[ bonnie and clyde ]

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pt 2. to on the run

all i need in this life of sin is me and my girlfriend

A smile plastered her face every time her eyes met one of the other party guests as she made her way through the crowd trying to find a quiet place

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A smile plastered her face every time her eyes met one of the other party guests as she made her way through the crowd trying to find a quiet place. She wasn't fancy of big parties but she was on a mission and put all of her anxiety to the side.

She found a pair of steps that led to the next floor up with a balcony that overlooked the entire ballroom floor. Reaching it, she leaned on it and her eyes scanned looking for one person in particular. Her eyes landed on him as he pushed through the crowd. He could feel eyes on him not knowing who they belonged to so he was on his own little mission to figure out who was stalking him.

She could feel her heart rate increase at the sight of him after so long and it was on cue. He had stopped moving and looked up slowly locking eyes with her and between the two of them, it felt like their world had stopped. Anger built up inside of her as she stared up in hatred meanwhile he was looking at her with pure admiration.

He immediately darted towards the same steps she had took and she noticed making her way towards the bathrooms, her heels echoing off the floor as she hurried. He was following close behind her and caught up to her as she walked into the ladies room pushing his way in and locking the door behind him only to regret it when another woman walked out a stall and gasp in shock of a man being in there. The both of them rolled their eyes at her reaction and Chris sighed pulling the gun that was tucked in his waist out, pointing at the woman.

"Get out before I place a bullet in the middle of your head." He said and the woman hurried out making him lock the door back.

"Since when did you become so violent?"

"Since you left me,"

"I didn't leave you. You told me to go and you'd catch up to me. It's not my fault what happened afterwards since you thought it was nice to disappear on a bitch."

"I didn't disappear. Stop being so fucking dramatic," He rolled his eyes and placed the gun on the sink of the bathroom running his hand under the warm water.

"Oh, so faking your death and never showing up after you promised me, after an entire year, wasn't you disappearing?" She could feel herself get more and more irritated just being in his presence after so long.

"How'd you even know I faked my death and where I was?"

"The way you died didn't even sound right. Even a five year old could figure your yellow ass was still alive. I did believe it at first but I'm not that stupid," She shrugged turning away from facing the mirror checking her makeup. He walked up behind her and placed his hands on either side of her trapping her between him and the sink and for some reason, that made her mad.

She pushed her elbow into him gently pushing him away and he rolled his eyes.

"So, what you doing here? You just came to stalk me or something?"

"Yes and no, I'm actually planning on robbing this guy that's here. He's holding about $45 million worth of gold in his hotel room and I want it." She spoke nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders like it was nothing. His mouth was open a bit before he let out a chuckle rubbing his forehead.

"You planning on robbing Tony? That big sloppy ass billionaire? How the fuck you find out about him?"

"From you. He's rich as hell, a couple of 45 mill missing not gonna hurt his pockets and instead it'll bless mine." She said walking to the door and he caught her wrist stopping her in her tracks. Chris still held a dumbfounded expression on his face as he tried to process anything.

"The only thing you've ever robbed was banks so what the fuck makes you think you're capable of robbing a person especially someone like him?" He asked her feeling himself get irritated. It wasn't his plan so she was confused on why he was so concerned.

"I had my fair share of practice here and there. So trust me, I got this." She said walking out the bathroom and towards the exit of the ballroom area where it took you back to the lobby of the famous Las Vegas Casino inside of the Caesar's Palace. She didn't get far so it was easy for him to catch up to her and she rolled her eyes as she pressed the up button on the elevator.

His hand gripped her waist gently as they walked in the elevator together and she took a copy of the penthouse keycard she had made and pressed the button. His eyes widen because he was tryna figure out how the fuck she was able to get a remake of a hotel room key that's supposed to be the most secured thing.

"Be fucking for real. You not doing this."

Not having the energy to respond back to him, she just smiled and nodded her head focusing on the elevator numbers that moved up quickly taking them to the top floor.

"This nigga got a bunch of security in his shit. Armed too and by the looks of you in this fine ass black dress, you not strapped nowhere." He spoke letting his eyes look her up and down taking in her figure in the black dress that fit her right with a slit showing off her leg. He also looked fine in his black suit but she wasn't gonna tell him that.

She stepped out into the hall that led to the suite and he stepped out slowly as well being cautious. Yeah, he might've robbed a good 15 banks in his lifetime and killed a few cops or whatever but he knew not to fuck with mafia people or rich billionaires in general.

She unscrewed the nails from a vent in the hall and took out a black bag that contained the most deadliest weapons anybody could own. Choosing her favorites, She stood up and held two for him to grab.

"Since you're here, do you want $22.5 million or should I just keep it all to myself?" She asked and he stood there watching her thinking this was some Mission Impossible ass shit. But he figured why not become a millionaire within the next thirty minutes so he took the guns from her and build up his confidence. She smirked then handed him a mask to cover his face and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"What's this for?"

"They got cameras in his rooms."

"And how the fuck you know that?"

"Because I've snuck in there already and that's how I know we need to take out his fifteen bodyguards in there." His mouth dropped again and she placed her fingers on his chin closing it for him.

"There's cameras all throughout the hotel and how the fuck you know how many bodyguards is in that bitch?"

"I snuck through the vents plus I had someone hack into the hotel camera specifically for this floor, the ballroom, and the lobby and set it back a few hours but kept the same time so they think everything happened in real time." She explained and slipped her mask on adjusting it to her liking. He copied her and decided on stopping the questions because she clearly had everything figured out already with or without him.

He pulled the clip on both his guns letting out a breath before looking at her who was doing the same before she made eye contact with him.

"You know I still love you, right?" She smiled and nodded her head and he could feel a weight being lifted off his shoulders.

"I still love you too. Always." She spoke and he nodded his head this time from the reassurance.

"You ready or you gonna be a pussy and chicken out?" She asked making her way to the hotel room slowly getting gun ready to bullet in between the bodyguard in front of the door forehead.

"Nah, let's get this money, baby."

down to ride till the very end is me and my boyfriend

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