Chapter 40

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''Where are you taking me?'' I whisper, ''We are getting engaged in 3 days?'' I nearly snap with confusion.

Irwin stops; he puts his tie in my mouth and carries me to the car. I am way too stunned to speak. I feel like I am in a Mafia movie, being kidnapped by the King, but the thing is I am already dating him. My mind stops functioning. All that I can see is his Adam's apple looking so seducing. He looks at me with a smirk as if reading my mind. He removes the tie from my mouth and whispers,

''You don't have to worry, your highness. I am already your man.''

I couldn't help but blush, and the goosebumps on my hands were vivid as he grabs me by my waist and plants a soft kiss on my forehead. The scene unfolds like a surreal moment, blurring the boundaries between reality and fantasy. Irwin's unconventional and mysterious actions add an element of surprise and romance. The tie in my mouth symbolizes both a playful and assertive gesture, creating a sense of anticipation for what's to come. I sit quietly by his side as the engine roars to life.

Today has been a hectic day. I am so tired from all those meetings, and I am so hungry.

I look at Irwin with a pout and gesture towards my tummy.

''Those puppy eyes are adorable,'' he says as he pulls my cheek softly.

''I'm still waiting for an answer, Feed me; I'm hungry,'' I said.

My voice carries a mix of exhaustion and playfulness, creating a moment of vulnerability and lightheartedness.

''My little piggy,'' he chuckles as he stops the car.

''You didn't dare again,'' I said with a mischievous voice as I unlock my seat belt and jump on his lap.

Taken by surprise, his eyes widened, ''What's your intention?'' he asked.

''What do you think it is?'' I said as I pull his tie closer to me.

As I moved closer to him, the soft shuffle of his hair under my fingertips creating a tender connection. The dim glow of the streetlight outside filtered through the window, casting shadows that danced across the walls. Our faces leaned in, drawn together by an invisible force, when suddenly, the familiar ringtone shattered the serene moment. Confusion clouded our eyes as we pulled away, the headlight of the parked car outside now turned off, leaving us in a dimly lit silence. The only illumination came from the light of his phone, reflecting on my face like a subtle glow.

His eyes met mine with an apologetic look, a silent acknowledgment of the unexpected interruption. With a sigh, he reached for his phone, the cheerful expression on his face transforming into one of darkness and sorrow as he answered the call. The conversation unfolded in a series of muted exchanges, and the joy in his eyes slowly ebbed away, replaced by a cold and distant emptiness. As he cut off the call, a heavy silence lingered in the air.

"Abelia, I will talk to you later, I need to go," he said, his voice now devoid of its earlier warmth.

He opened the door for me to walk to my apartment, but before I could take a step, I couldn't help but ask, "But, what happened?"

"Just go," he replied, his tone icy and dismissive. I walked away, the sudden pain in my chest mirroring the cold atmosphere that had settled between us. The door closed behind me, leaving me alone in the quiet hallway, the weight of the unspoken words hanging in the air like a heavy fog.

As I walked to my apartment, the cool night air seemed to amplify the heaviness in my chest. The hallway felt lonelier than ever, and the echoes of his cold words lingered in my mind. I couldn't shake the feeling that something profound had shifted in that brief phone call. Entering my apartment, I closed the door behind me, the sound echoing like a somber punctuation to the evening. I paced the room, my mind racing with questions and concerns. What had transpired on the other end of that call? The once-prominent joy that illuminated his eyes had given way to a darkness I couldn't comprehend.

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