Chapter 13

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In the past two weeks, I had been struggling to get in touch with everyone. My life had become incredibly busy with corporate responsibilities, leaving me with no time for social interactions. Unfortunately, this meant I couldn't attend the dinner that Romeo's family had kindly hosted, which made me feel even worse about the situation. But before I left for Ireland later that night, I was determined to visit him and apologize in person.

As I drove to Romeo's house, I decided to make a gesture of goodwill by baking him some Swiss rolls with lemon icing. I knew he had a sweet tooth, so I baked a large batch, enough for him to share with his family. I had also informed my friend Calantha of my plan, but she regretfully declined, mentioning that she had a date later that evening.

When I arrived at Romeo's house, I parked my car beside his majestic water fountain, the gentle sound of the flowing water providing a serene backdrop. As I approached the front door, I was greeted by Martin, the friendly gardener, who had worked for the family for years. He offered a warm smile and a nod, clearly aware of my intentions. I walked through the grand corridors of the house, but to my surprise, nobody seemed to be home. The house, usually full of life and laughter, now felt eerily quiet and empty. The hallways were dimly lit, with the soft glow of chandeliers casting intricate patterns on the walls.

I made my way to the dining room, where I had initially planned to leave the cake along with an apology note. But then, suddenly, I heard a strange sound coming from the other side of the room. It was a muffled noise, something I couldn't quite place. Frightened and uncertain, I instinctively grabbed a nearby vase for protection. I tiptoed towards the source of the sound, my heart pounding in my chest. The room was dimly lit, and the air felt heavy with tension.

As I cautiously entered the room, my eyes widened in disbelief and horror when I saw who was there. "Justin?" I stammered, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and anger. The vase slipped from my fingers and crashed to the floor, shattering into pieces. It was all I could manage to say before tears of disgust and frustration began to stream down my cheeks.

In that moment, all I wanted was to escape from that house, away from the unsettling encounter with Justin. My visit, intended as an apology, had taken an unexpected and unsettling turn, leaving me to grapple with a myriad of emotions and unanswered questions. As I drove away, the image of Justin lingered in my mind like a haunting ghost. I couldn't fathom how fate had connected him to Romeo and his family, but the mere thought of Justin being involved with people I cared about sent shivers down my spine. My hands tightened on the steering wheel, trying to shake off the memories of the past, but they clawed back into my thoughts like sharp talons.

I remembered the time when Justin and I were becoming friends, or so I had thought. We used to share lunchtimes together, and he seemed caring, loving, and kind in front of others. Little did I know that his friendly facade masked a sinister personality. Behind closed doors, he turned into a manipulative monster, toying with my emotions and mental stability.His constant lies and betrayal echoed in my head, a never-ending loop of pain. I recalled the times he would call his friends just to check whether I was in the office or not, as if my every move was under scrutiny. He had a way of making me feel like a puppet, controlling my emotions with his deceitful strings.

Justin had a talent for dragging my past into my present, making me regret my very existence. His cruelty knew no bounds, and he seemed to revel in my suffering. I despised him with every fiber of my being. In front of others, he pretended to care, but behind my back, he indulged in other women, as if I meant nothing to him. One day, I couldn't take it anymore. The rage and anguish boiling inside me erupted like a volcano. I confronted him, my voice shaking with anger and hurt. I let out all the pent-up emotions, every word punctuated with the pain he had caused me. I stood my ground, refusing to be his victim any longer.

The confrontation was intense, a clash of emotions and accusations. I demanded answers, seeking closure to the torment he had put me through. As the words flew between us, I could see the flicker of guilt in his eyes, but it was too little, too late. I had found my voice, my strength, and I was no longer willing to let him control me. With that confrontation, a chapter in my life closed. I vowed never to let anyone manipulate my emotions again. As I drove away, determined to move forward, stronger and wiser, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The atmosphere in the room was tense, thick with anger and frustration. I stood before Justin, my eyes welled up with tears, trembling with fear, as he verbally attacked me."Were you not the one who said 'I love you'?" Justin's voice was filled with bitterness. "You are a bitch, Abelia. My ex-girlfriend was better than you. She was the honey of my life. Even though we're not together, I knew she would never betray me like that," he roared, his words cutting into me like a knife.

My voice quivered as I tried to defend myself, "What did I even do to deserve this? All because I had an ex who didn't share the same spiritual beliefs? Why are you treating me like this?" Tears streamed down my cheeks as I spoke.

Justin's face contorted with rage as he took a step closer to me. "You, motherfucker, repeat that again? Do you know how much I'm hurt by your actions, even if its in the past, You were a Bitch" His anger was palpable, his voice threatening. "Didn't you realize that when you went on dates with him, the dignity of your family would be at stake? I could kill him if I wanted to," he threatened, his anger escalating. I was silenced by fear, my body trembling as I realized the extent of Justin's dangerous nature. I knew he was capable of violence and manipulation. I couldn't summon the courage to tell my family about the situation, as Justin had already made terrifying threats to keep me silent. The room was engulfed in a chilling silence, with me trapped in a toxic and abusive relationship, unable to find a way out of this terrifying situation.

Six years had passed since I first met him, and yet, the wounds he had inflicted upon my heart still festered with anger and hatred. I couldn't help but feel the weight of betrayal and heartbreak, the bitter taste of disillusionment lingering on my tongue. How could I have fallen so deeply in love, only to be left shattered and traumatized in his wake? He had returned to his ex, leaving me in a sea of lies and manipulation, exploiting my innocence and naivety. Despite the fact that i knew him for six months only but the pained he caused was beyond hell.

As I closed my eyes, attempting to escape the torment of reality, I was engulfed in a suffocating darkness. The air grew heavy around me, and in the distance, I heard the wailing sirens of an approaching ambulance, a stark reminder of the chaos that surrounded my life. Just when I thought I couldn't bear it any longer, a soft, gentle voice broke through the suffocating silence, pulling me back from the abyss. "It's okay, breathe. I am with you," the voice whispered, its soothing tone wrapping around me like a comforting embrace. It was the same voice that had saved me six years ago, a beacon of hope in my darkest moments. In that instant, I felt a glimmer of strength returning to my weary soul, as if the universe had conspired to send me a lifeline. The man behind that voice emerged as my saviour, a guardian angel in the tumultuous chapters of my life. His words were not just syllables; they were a symphony of hope, resonating through the caverns of my soul. It was a voice that whispered courage when I faltered, a melody that drowned out the dissonance of my inner turmoil.

With each word, the voice provided a lifeline, reminding me of the resilience within me. It was a reminder that even in the midst of heartbreak and despair, there were moments of grace and kindness, illuminating the path forward. In the midst of the smoke and chaos, I found solace in those gentle words, finding the courage to breathe, to let go of the pain, and to embrace the possibility of healing. In the presence of that compassionate voice, I realized that I was not alone in my struggle. There was someone standing beside me, offering unwavering support and understanding.

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