14. The Reunion

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"It's here!" Ava sang, bursting through the door to their room, clutching a tightly wrapped squishy looking brown parcel.

"Any sign of mine yet?" Persie asked hopefully, her eyes brightening up a little as she looked up from her Charms text book.

"No, sorry Pers." Ava replied, frowning slightly.

"It's fine. I'm just worrying about Zorro. How long has it been now? Seven days?" Persie questioned, biting her cheek as she looked out of the common room window.

"I'm sure he's fine! He probably just stopped for a little break." Lily shrugged; snapping shut her potions book and stepping over her trunk in the middle of the floor.

"Yeah, I suppose." She frowned, examining the dark sky, "I think I'm going for a walk."

"Really? It's going to piss it down any second now!" Lily exclaimed, gesturing over to the window.

"I'll be fine." Persie stated, before turning on her heels and heading out of the portrait hole. She'd walked down to the corridor leading on to the Entrance Hall, before bashing into someone's shoulder.

"Hey, watch where you're - Pers?" Justin said as he span around to face her, "I didn't see you there."

"You're telling me." She laughed, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Sorry, I didn't mean -" He started before she cut him off.

"No, it's fine. You seriously need to stop apologising to me!" She said, before letting a small laugh escape her lips.

"Well okay then! Oh, yeah, I have a surprise for you!" He sang, smirking to himself as she felt herself smile back, but was internally smacking herself as she tried not to fall back into his trap again. 

"Really?" She replied, sticking up an eyebrow and folding her arms, "Can I ask what it is first?"

"No, because then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" Justin chuckled.

"No catches?" She asked, hiding her inner doubt with a small smile.

"No catches." He stated.


"Yes, I promise!" He cried exasperatedly, "Can we go now?"

And with that, they began to ascend to Ravenclaw Tower, taking the shortest route possible through all of the revolving stairs and corridors. When they reached the Common Room door, the knocker did it's usually thing and turned into a mouth, reading out a riddle for the Ravenclaw to solve.

The man who makes it doesn't want it. The man who wants it doesn't use it. The man who's using it doesn't know he is using it.

They stood in silence for a minute or so, before Persie turned to look at him, tapping her foot with a slight impatience on the stone floor, listening to her sole click in time, "You're the Ravenclaw. I don't have a hope in hell." 

"A Coffin." Justin finally stated, watching the door swing open in front of him.

"What a horrible riddle." Persie stated, opening her mouth as she followed him inside.

"I don't choose them! I just solve them." He laughed, walking over to the dormitory stairs.

"Ooo, get in there Adams!" Crossier cooed from behind his book, snickering with his fifth year friends.

"Shut it Crossier, or I'll shut it for you!" Justin shouted over at him, before disappearing up off the stairs, shortly followed by Persephone. He stepped off of the stairs towards a door, in which was his dormitory. It swung open as he approached, causing a creepy creaking to cascade out into the corridor.

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