[ lively things ]

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Your phone sat on the dashboard of your car as you drove through LA heading to your next destination

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Your phone sat on the dashboard of your car as you drove through LA heading to your next destination. The palm trees reflecting off the windows as you drove. A notification popped up lighting up your phone as you stopped at a red light.

You grabbed and read the message from none other than your man.

big bird 🤎🕺🏽:
you were supposed to be here an hour ago? where you atttttt
4:23 PM

did i or did i not say i have errands today?
4:24 PM

big bird 🤎🕺🏽:
they not important than me. i am a errand now come through🙄🙄
4:24 PM

Not being able to respond due to the light changing green, you placed your phone in the cupholder and took off towards the mall. You pulled into the parking lot and parked your car at the nearest empty spot towards the entrance. Your phone lit up again with another text message from him.

The two of you have been texting since early this morning because he claimed he missed you last night even though you were together for half the day. He just wanted to be clingy.

big bird 🤎🕺🏽:
i know you ain't just leave me on read????
4:34 PM

watch when you pull up oh it's on sight for real.
4:34 PM

You chuckled to yourself and sent him a text so he could leave you alone.

you say that constantly like im supposed to be scared of you or sumn my guy 🚶🏽‍♀️
4:35 PM

big bird 🤎🕺🏽:
I'll clear this whole shit for you rn don't even fucking play
4:36 PM

stop texting me im in spencers rn
4:36 PM

big bird:
go to the back of the store rq  🤪
4:37 PM

You snickered and left him on read closing the app. A store owner noticed and asked if you needed help with anything. You just told her you needed to return a shirt you had brought that not too long ago. The shirt you brought happened to be too small for you so you had to return it when you had the chance.

Getting your money back, another notification on your phone appeared but this time it wasn't a text. It was a instagram notification indicating Chris had just gone live.

(im stealing from his periscope from 2015 but just pretend it's an ig live 💀)

He rarely went live so you knew he really had to be bored to actually open the app and press the live option. You joined the second you got back in your car and your volume connected to the car speaker.

"I need a haircut. This shit getting out of hand." He said into the camera running a hand down his head. He took a seat on the couch and you chuckled. "Look like I just got slapped with the ugly stick."

"Don't you wanna want a fanta?" He sang holding up the orange soda bottle and took a sip. You could hear his friends in the back laughing like he just said the most funniest shit.

"Where your girl?" you could hear someone ask in the back and he sucked his teeth in aggravation.

"I don't know but she need to hurry her little ass up. I'm bored as shit," He mumbled to him thinking the camera wasn't gonna pick it up but it did. "And stop checking for my girl, nigga."

You giggled as you had just entered the Tarzana neighborhood about 15 minutes out from his house, "All these damn trucks keep pulling up for no reason. I'm not even supposed to be here today." You heard him say as he got up and went to check his front door.

"Everybody on here so damn nice. I want someone to say some slick so I could be mean." His friends laughed in the back and you shook your head.

"Somebody just commented "I am a hater."

You pulled up to the gate and it opened for you as you pulled through it. You turned the live off your phone and got out the car. You had a bag of food in your hand that you picked up from Chick Fil A knowing he was probably hungry anyways. Walking through the front door, you made eye contact with him as he was standing right there with his phone in hand still on live.

He jumped at your entrance and sucned his teeth, "What are you doing?" You asked laughing handing him the bag of food.

"That nigga up there threw a sock, had us thinking it was a ghost and shit. I was about to say yo, y'all tryna go to McDonald's. I don't want to be here anymore." He laughed at his own joke and took a seat back where he was sitting you sat down next to him.

"My baby brought me some food, y'all." He smiled goofily at the camera holding up the bag.

"Where our food at?" You scrunched your face up and rolled your eyes taking a french fry and Chris chuckled next to you taking a sip of his fanta.

"I do not like y'all." You spoke and grabbed Chris's hat placing it on your head. Chris shook his head and took a bite of the nugget you had in your hand and you sucked your teeth because that was the last one you had.

"Aight, y'all. I'ma talk to y'all later." He said ending the periscope so suddenly. You looked at him and he smiled at you.
"Why you end it? That was your fans."

"I'll go back on later but you here right now and I'm on you." He spoke softly to you and placed his hand on your inner thigh stroking it lightly. His attention darted to his three friends that was also occupying the space as well, "Yo, how long y'all planning on staying here because we got things to do."


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