21. Journeys

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The last day of the school term rolled on and Persie was stood on the platform, bustling around to try and get a compartment on the train. All she could see was flashes of red, blue, yellow and green as students from all four houses pushed past and mingled with their other friends. She found an entrance to the train, climbing on board and looking down the corridor for a compartment that was empty or in fact contained any member of Gryffindor house.

"Pers!" Lily called, sticking her head out of a compartment behind her and waving an arm out. She smiled, running down and being pulled in before a load of first years came tumbling past the window. She looked around and found Lily, Ava, Miranda and Remus sat in the carriage all looking extremely tired, yet excited for summer.

"Hey." She said quietly, seating herself opposite Remus and smiling in his direction as Lily hugged her shoulders, "Hey. How are you holding up?"

"Fine." Persie answered, shifting sideways to lean against the wall out into the corridor and hugging her knees to her chest, "I just want to go to bed."

"Oh, honey!" Lily frowned, "It gets better, I promise."

"Do you want me to buy you a Chocolate Frog?" Ava offered as Persie smiled and shook her head, "No thanks. But I appreciate the gesture."

"Sorry I'm so bad at this." Ava commented, "I mean, if it was me and Sirius, you'd be so much better at this than me. I can't imagine how bloody awful I'd feel if he ended it with me. Heartbroken doesn't even begin-"

Persie's stomach flipped and she felt herself want to throw up in her mouth. She put a hand on her head to try and cool it down and how awful she felt obviously showed on her face as Lily glanced up and noticed her turning pale.

"Ava?!" Lily told her friend, turning to look at her slowly with wide eyes, "Stop. Talking."

"Right ... sorry." Ava mumbled, shuffling back into her seat in defeat and looking rather sheepish, "Oh god. Speak of the devil."

"What goes on?" James announced as he sat on the other side of Lily to Persie and Sirius sat in the gap between Remus and Ava, "You all look like someone's died."

"Just my relationship that's dead here, Sirius." Persie pointed out with a sarcastic smile and he raised an eyebrow, "You ended it?"

"No. Yes. Maybe, I don't know." She retorted, "Are you really that oblivious to not notice I haven't spoken to him in weeks?."

"Sorry I don't keep up with the ins and outs of your life. I'm not a Seer." He answered shortly, as she gave him a look of utter fury and stood up, storming out of the compartment and slamming the door on the way out. She didn't know where she was going, only that she couldn't bare to be in a small space with him any longer.

"What are you doing, Potter?" Regulus called further down the corridor as Persie looked up and continued to walk towards him, steadying herself on the wall and the train rounded a corner, "Nothing."

"Well, it can't be that unimportant. You look absolutely fuming." Regulus mentioned as she folded her arms, "Yeah, well, I can't stand to be breathing the same air as your brother right now, so..."

"Story of my life," He answered slightly bitterly, before turning his head back towards his compartment, "I would offer you to come and sit with us but I think that wouldn't go down very well."

"And do you know what the worst thing is?" Persie asked, "I'm seriously contemplating it after that whole fiasco. God! He makes me so angry!"

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