Chapter 34

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"Why are you here?" Irwin whispered, his lips dangerously close to mine. The proximity of his gaze, peering into the depths of my soul, sent a swirl of nervous excitement through my stomach. "I-I wanted to see you," I managed to utter, my words almost a breathless confession.

The smirk that played on Irwin's lips hinted at a playful amusement. "Why? Are you missing me that much?" he teased, his eyes holding a mischievous glint. "Shut up," I retorted, rolling him over and straddling him. The sudden shift in dynamics added a sense of control to the moment.

"Now tell me, what happened? Did something happen between us?" I questioned, seeking clarity in the midst of the confusion that lingered from the events of the night.

"Do you want something to happen?" Irwin countered, his tone teasing and suggestive. His enjoyment of the situation was evident, and I felt a mix of vulnerability and boldness as I sat atop him, grappling with the unspoken tension that hung in the air. The dimly lit room seemed to amplify the charged atmosphere, creating a moment suspended in time where the boundaries between friendship and something more blurred with every breath. He effortlessly pulled me under him, his fingers gently caressing my face as he spoke, "Relax, nothing happened. You were just too drunk. I carried you to Calantha's room." His words carried a reassuring tone, dispelling the uncertainty that had clouded my thoughts.

As he moved to leave, a surge of boldness compelled me to act. With a swift movement, I grabbed his arms and pulled him back down onto me. "Where do you think you're going?" I asked, a playful smirk dancing on my lips. "Abby, you're drunk. We shouldn't be doing this," Irwin uttered, his voice laden with hesitation. "Shuu-uu," I hushed him, placing a finger on his lips. With a gentle pull, I brought his head closer to mine. Our lips collided in a passionate kiss, a fusion of longing and desire that transcended the boundaries of the room. As we pulled apart, I whispered, "I love you so much, Irwin McFlurry," the words lingering in the air like a sweet melody. Before he could respond, I playfully bit his neck till it turned maroon, adding a touch of mischief to the charged atmosphere.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped the room as I groggily awoke, my head pulsating with the remnants of last night's revelry. Blinking against the morning light, I discovered a glass on the bedside table, accompanied by a note that read, "It's honey water; it'll drive away the hangover. Irwin." I couldn't help but smile at the sweet gesture. Taking a hesitant sip, the honey-infused elixir worked its magic, soothing the throbbing ache in my head. As I slowly regained my composure, the realization hit me - our time here was drawing to a close, and we would soon be heading back. Despite the lingering effects of the night, a surge of pride washed over me. I had successfully navigated the challenges of the festival, and Gregory had hinted at a significant announcement awaiting me back home - the coveted title of CEO. Excitement and nerves mingled within me as the anticipation of the impending promotion sank in.

Yet, amid the triumph and impending change, a subtle unease tugged at my conscience. The unspoken words that lingered between Irwin and me needed to be addressed. As I gathered my thoughts, a determination set in - before the corporate world welcomed me as its new leader, I have to confess my feelings to Irwin. With each step towards where Irwin awaited, my heart raced. The gravity of my emotions weighed on me, and as we prepared to leave the bubble festival behind, I couldn't escape the urgency to bare my soul. The scenic surroundings, once a backdrop to our shared endeavors, now took on a surreal quality as I braced myself for the revelation that awaited.

Calantha's question sliced through my thoughts like a sudden gust of wind, and without filtering my response, I blurted out my unguarded musings. "A way to propose to your brother," I confessed, the words hanging in the air with an unexpected weight. The silence that followed was broken only by the sound of Gregoire sputtering and nearly spilling his coffee, his eyes wide as he stared at me. Feeling a flush of embarrassment, I swiftly slid down in my chair, desperately trying to make myself less conspicuous. The awkward tension in the room was palpable, and I wondered if my impromptu revelation had just created an irreversible shift in dynamics. In an attempt to recover, I redirected the conversation, feigning nonchalance. "I haven't seen your brother, where's he?" I asked Calantha, hoping to divert attention from my unintentional confession.

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