively conversation, the rhythm of his words becoming a pleasant soundtrack to our ascent. Each step seemed to resonate with the promise of a vibrant day ahead.

Upon reaching the corridor, we approached his office. Greg, ever courteous, gently pushed the door ajar. With a parting smile, he continued on his way to his own office, leaving me standing at the threshold of Romeo's domain. The ambiance within the office was a blend of professionalism and comfort. Romeo, focused on a mound of paperwork, looked up at the sound of the door opening. His eyes, like orbs of warm caramel, lit up with a genuine and welcoming smile as he saw me.

The sunlight streaming through the window highlighted the subtle contours of his face, casting a gentle glow that mirrored the hospitality in his expression.

"Good morning, Abelia. What brings you here?" He asked, his voice smooth and velvety.

"Morning, Romeo. Greg asked me to deliver these homemade peanut cookies," I replied, holding out the box. "I hope you enjoy them."

Romeo's eyes twinkled with appreciation as he took the box from my hands. "Thank you, Abelia. These look delicious"

Greg, ever the mischievous one, chimed in, "Abby here is an amazing cook. You're in for a treat, Romeo."

I blushed at the compliment, feeling a mix of pride and shyness. "Well, I hope you like them. I should get going now. Enjoy your cookies, and good luck with your day, Romeo."

Romeo smiled warmly at me, his gaze lingering for a moment longer than necessary. "Thank you, Abelia. It was a pleasant surprise."

As I turned to leave, Greg walked me to the door. "Thanks again, Abby. You're a lifesaver. Oh, and don't forget to text me if you need a ride back home."

I nodded, feeling a sense of contentment as I headed back to my car. The encounter with Romeo had been brief, but his appreciation and that charming smile of his lingered in my mind. In my haste to retrieve my forgotten phone, the staccato rhythm of my high Louboutin heels echoed through the corridor, a confident cadence that demanded attention. Heads turned, gazes lingered, but the unspoken rule prevailed-they dared not say anything.

After all, I was the sister of the president, a fact that often carried an air of unspoken authority. As I navigated the office floor, the ambient hum of activity ceased momentarily, replaced by a subtle acknowledgment of my presence. The fleeting glances from colleagues, each coupled with a hasty return to their work, formed a delicate dance of acknowledgement and discretion.

With my destination in sight, I quickened my pace, the urgency of the moment pushing me forward. Little did I realise that my high-speed traverse would lead to an unexpected collision. As I turned the corner, my trajectory intersected with an imposing figure, and suddenly, I collided headfirst into a broad and sturdy chest. A gasp escaped my lips, and my hands instinctively found purchase on the solid frame before me - his chest.

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