17. Celebrations.

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"What's going on here?" James asked from the opening in trees, his arms folded and his face fuming as Sirius dropped Persie to the floor and she let out a breath, "James-"

"I wasn't asking you." He said sourly, keeping his eyes firmly on Sirius as he shrugged, "We were just messing around. It's fine."

"It's not. Not after Friday." James retorted bluntly as Persie folded her arms, "We aren't in third year, James! Just because I get on with your friends does not mean they're making a move!"

"I never said he was making a move! It just looks dodgy after you decided to kiss Remus!" James cried as Persie's jaw set with annoyance and she swallowed to try and calm herself down, "You know as well as I do, that never happened! I never kissed Remus! He kissed me! It was a huge misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding?! He tried it on with my sister!" James shouted making some pigeons fly out of the trees above them, "Your sister?! Your sister is me! And I have my own thoughts and feelings and I don't need you to voice them for me!"

"Guys, I think we just need to calm down." Sirius mentioned, walking towards James before glancing back at Persie as she raised a finger towards him, "Don't even think about taking his side, Sirius!"

"Why not?!" James argued, before she made a noise of frustration, "Because you're talking bullshit, James! Remus feels horrific about what happened! Can you not just let it go?"

"Hang on. How do you know how Remus feels?" James asked, as Sirius' eyes widened in slight panic as he looked back at Pers. She opened her mouth to speak but James' voice came out, "When did you speak to him?! Was he here?!"

"Yes! He was here not two hours ago, James!" Persie filled him in, touching the inner corners of her eyes with her fingertips, "Don't be mad-"

"Don't be mad?! Are you joking?! I'm fuming, Pers!" James shouted, before she ran a hand through her hair impatiently.

"James, stop!" Sirius exclaimed as Persie looked up from the floor in surprise, "Listen to yourself! You're treating her like she's five years old!"

"She's acting like she's five years old!" James retorted before Sirius shook his head, "No. I think you are."

Persie's mouth opened in shock, as James stared at Sirius, shooting daggers at him, before his face flickered and he gave out an angry breath, "Fine. You want to take her side? That's fine."

James stormed back towards the house as Persie strode up towards Sirius, stopping by his side and watching as James slammed the back door shut, the crack echoing out to them and making her wince, "Christ. I've never seen him so angry."

"Well, if Lily was having this argument with you and sided with him, you'd be pretty angry." Sirius told her, as she touched his shoulder, "Sorry. He can't stay mad at you."

"Why not?" Sirius asked, before she smirked, "He can't lose all his friends in a week."


A week later and Persie squinted into the sunlight pouring through her curtains, shuffling back slightly so she could stay out of the sun, before noticing the figure stood in her doorway. She jumped a little as Sirius laughed to himself, "Well, don't you look delightful."

"Don't be mean!" She scalded him, pushing herself into a sitting position on her bed before smiling, "It's my birthday."

"It's my birthday." Sirius copied in fake happiness, flipping his hair, before she narrowed her eyes at him and slid her feet on to the floor, "It may be early in the morning but I can kick your ass."

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