13. The Forbidden Forest

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A week since detention, and Sirius and Persie had finally finished their many nights of service to Professor Slughorn, although there had been no repeat of what had happened on the first night.As they left for the last time and headed back up to Gryffindor Tower, Sirius tapped her on the arm and cleared his throat uncomfortably, "Can I have a word? Outside?"

"Sure." She replied following him out into a dark spot underneath a window outside as she rubbed her arms, "Can we make this quick? I'm freezing already."

"Well, to sum it up, I really don't think we should do what we did on Sunday again." He started, before she furrowed her eyebrows, "Okay?"

"Ever." He added, before she gave him a look, "Alright, Sirius. Calm down. I get the picture."

"And I think you should try and stay away from me." He told her as her eyes widened, "Me stay away from you?"

"Yes." Sirius stated, before she took an intake of breath in disbelief, "It takes two to tango, Black. Don't go blaming this all on me! I was not the one who was all over you on Sunday."

"Alright, Pers, I'm just saying! It was definitely a huge mistake." Sirius declared, before her mouth dropped open, "A mistake?! That's rich! 'I've been trying to ignore it', 'I can't do it anymore'-"

"Pers, will you be quiet please?!" He begged putting his hands together before she smacked them away from her, "No! No, I won't! Next time you want to use someone because your bored with Ava, don't pick me!"

"Pers, you're taking this way too far-" Sirius started before she set her jaw and glared at him, "Am I?! You brought this up so now you deal with the aftermath. Don't come near me."

He reached out to try and grab her arm, before she smacked it away and proceeded to walk back inside. She made a noise of frustration, watching as one of the paintings next to her swung slightly out of place, before shaking her head and continuing up to the Common Room. She stormed through the group of people stood in the centre and straight up to the dormitory, slamming the door behind her and smacking her hand on the wall next to it.

"Persie?! Pers! What are you doing?!" Ava shouted, hammering on the door, making it rattle in it's frame, making her roll her eyes in annoyance, "Go away, Ava! I'm not in the mood!"

"If you're going to be like that then talk to someone else!" Ava said, her voice getting quieter as she ran back down the stairs.

Silence over came the dormitory for several minutes as Persie sat herself on the bed, putting her head in her hands before another person twisted the door knob, attempting to open it to get in.

"Hello? Is anyone in there?" Lily voice called, knocking on the door quietly.

"Me." Persie replied, grimly looking back over and wiping her eyes a little.

"Oh, it's you. Well, can I come in anyway?" Lily asked.

"Sure." Persie stated, unlocking the door and storing her wand back into her robe pocket, watching as Lily appeared sheepishly in the doorway. Lily strolled into the room, shutting the door behind her and headed for her trunk, stood at the foot of her bed.

"You okay?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow and stopping midsearch in her trunk.

"Why would you care?" Persie questioned, flipping her hair over her shoulder and looking over towards her.

"I don't. I just notice." Lily replied, breathing out deeply and returning to shuffling around everything in her trunk. A few moments passed in silence before Persephone spoke again, watching intently at what Lily was doing.

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