52. Curse

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Persie sat on the floor of the Room of Requirement, trying to balance a tea light over the palm of her hand. She thought about revising for Transfiguration suddenly, causing her to drop the candle on the floor, as she cursed to herself and noticed the wax spilt on the ground.

"Reparo." She said, pointing her wand to the floor and watching as the candle rebuilt itself, before whizzing back to it's place on the mantlepiece.

"What have you been up to?" Sirius asked from the door as Persie span around suddenly and heard the candle smash on the floor again, "Would you mind not scaring me? I just fixed that."

"Sorry. I assumed you knew I come here on a Wednesday, hence why you're never here." Sirius mentioned as Persie shrugged, "Why would I know that? I don't interest myself in your day to day movements. If you follow Eloise around for long enough, you'll pop up eventually."

"Can you stop doing that?" He asked, as Persie raised an eyebrow, "Doing what?"

"Bringing up Eloise every time we try and have a conversation." Sirius told her as she rolled her eyes and walked away from him, "I don't do that."

"You do." He said as he walked behind her, "Stop doing it."

"Stop telling me what to do." She replied slightly louder as she spun back around and looked at him with widened eyes, "Seriously. You don't have any responsibility for me anymore. You don't have to look after me."

"But I want to." He tried. She folded her arms and tried to look away from him, before he closed the distance between them, "You can, Sirius. Just please don't fuck with my head anymore-"

"I don't do it on purpose!" He retaliated, "Don't you think you do it to me too? Because you do."

"Don't start this again, please." Persie begged as she squeezed her eyes closed but couldn't bring herself to move away from him, "We were doing so good. Stop it or you'll make me angry at you."

"Stop what?" He asked as he reached out and brushed his fingers down her arm, as she shivered, before taking a sudden step back, "Stop it. I'm fucking serious, stop!"

"Pers, I'm sorry-" He groaned when she shook her head and unfolded her arms, "No! No, you aren't! I said, literally five minutes ago, don't fuck with my head. I explicitly asked you not to fuck me over anymore!"

"I can't help it, Pers! We've always said there's something-"

"And I've always said ignore it. I do it perfectly fine! Leave. Me. Alone." Persie cried before she stormed towards the door and Sirius dragged a hand down his face, "I don't want to lose you, Pers!"

"You just did!" She replied, slamming the door as she stepped out and ran a stressed hand through her hair.

"You alright?" Regulus asked as his head stuck around the corner and she gave him a look, "Do I look alright?"

"You look like you want to kill someone." He observed as she laughed to herself, "Yeah. Your brother."

"No surprises there." Regulus muttered, before Persie pushed herself away from the doors and wandered towards him, "Can we go and eat? I'm starving."

"No wonder. You've been in there for about three hours." Regulus commented as he followed her towards the Great Hall and she shrugged, "I need the practice."

"You're joking, aren't you? I think you're incredible." He said. Persie picked at her nails uncomfortably as she mentioned under her breath, "I wouldn't need the practice if people didn't want to use it against me."

"You and I both know that's not true. You'd train anyway." Regulus commented, "Isn't it extremely handy if you want to be an Auror?"

"Yeah, I suppose. Still have to take a year out though to do all of these admission tests." Persie told him before he smiled, "Like you need to do admissions tests."

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