[ heaven on earth ]

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"Nigga, you need a girlfriend

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"Nigga, you need a girlfriend." I laughed at the opinion my friend told me. I took a sip of my milkshake and shook my head.

"I don't need no girlfriend. especially not with me working all the fucking time." I told August causing August to roll his eyes.

"You stay using that same dry ass excuse."

"What?" I chuckled softly and raised his eyebrow.

"The hell does you having to work got to do with you getting a girlfriend?"

"It got everything to do with it. I can't get distracted, nigga." I said sighing.

"Nah you just scared to fall in love again. Nigga, you gotta let it go. Your ass been single for 3 years now." Rolling my eyes not wanting to hear what August got to say.

"I'm not scared."

"Yeah, ok." It got silent between the two of us as I was busy on my phone and August was people watching. Watching everybody walk in and out the ice cream shop slightly judging them by their appearance.

"Yo, remember that girl you had a crush on back in high school?" August asked and I lifted my head looking at him.

"Yeah, why?"

"She just walked in and damn." I turned his head to where August was pointing and sure enough it was my high school crush, Y/N.

She was bad back in high school. Even in middle school. But she got badder now, I see.

"Bro, your ass had the biggest fucking crush on her." He laughed but my eyes was still on her.

Her hair was long and straight flowing down to the middle of her back. Her skin was glowing but she always had that clear skin since the 6th grade. I don't think I've ever seen this girl have a pimple om her face. Her body was still perfect. She always stayed fit. I always looked at her as this kind of heaven on earth.

She was here with her friends from high school.

Back in high school, she was considered the popular pretty girl. No she wasn't a cheerleader. No she didn't date any of those jocks there. She was just the prettiest girl in school and that's what made her popular. She didn't even look at herself popular either. She was only close to 10 people and had like 5 friends out of the entire school.

Y/N and I never really talked throughout the 9 years of going to the same schools with each other and being in all the same classes.

I mean we talked one time but that was cause she needed a pencil and didn't have one and I sat behind her in the class.

Her friends and her was making their way over to us and I turned my head immediately facing August.

"Yo, they coming towards us." August laughed and nodded.

"Nigga, I see that."

The girls, which it was just 3 of them, I assumed was going to walk pass our table but instead came to our table.

"Hey, you two look so familiar." Y/N's friend said and we looked up at her. My eyes went over to Y/N who was looking at her ice cream cone that was in her hand.

"Yeah, we used to go to school with y'all. If y'all want you can sit down." August suggested and I whipped my head to him and he shrugged with a smirk on his face.

The girl who's name I forgot since it's been about 4 years took a seat in the chair next to August.

"No, we don't want to interrupt you two. y/bff/n, let's go." Y/N said motioning towards her friend.

"Nah, it's cool. We don't mind do we, Chris?" August smirked.

This motherfucker.

I smiled and motioned to the two empty seats at the table and the two sat down. Y/N took the seat next to me making me get a whiff of her perfume she was wearing.

"Well, thanks."She said and I smiled at her.

"Wait, your Chris? We had classes together in high school right?" I nodded and she chuckled.

"Yeah, and in middle school."

"Really? That's crazy. How you been? You look good." She said smiled eating her ice cream.

I felt my hands get sweaty but I ignored it. She was making me nervous.

"I'm good. How you been?" She responded with her being good. I began to engage in the conversation with August and her two friends. Y/N didn't think I noticed but I saw out the corner of my eye, her eyes travel from my face to my tattoos as she was biting her lip.

"I don't remember you having these tattoos." She said pointing at my arms.

"I got them after we graduated. I told myself I wouldn't go crazy with them but here we are." I said and she laughed.

We talked some more until it was time for her and her friends to go.

"Hey, let me get your number. I know we didn't really talk in high school so maybe we can now." She suggested and holding her phone out to me. I took and placed my number in her phone.

"I'll talk to you later." She smiled and walking away with her friends.

I watched her leave before giving my attention back to August.

"So, when's the wedding?" August said snickering.

"Shut the fuck up."

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