Chapter 6

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Romeo returned, gracefully balancing the two crystal-clear glasses filled with a refreshing fruit mojito. The glasses were adorned with slices of vibrant tropical fruits, their enticing aroma wafting through the air. The ice cubes clinked melodiously against the sides, promising a cool respite from the warmth of the night. The atmosphere, drenched in the ethereal glow of the moon, transformed the surroundings into a dreamscape. Moonbeams gently kissed the scene, casting a soft, silver sheen over everything. Fireflies danced in the air, creating a magical constellation of tiny lights that flickered and glowed, like stars descending to earth.

As Romeo approached, the subtle rustling of leaves and the distant melody of crickets formed a symphony, harmonising with the enchanting ambiance. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the invigorating zest of freshly squeezed citrus. Romeo's eyes, reflecting the moon's brilliance, sparkled with an undeniable warmth and affection as he presented the glasses. His gaze locked with mine, and for an ephemeral moment, time seemed to stand still. It was as if we had stepped into the pages of a fairytale, where every detail was meticulously crafted to weave a spellbinding narrative.

The delicate clinking of the glasses as he handed one to me resonated like a shared secret, a promise of a magical evening unfolding. The first sip transported me to a world of flavours, where the sweetness of fruits mingled with the tang of mint, creating a symphony on my palate.

"You think I'm adorable?" I asked, trying to let my intrusive thoughts win.

Romeo chuckled, his laughter echoing in the quiet night. "Absolutely, Abelia. You're like a breath of fresh air, bringing life to every place you go."

I couldn't help but smile back at him. I really think I am dreaming, Romeo McFlurry just gave me a compliment.

He grinned, his eyes never leaving mine. "I speak nothing but the truth, princess."

As we continued to explore the enchanting surroundings. We talked about everything and nothing, sharing stories, dreams, and even some embarrassing moments. Romeo was easy to talk to, and his sense of humor kept me laughing. At one point, I noticed his goosebumps, without speaking i wrap half of the coat on his shoulders. The night was cold yet my heart was warm. We strolled around the garden, Romeo pointing out different flowers and plants, each with its unique story. He told me, this castle was given to his cousin brother by his late great grand-father.

Amused I couldn't help but wonder who he was, maybe he was that mysterious man I saw in the morning? The night wore on, but I didn't want it to end. As we walked back towards the party, I couldn't help but think that the previous encounter was something special, something that would stay with me forever.

When we rejoined the others, the atmosphere had shifted. There was a new energy between Romeo and me, something unspoken yet profound. Greg raised an eyebrow at us, a mischievous glint in his eyes, but he didn't say anything. He simply smiled, as if he knew something we didn't. The rest of the night passed in a blur of laughter, music, and dancing. Romeo and I shared more moments, more glances, and each one felt like a step into something unknown yet exciting.

As the night came to an end, I felt a mix of emotions - happiness, curiosity, and a hint of anticipation for what the future might hold. With a heart full of hope, I headed home, my mind filled with thoughts of the extraordinary night and the extraordinary man I had met. Who would have known the Romeo i know was completely different with the Romeo that i met today. The night enveloped us in a tranquil embrace as Gregory and I stood by the dimly lit courtyard. The gentle rustle of leaves and distant murmurs of the night creatures created a soothing backdrop to our conversation.

"I was looking for you the whole night, how was it?" Gregory inquired, his voice laced with curiosity. His eyes held a hint of concern, genuine in its expression.

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