0.38 | Keys Are Gone With The Tides

Start from the beginning

"Be it impolite Mark or bubbly Elizabeth; It's so good to see how you teach them things in their own way. Your method manifests how easily it can be done." Mrs Warner appreciated Joseph's efforts and seemed a little lost in her parenthood crisis. "I failed very badly on a mother's front. Mark still hates me. But I don't want El to do the same thing."

A compressed smile shaped his lips. "As I see things, she has handled the media with dignified maturity which should be appraised."

"She's a blessing." Mrs Warner countered with a nod and swiftly notified Joseph. "I'm starting with a sorry in advance for sounding too formal. Today you have to be here at sharp seven. Bring your friends along. I want Elizabeth to know that she is being accepted and loved by everyone."

"Alright, I'll be there. It will be a remarkable evening, I'm sure about it."


Ruby waddled to her room. She had grasped the doorknob and before she could push the door back, Tasher called her name, "Elizabeth!"

"What are you doing here?" Tasher nearly jumped, hearing her heated words.

"I've been waiting here for around an hour."

"Around my bedroom, you mean to say." Ruby glared.

"Yes...around your bedroom," he began stammering. His eyes narrowed and his upper lip curled cruelly. "Why are you acting like this?"

"Next time, if you want to meet me. Think of a better place." She warned him and pivoted on her heels to her room.

Tasher froze at the place. His anger boiled when Mark joined the scene and his thunderous claps drilled his eardrums.

"Excellent try. Entering into a girl's bedroom first and then in her life." Mark pretended to have a big laugh.

"What is your problem?"

"Take a wild guess."

"Probably trying to hit on her─on your sister if I'm not wrong?" Tasher spurted with a tinge of shamelessness. A mere inches distance lying between their red faces. "She for sure has sexy confidence."

"Shut the crap. You better keep your dirty tricks outside of this mansion.
Don't even come near her. She's not an easy fuck."

"Ew. That jealousy surely does signal that you are something more than─ just─ her brother." Tasher bit back, sticking out his tongue. "Did you accidentally play your brother's card to sleep next to her?"

Mark bit his lower lip and contained his smile. "She is seeing someone."

"Who?" His sharp gaze was demanding an answer.

"You will find that soon," Mark said and marched in the opposite direction.

Tasher raked his brains, who could that man possibly be? Memories came flooding back when her voice rang inside his head 'Next time if you want to meet me. Think of a better place'.

"You have insulted me, Elizabeth. Now get ready to pay the price, and that too in your very bedroom," Tasher spoke densely through gritted teeth.

 Now get ready to pay the price, and that too in your very bedroom," Tasher spoke densely through gritted teeth

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Word count - 2220

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Word count - 2220

a/n; Revenge time for Tasher Heads up! There are lotta things coming up in the next chapter.

Are you excited to go to her party?

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