66. Nightmare

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Persie was running. Running towards a door because it was the only thing in this pitch black nothingness. It was the same as always. Her chest felt heavy and tears streamed down her face from the cold air running on to her skin. She began to feel the lactic acid building in her legs as her chest tightened and she tumbled to the floor, rolling a few times before coming to a halt on her stomach. She rolled over on to her back and drew in huge gulping breaths, before sobbing into her hand and trying to sit upright. The ground just pulled her back down again.

"Not again. Not again. Please!" She screamed as the ground sucked into a thick black tar like substance and it began to cover her mouth again. She couldn't breathe for about thirty seconds, before she felt herself falling through the air. Persie fell to a smack on the grass and groaned out in pain. She pushed herself up and pulled her hair out of her face, before stumbling towards the house in front of her. It was the same as always.

She pushed inside and fell to the floor, before coughing up a load of blood and spitting it on to the floor. Persie pulled her hand up from her up from her ribs and examined the blood covering it.

"Get up, Potter!" Bellatrix's voice shrieked from in front of her as she raised her head and her face dropped in shock, "This isn't meant to happen."

"Oh god. Why is she here?" Sirius groaned as he glanced down at Persie and she pushed herself up off of the floor.

"Just come on, babe." Ava mentioned as she stepped out of the shadows and Persie's mouth screwed up, "You- Stay away! Get away from him!"

"Your powers don't work here, love." She scoffed as she leaned in to his cheek and planted her lips to it.

"GET OFF! STOP IT!" Persie screamed as she dived towards them and felt herself get pulled backwards by the foot.

"I got Potter! I got Potter!" Bellatrix sang as Sirius and Ava became smaller and smaller and Persie felt her chest injury burning from the friction, "No. Please, god, no."

She came to a stop and her leg smacked to the floor and she tried to pull herself away but was flipped over on to her back, "You got somewhere to be, Potter?"

"Where's Sirius?" She asked, before Bella cackled, "He's gone home, sweetheart. To his actual family. Well, the one's you didn't murder."

"I am not a murderer." Persie stated, as she pushed herself off of the floor and rubbed her mouth on her sleeve, "Get out! Go away! Run back to your- your-"

"Try not to pass out, Potter. I think the guilt's pulling you down." Bellatrix mentioned and Persie felt herself being pulled down through the floorboards again. She hated this part. Persie just sighed and held her breath as her head was pulled through the floorboards and she began to fall. She felt the air on her face, fully expecting to wake up anytime soon but she just kept going.

"Wait!" She screamed before came into contact with the floor and felt her head smack on the ground.

"Ow." She groaned, lifting her head up off of the floor and glancing around in the darkness. The familiar fear of being in darkness began to creep up on her as she reached about for her wand and realised it wasn't there.

Her breathing was shuddering. Her hands shook is she brought them into her chest and hugged herself. She kept whipping her head left to right to look out for someone.

"Hello?" She called. Her voice just echoed away into the distance.

"Hello?!" She shouted a little louder. Her chest was heaving so loud that her weak lung started to strangle itself again and she felt herself going into panic mode.

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